Rating:  Summary: Indigo Children ARE diffrent, special...and they are HERE! Review: If you are a parent....chances are good that you are parenting an indigo child. It may be difficult for many native Earth vibrations to believe that help has arrived to Earth, and it may not seem like "help" at first. Our precious children are masters of Light...no wonder they scoff at our corrupt and blind "authority". They will change the world and this book can inform parents how to either help or get out of the way.
Rating:  Summary: It's time we noticed1 Review: I am a former pediatrician who now practices holistic medicine for adults and children with chronic problems. I therefore see many children with labels like ADD/ADHD. It maks me shudder to think what we are doing to them when we give them drugs. This book may help explain some of this behavior. Although not all ADD kids are Indigo and not Indigo kids have ADD, we as doctors, parents, teachers and counsellors need to understand that Indigo children are special. They are here (whether or not you believe they are "from" another planet) to shift the world to a new vibration and energy level. This book does an excellent job in explaining what this is all about as well as giving us advice from profesionals and parens who deal with them. This book has opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at the world and gives me hope for our planet's future.
Rating:  Summary: Different Review: I was not sure what to expect from this book. I found some of the concepts interesting and plausible, however, I find it difficult to understand at many points exactly what the author was trying to get across. It did seem a bit far outside the mainstream for me, but then I cannot dispute or agree with the authors. It does provide a different viewpoint for many of us exasperated parents of these wonderful children with special needs. I don't find this to be any type of cure all, or even offer much advice to those who are living with children who are severely ADD/ADHD, but I do appreciate many of the things they had to say to help me focus on my child as a true individual with a spirit unlike mine. I would suggest getting this from a library before purchasing, just to see if it will be the right type of book for you, your needs and if it will give you an additional perspective into your child.
Rating:  Summary: A disappointment Review: As a mother of a child with ADD, I was looking for fresh ideas and insight. I wanted tips for parenting, methods for understanding, and real ideas that might help. This book did not fulfill any of my goals. The main goal of this book is to sell the idea that these children come from another planet. There are no new tips or ideas in how to help these children. Although there is preaching about not using medication. My suggestion is that if you want real help, look somewhere else!
Rating:  Summary: Another viewpoint, useful information! Review: When working with children you must have both consistent and individual ways of working with them to achieve the desired result. Group settings are not always the best way to educate, but that's the way most of society is set up today. This book gives many angles, many viewpoints and many options that can be used with the general population and children in particular, so be open minded!! Try something new, do something a little bit different than you have in the past --- and see if a shift in your own behavior makes a difference in theirs! It's worth a try --- and that is the point of the book. Watch for the next book from the same authors in a few months! This is not a cure-all --- it's successful suggestions from many people in the field with children every day who are willing to share their experiences. Don't you have something to share?
Rating:  Summary: Stepping up and amazed Review: In reading this book it is best to understand the universal implications of the information. I was surprised while reading the other reviews that there were so many that had a genuine interest in the subject, yet missed the message from the spiritual aspect. I called up the book to order one for each family on my holiday list. I was impressed with the cross section of contributors and the list of contacts in the back, allowing follow through when the question of "what am I dealing with here" arises. My personal understanding was not that these children are from outer space but that they are souls that have been born "remembering " the truth of where we all come from. I have personally had 5 near death experiences and have been to the place of mystery that many only can speculate about. These children have been born with this knowing and see through the games of life, to the truth. The one thing that I will leave you with is that this could be one of the long awaited opportunities to discontinue the over drugging of our youth. May we learn from them the importance of living in our truth and from a place of love and respect for all souls. Thumbs UP !!
Rating:  Summary: Not very practical or readable Review: I found this book very disappointing. Some of the writing was confusing and hard to understand. At times it was contracdictory. An Indigo child is this, but than in Indigo child is that. Really, it's based on what "color" the child is.? What does that mean? There must be some underlying theories that are behind some of this writing, but they are not explained. One idea is explained. That idea is that these children are from outer space!? This seems to refute the idea that ADD children have always been and have not been identified and also it refutes the other idea that ADD may be due to environmental factors. I don't know which if any is true, but I don't believe our children are from outer space! There are some writings here that are well written, but they don't give practical advice on ADD children or children with special needs. There are much better books out that deal with these issues.
Rating:  Summary: Misleading and absurd Review: Although we now have a label we can use, ADD or ADHD is not a new pheonomena. If you read a description of George Wahsington's step son who was raised at Mt. Vernon, you will recognize right away that he probably had ADD. Washington did everything he could to help his stepson. He had special tutuors and sent him to a good private school. While the rates of ADD appear to be rising, we don't know really know what it was in the past. However, if you study past lives, you can see that it has been around for a long time. In my own childhood, I can remember the boys who couldn't concentrate and got into trouble. In those days they were just labeled trouble makers and encouraged to drop out of school. Now, finally we recognize the problem and many children are getting help for it. How many still go undetected? ADD is not new; only the label is new. I agree with the ideas that we need to love and help these children, but the premise of this book, that these children are new and from another planet is absurd.
Rating:  Summary: I believe in angels but........ Review: First, so you know where I am coming from, I do believe in angels, and in the importance of spiritual development of children. I believe all children are special and we need to learn to understand them. I thought that this book would be helpful. However, there is a mixture of quality in terms of the writing and presentation of ideas. I couldn't figure out what an Indigo child was from the essays. Some were incoherent. Some of the essays were well written, but offered nothing new in terms of a child's spiritual, learning or other development. When it came to the idea that some of these children are from outer space, another planet, I had to draw the line. I believe in God, angels, and spiritual intervention. This book misses the mark.
Rating:  Summary: Let's Get Real Man! Review: After reading this book and reading some of the reviews given here I am amazed! All parents should read this book? All teachers should read this book? Why? To promote the ideas that our children are space aliens? I fear for our children if teachers buy into this stuff! I agree with the reviewer that said this is cultist stuff! Teachers and parents beware!