Rating:  Summary: Not a good book on ADD Review: As a parent of child with ADD, I have read a great deal of material about children with these types of problems. Unfortunately, this book was very disappointing in its discussion of these issues. The definition of an indigo child was confusing and incoherent. The suggestions for discipline didn't begin to touch on the special needs for these children and things that really can be done to help them. Some of the essays negated research findings without providing any evidence. For example, research has shown for a long time that diet doesn't impact ADD. This was disproved by numerous studies over 30 years ago. This book reflects the feeling of some people on these issues. It has some really far out ideas, like these children come from another planet. I don't believe my daughter comes from another planet. She is a beautiful gift from God, and there are lots of resources out there to help her and others like her. But this book isn't one of them.
Rating:  Summary: You KNOW your child is not like kids we grew up with... Review: Children today seem brighter, more opinionated and definitely more defiant. They are master "button pushers" and come into this world with a sense of "royalty". These children often act and talk like adults in little bodies - appearing wise beyond their birth years. Traditional parenting methods simply don't work and cause considerable tension and frustration in families. If you've been pulling your hair out (and reading any parenting book you can get your hands on!) trying to find something, ANYTHING, that will help you become a better parent or teacher to a challenging child like this, this is the book. You'll learn that it's not your imagination --- kids really are very different than previous generations. The book is full of tips and advice on how to guide these children into adulthood. The "What Can You Do?" chapter offers more than 60 pages of useful information from twelve experts. Topics in this chapter include "disciplining the Indigo Child", "seven secrets to raising a healthy and happy child", "teaching the children", "sending potent, positive messages to children" and much more. This book will help you recognize and celebrate your children for their exceptional qualities --- and, most importantly, provide new ways to guide them to adulthood while showing them you love and care.
Rating:  Summary: Dont waste your time Review: As a teacher I picked up this book and thought it may have some new approaches to helping kids. It does alright. According to this book, children with ADD or ADHD have come from another planet to prepare us for the new age. There are many techniques that are known to work and help these children, but this book doesn't go that far. It scratches the surface of how to really help these children and deals more with this our kids are from another planet philosophy. Unless you are into believing this idea that our children are aliens, don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: A strange book about children Review: I picked this book up because I thought it might tell me something new about dealing with children, especially those with ADD. I was interested because my child has ADD. First, I couldn't figure out what Indigo meant. The articles in this book were very confusing. I think any parent could see their child as an Indigo child. However, as I read more I became shocked. The idea that our children are different because they are space aliens is pretty far out! It seems like the authors are not all here mentally! I realize that everyone is entitled to their beliefs. But let's be up front about it. The advice given on dealing with chldren was also disappointing. I'd recommend a more down to earth book for parents. Don't waste your time here unless you are a follower of this space aliens among us beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: A Misleading book about children Review: This collection of essays purports to be the result of experts who have observed and studied children. It claims to provide insight and advice to parents on special children, such as those with ADD or ADHD. Let's get the facts straight about this book. The supposed experts have very questionnable credentials. There are no leading scientist or child behavioralists here. There is no new research, and there are no new insights here. Since I have a child with ADD, I was very disappointed. The advice given here could be given by a Sunday school teacher. Yes, all children are special. Yes, children teach us about love. Yes, you should not hit children; yes,you should listen to them. Incrediable news? This book has nothing new to offer in terms of dealing with our children. However, it does have a new approach. Our children are from outer space. That is why they have a hard time fitting in! I think perhaps the authors here are from outer space!
Rating:  Summary: A New age book on space aliens Review: This book is about a "trekkie" new age philosophy toward children. This is not a parent guide on dealing with children. According to the writers, the Indigo children are children from another planet sent to earth to teach us how to love and introduce us into a new age. The "fine minds" the back cover describes the writers of these compositions, are believers in a metaphysical philosophy that we have space aliens living among us, mainly our children. This book does not deal with practical parenting issues. It's for "star trekkies" and people who believe in aliens and UFOs.
Rating:  Summary: A book on space aliens Review: When I picked up this book, I thought it was about children with attention deficit disorder or learning problems. This book deals with that subject, but it is written from a far out perspective. According to the authors, these children are from another planet and here to teach us about love. While all children teach us wonderful things, the reader needs to realize that one is reading a book written by members of a new cult or space alien philosophy. It that is what you believe, its a free country. But don't expect realistic "down to earth" advice here.
Rating:  Summary: Some kids are different- they're from outer space? Review: This book is a collection of essays on children with attention and ADD problems. Since the credentials for many of the authors are not given, I found the expertise of the contributors varying and questionnable. While a few of the essays are clear and direct, some are rambling and incoherent. There is no new science or expert advice here. If you have read anything on parenting skills, you don't need to read this book. What is new here is the explanation or background understanding. The authors see these children as coming from a different planet to welcome the new age 2000 on earth. This is strange book. It seems more likely that the authors need mental health services!
Rating:  Summary: Our children come from another planet? Review: This is a very strange book which asserts that these children are called Indigo because one author sees them as the color blue and they come from another planet. There are several essays which make no sense at all. Some of the essays are well written, but the information provided is nothing new. When you finsh this book, if you read it all, you are left thinking that the writers have lost touch with reality. lost touch with reality.
Rating:  Summary: our bright children are space aliens? Review: As a non-American I sometimes have problems with American 'science': on the one hand clearly the US is place of great intellectual and scentific advancement. This book contains seemingly much eye-opening scientific-based material on the problems which we have to deal with when our children are categorized by state institutions such as schools, as well as our society generally, about what constitutes 'normal behaviour'. For those of us with "wild, hyperactive children", for whom physicians are only too happy to prescribe drugs to 'normaize them', this book gives a sense of relief; relief that really the problem does not lie with the children but society and its expectations. But then comes the absudities of the book! We are now asked to believe that our children may be space aliens, sent to us from othe rplanets. The authors ask us to skip these chapters if we feel such a thought embarrasssing; but this is hardly possible! What on earth are we expected to think about this? This is cultist stuff.