Rating:  Summary: Best education in Type 2 Diabetes Review: This book is a standout! The very best of the dozen or so books I have read on Diabetes. I learned more in this book than all the other combined. The author writes from experience and has many ideas on ways to get the best blood sugar control.
This is one that I need to buy and own so I can refer back to it again and again. I recommend that anyone with Type 2 diabetes to read this book if you are serious about getting better blood sugar control! Her approach is sypathetic too. It's good to get this information from someone who knows from the inside what you are thinking and feeling.
There are two things I've been craving for, this book & a nice cup of s o y f e e. You brew just like coffee and NO CAFFEINE! I can't believe it's made from so ybeans cause it taste just like coffee. Look for it online at ww.s o y coffee.com. Like the book, a great find!
Two chapters standout in my mind. One is about burnout; you have to face diabetes everyday, it doesn't go on vacation. The other is about going to social events and having trouble finding something acceptable to eat. I would think this would be a very good book for diabetes counslors to give to their new patients when first learning of diagnosis of diabetes.
Rating:  Summary: Don't try controlling Type 2 w/o the knowledge in this book. Review: This book provides the underlying foundation of knowledge that anyone with Type 2 needs before they can even begin to develop a plan of action for managing this disease. There is no other disease that depends so much on the patient as does Type 2. This book provides you with the tools to make informed decisions about your personal plan of attack to prevent long-term complications and also points out how your diagnoses may actually be a blessing in disguise. This book doesn't preach it's own "cures", but simply provides information and sources of additional knowledge. Read this book before all others to sort out the facts from the hype. JR
Rating:  Summary: Great book. Review: This is a great book on teaching people how to deal with diabetes. How ever why get yourself stuck on medication when you have a chance to avoid them? Polysaccharidepeptides (PSPs) are by far a growing alternative solution to helping our bodies deal with the immune diseases, like diabetes and MS. I recommend the book "Kiss your life hello" by Howard Pieper. For more information on PSPs go to www.smartliving.healthywize.com
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: This is a great book.It is extremely well-organized, written for the lay reader, easy to read, and yet covers a very broad selection of material. I'm an engineer and read extensively after being diagnosed. This book and Richard Bernstein's "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution" were definitely the best of the lot.
Rating:  Summary: This is the one to get. Review: When I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, I immediately bought half a dozen books on the disease, and friends and family gave me a few more. This is absolutely the best of the bunch. It's comprehensive, and covers as much (or more) as any other book on the market. It's well written, and obviously done by somebody with a brain who doesn't just parrot somebody else's propaganda, but has some wit and skepticism. It also provides good starting points for further research, so you can keep up to date.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Easy to Read and Educational Book Review: You won't regret getting this book! Gretchen Becker's "The First Year Type 2 Diabetes" is very well-organized, easy to read, and wonderfully educational. It is organized based on the information you need and the amount of detail you can assimilate -- in other words, first things first, with finer points and expanded details later in the book. The information she presents includes the most recent research. She discusses the merits and myths of the most popular diets and treatments you will hear about. I got her book when I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, before talking with a diabetes educator or attending any classes on diabetes. By the time I was formally educated, I had already heard everything from Gretchen's book, and was also able to identify some dated traditional information. She really helped me understand why there isn't a consensus of opinion on the "best" diet for diabetics, and the source of many unfounded and/or unsubstantiated arguments for and against the popular approaches. For example, she discusses the pros and cons of the Food Pyramid (USDA, ADA), low-fat diets (Ornish, etc), exchange diets (ADA, Zone, Weight Watchers, etc), low-carb diets (Atkins, etc). If you are in the "Your body, your science experiment" camp, she tells you several easy experiments to learn more about your own body processes various foods so you can take control and fine tune your own treatment.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Easy to Read and Educational Book Review: You won't regret getting this book! Gretchen Becker's "The First Year Type 2 Diabetes" is very well-organized, easy to read, and wonderfully educational. It is organized based on the information you need and the amount of detail you can assimilate -- in other words, first things first, with finer points and expanded details later in the book. The information she presents includes the most recent research. She discusses the merits and myths of the most popular diets and treatments you will hear about. I got her book when I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, before talking with a diabetes educator or attending any classes on diabetes. By the time I was formally educated, I had already heard everything from Gretchen's book, and was also able to identify some dated traditional information. She really helped me understand why there isn't a consensus of opinion on the "best" diet for diabetics, and the source of many unfounded and/or unsubstantiated arguments for and against the popular approaches. For example, she discusses the pros and cons of the Food Pyramid (USDA, ADA), low-fat diets (Ornish, etc), exchange diets (ADA, Zone, Weight Watchers, etc), low-carb diets (Atkins, etc). If you are in the "Your body, your science experiment" camp, she tells you several easy experiments to learn more about your own body processes various foods so you can take control and fine tune your own treatment.