Rating:  Summary: Are you the One for Me? Review: I sat down and read this compellingly insightful book in a day and half (I had to do other things, you know!). I was amazed at how "right on the money" Barbara was about my own relationships and the patterns I was taking! I HIGHLY recommend that you read this book, especially if you find yourself in destructive relationships. Happy reading!
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Review: I got divorced in 1998 and wondered what I did wrong. This book helped me figure out that it wasn't me.......... but the people I chose who had something wrong w/them. It made me aware of the fact that I had made some bad choices in dating and marrying. I don't make those bad choices anymore............and if I happen to choose a bad one..........it doesn't last very long because I know what to look for now in a potential loser! I know this book will play a big part in my choosing the right person next time.
Rating:  Summary: Take advice from a Failure !!!! Review: I am a man and I had picked up the book to gain some insight into dating process. Instead, the book presents dating, romance and marriage as some kind of business arrangement where you start interviewing candidates from the first day you meet them, negotiate about every possible aspect of relationship and leave if the arrangement does not give you what you are looking for (no matter how long you have been married, consequences to kids, etc). No wonder the author went through five divorces herself, found a man she knew for 2 years but was not interested in, suddenly realized that if her arrangement with this man is working - she must be "in love with this man". Give me a break Barbara ... stop the misuse of word love. Stop using the drama in your life to rob people of their money. If you are a man, only thing this book will tell you is how misguided a women can be about the whole thing, if they seek advice from a failure!!! It is like a serial killer writing a book about how to stop crime!!!
Rating:  Summary: I recognized my past mistakes with women in this book Review: Oh God, how I wish I read this when I was younger! This book could have saved me from marrying the wrong woman. I'm not much for reading dating / relationship books, but this one got me curious. If you are a guy lookng for that serious relationship with a woman, but you are afraid of divorce, you may want to read this one. It has a lot of good stuff on how to better your chances in finding a sweet, thoughtful woman. It helps you recognize the red flags a woman may be giving off but you can't recognize them because you may be thinking with the wrong head. This is a must read!
Rating:  Summary: Great book to evaluate your relationship Review: I recently ended an engagement from a relationship that was initially very fulfilling but ended up being unfulfilling for both of us. I knew I needed to end the relationship, but the reasons for doing so weren't exactly clear to me. Reading this book I realized a multitude of mistakes that I made getting into the relationship in the first place and how I compounded those mistakes later. The exercises in the book made things very clear and I now am aware of my bad habits in forming relationships and can also look for bad habits out of potential partners. It helped ease some of my heartache and I am now better prepared for finding that special someone and choosing her for the right reasons, not the wrong ones as was my trend in the past. I also have identified some things I need to work on myself that I wasn't fully aware of before. I especially liked the compatibility rating exercise, made me realize how I was letting a couple areas of very strong compatibility overshadow many areas where we weren't compatible.
Rating:  Summary: This book helped me choose my lifepartner! Review: I was in the most difficult situation last summer. I was trying to decide whether to stay with my boyfriend of two years, who I had had a difficult relationship with, but who had really started changing after I threatened to break up with him (for the better), or to move on to be with a man who I felt was my soulmate, and who I was very much in love with. I didnÂ't want to make the wrong decision, because I knew that I would be staying with the man that i chose, probably for the rest of my life. I was trying to decide who would be best for me to live with, in the long run, and this was the book that helped me make up my mind, and feel confident about my desicion! I was amazed at how much this book could give me, and if you have a difficult desicion to make, I am confident it will help you too! Tremendously!
Rating:  Summary: Teaches you how to avoid problematic people/relationships Review: When I broke up with my girlfriend, I decided I was going to do things differently; first, I would spot warning signs earlier and second, I would be conscious of my own shortcomings which needed work. So, rather than be the typical guy who never tries to get advice, I decided to read several books with varying opinions. One of the things I like about this book is that it has a huge list of problematic people and how to spot their symptoms. Personally, I feel this is classic b/c it's a lot harder to get out of a relationship with a problem person once you're emotionally involved with them. How many people have gotten involved with lovers who were emotionally closed off? How many got involved with a lover addicted to drugs or food or something else which took away from the relationship? How about a rageaholic who would explode and make you walk on eggs? How about someone who was still recovering from child abuse? How about a control freak? How about those who got involved with someone who was married? If you read this book, you could very well save yourself years from getting involved with someone who isn't ready for a relationship or who has subtle flaws which aren't entirely noticeable until you are emotionally involved with the person. Overall, a 4 1/2 star book. It also has a great section about finding the right type of person and an exercise chart at the back to figure out what you want and how to spot it. Best of luck.
Rating:  Summary: Are you the one for me Review: I have been in a two year relationship with a man who was one month out of a 25 yr marriage. I am 17 yrs. healed from my marriage so was ready for a love. I thought my bubbly personality and history of dating wisdom would cure all. Sadly, I was wrong and am now heart broken. I realized that it was unkind to both of us to interupt someone's journey of healing. Reading this book was as though someone tossed a lighted match into my soul. The comfort knowing that Barbara had suffered this heart ache a few times - I knew someone understood my pain. As I read on, I realized what work lay before me in understanding the patterns that are developed over time resulting in these choices. I have a very different understanding of what loving and being loved is all about. The exercises really helped put things in line. I have a better understanding of letting go of something for my own well being and I can create the possibility of a great future. This book is a God send in asking questions and choosing carefully and dealing with your short term pain for long term gain. Thank you I have also purchased the 100 most asked questions and Secrets about Men every Woman should know.
Rating:  Summary: A Definite Must Read! Review: Do you you keep running into the wrong person for you? How long does a relationship usually last for you? This is a definite must read if you are having problems in trying to meet that right person for you. It gives plenty of things to think about and plenty of ideas to use when trying to best determine if that person is worth your time. Learn how to know if your date is worth seeing further after just a few dates. Her book on this subject puts my version to shame. Perry Rose, author of "I Love You...Will You Marry Me?!" & Women, Sex And Dating, For The Single Man.
Rating:  Summary: The manual on how to fall in love with the right person Review: Very complete, great checklists. Barbara has taught me how to identify if a relationship / person has the potential to be what I want from the beginning and not fall in love with the wrong person. This has saved me a lot of time and heartache in dating. I'm so much more secure of what I want, and ready to end a relationship that isn't working, instead of hoping it will work some day. I've raised my standards on relationships so much higher now, before, I'd get stuck in relationships that had 30 - 50% of what I wanted and hope I could work out the rest. Now, after the book, I will only settle for a relationship that is at least 70 - 80% of what I want (that's a relationship where it's fun to accept the differences and work out the rest) Most important, I've learned that falling in love with the wrong person is a waste of my time and energy. People downgrade her for her 5 divorces, but the truth is, without them and the other failed relationships that she candily shares the learnings with us, it wouldn't have given her the knowledge to write the book. She's clearly a person who has learned from her mistakes and is teaching us not to repeat them. Thanks, Barbara