Rating:  Summary: This is the cure to the "Poor Me" Syndrome!!! Review: Wow! Finally!!! This book makes common sense look easy, but apparently it is not! I am a 25 year young single woman. Four out of five of my closest friends got married. Four out of those four ended or are ending in divorce. Not a good track record. I always end up helping to pick up the pieces. Now, I have help and wisdom beyond my words!Barbara is not as brutal and self righteous as Dr. Laura or wordy and fluffy as John Gray. She is direct, intriguing, honest, and helpful to all--married, divorced, single, male, female, all ethnicity's, ages, and sexual orientations. This book is great for 1. Single people looking for love. 2. People who keep making bad choices in relationships. 3. Divorced people who still don't understand why. 4. And people considering marriage. The exercises really dig in and have you answer the really tough questions that everyone is afraid to ask you--and you are afraid to ask yourself. And it is the only self help book that does not revolve around religion and it does not condemn any lifestyles. It caters to the individual. That's something new! The ladies that are divorcing or divorced now know why and they no longer pull the "Victim Card." The ladies looking for love now make better judgements. I, also, purchased this book for 3 of my co-workers who are all planning to marry within the next year. They have a oral contract with me and each other to complete this book with their future wives and husband as well as go through pre-marital counseling. No excuses. I mean business and so does Barbara!!! Marriages should be built to last! There is no "Poor Me" in a marriage. Everything you need to know will come out sooner or later. Don't waste time! $5.20 is nothing compared to the cost of being a victim. Thanks, Barbara!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great book for men and women Review: Though the book caught my eye in the bookstore, the content is fantastic. It is an easy read, well written and spiced up with very applicable real word stories. This book has great lessons on how and why we end up with the people we choose and how to figure out if relationships issue are challeges that can be fixed or ones that mean it is time to quit while the getting is good. Plus the book shows one how to take steps to fix a broken relationship, and how to pick better partners from the beginning. This is a book I have read twice, recommended to best friends and given as an X-mas gift.
Rating:  Summary: What a Babe! She's Barb-a-licious! Review: Hey..forget the Rules, Dude, like have you checked out this Dr. Barbara "Phd" De Angelis on her TV infomercial! Whoa....she's like really small and u KNOW I'm s-o-o-o BUMMED by F.C. (fAtChIx), hey...save the whales- harpoon a F.C, yah? O-o-o-o-h. So I walk into a 7-11 to get a Saturday LA Times to look at the computer ads and I wanna get a cup of joe, the cheap stuff they always have there because it's usually fresh and it's like, .99 so I leave the penny when I pay. Anyway, I am standing in line, sleepy, you know because I had been to a karaoke bar the night before and I stayed beyond what was in the realm of good taste but I couldn't resist getting in a last song. It's so competitive, watching to see who's good, who's a ringer, who's in the church choir, anyway - I'm tired. Sipping on this coffee, and it drips on my newspaper, and I HATE that because I'm so anal about reading the times - Sports (quickly), Business (A little more), Metro, then Front Page...but I really like Metro best because of the bogus letters, the Times is s-o-o-o liberal I just wanna move to another state, right? Anyway, I sort the sections, in that EXACT order, and read carefully, then rearrange the sections when I'm done and you can't tell I read the damn thing in the first place. Well, this coffee's dripping, it's burning my lip, when this voice behind me, husky like Bacall when she says that part about whistling, right? And the voice doesn't quite sink in at first, because I THINK I hear something, but I never heard it before, at least from a woman...and certainly no man, if you know what I mean. I hear, "Excuse, but what's that fragrance you're wearing?" And me, I'm not thinking and I say, "Uh, it's called Come To Me." And I turn, seeing this rather pretty woman about that age, that height, and I lean over real close tipping my head away so my neck is right up at her nose, and as I'm straining, balancing the coffee and the paper, looking up at the ceiling, I say to her, "Does it smell like come to you?". Dude, it was HER! A-H-H-H! Dr. Barb-a-licious! A-H-H-H-H. I'm not worthy!
Rating:  Summary: Great Read!!! Review: This is an excellent book. I have honestly learned more about myself, why I do some of the crazy things I do, and why I've seemingly picked the same type of 'wrong female partner' over, and over again. I think Barbara De Angelis opinions are honest, fair, helpful, straightforward, and insightful. I really had a hard time putting this book down. It's made me think, learn, and sometimes laugh from the bottom of my belly. This book is a step by step process of 'what to do' and 'how to do it.' I've learned more about (I should say confirmed) common mistakes people make in starting a relationship, why some relationships don't have a chance, and how to choose the right partner for me. I think the best way I can express how I feel about this book is what I did for a good friend. She was lacking confidence in choosing 'Mr. Right' and avoiding 'Mr. Wrong.' I sent her a copy of this book hoping that she would read and learn from it. I know I certainly have!!!
Rating:  Summary: Should be a requirement for anyone at any age while dating Review: A short review like this cannot even begin to give justice to, or describe the importance of this phenominal book! I firmly believe that this book should be an actual state requirement in public junior high schools for their students to read while they are in that stage of discovering the opposite sex. The information in this book will without question save a person at any age and at any time period of their dating life unthinkable and sometimes unrepairable damages and hearache. The healing that can start to take place withing yourself and the proper preventative measures that you will learn are nothing short of astounding! This is enlightenment at its best! I also highly recommend Mars And Venus On A Date by Dr. John Gray. Together they are the two most valuable books on the market today on the subject of dating and relationships. Both books should be bought together and read and reread thoroughly. The unfortunate part about people in general is that the people who absolutely need to read material like these books, don't. The people who already have a decent relationship and who want to take their relationship to the next level are smart and will read it and apply it. Please take this to heart. If you have any questions in your mind about yourself or about the person you are with or your past dating experiences, read DeAngelis' book. It will change your life! As I said, Dr. Gray's book is equally valuable. I recommend both books even for people who are married. Divorce lawyers would practically be out of business! Don't fool yourself by pretending everything is fine in your relationship if you know deep down in your hear that it is not. It just may be repairable and this is the key to it!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Emotional Balancer Book Review: This book came into my life when I truly needed a word of wisdom. If you seem to keep being drawn to the same personality types in a mate/partner/companion and then the relationship ends in the same pattern...your loss of respect for the person, being used emotionally and mentally, etc..Then this is the book for you. It helped me emotionally step back from an enormous hurt in my life and find balance again. De Angelis takes you thru a series of questions...you have to be competely honest to yourself in answering... you will be amazed at what you discover about why you choose the people you do. PS. I have been married 29 years. I wasn't looking for a new mate when I read this book. I was just needing some wisdom and boy oh boy did I find it in this book. This is not about having a business arrangment like relationsip, BUT how to keep a deep almost unrecognised emotion from taking you towards the type of personality that is just plain wrong for you.
Rating:  Summary: Insightful Review: When I bought this book, I thought it was a book based on biblical scriptures. I quickly found that it wasn't however, the material in the book is excellent. I found myself looking at me, my past and seeing why I was getting what I was getting in past relationships. A lot of time we blame our partner but we must also look at ourselves, we need to be more selective with whom we allow to enter our lives. This book is a good resource tool. It allows you to look at yourself and determine what to (and not to) look for in a potential mate.
Rating:  Summary: You Don't Attract Who You Want - You Attract Who You Are Review: Although this book is promoted as a great source for those who have had bad relationships, and for those who are unsure of whether or not this is the one to commit to, I'd say that this is an excellent book in between relationships. One of the first tasks in this book is to make a list of all of your past lovers. Then, next to their names, write a list of their negative character traits. Once you have this list, write a personals ad that projects you asking for a man to come into your life who has the negative character traits that those men have. You will laugh, then you will be able to replace those negative character traits with positive ones. The beauty of this book is that you will enhance your self-definition, and automatically detract what you don't want, while you attract what is within your inner being. Reading a book like this one while you are in a relationship is more of a challenge than if you take the time to study the lessons, while you commit to not being in a relationship, until you have cleaned up your unfinished business from your past.
Rating:  Summary: A journey from heartbreak to self-understanding Review: Although I have read a lot of self-help books, I usually scanned them for content, assumed I had mastered them, and put them away. I possess an MSW degree, and I am a writer who specializes in mental health issues, so I always thought that I "knew it all" when it came to understanding the dynamics of relationships. I thought I had figured out how and why I messed up my marriage, and where I had gone wrong with other relationships. Boy, was I mistaken! I had not even begun to fathom the patterns and complexities that led me to make so many poor decisions about men. This book helped me to put these issues into new perspective. I did all the exercises in the book meticulously, and read it thoroughly. It opened my eyes to things about myself I was unwilling to face, or that had simply escaped my attention. I have already avoided entering into some problematic relationships because I'm now aware of the "signals" that troubled men send out, and what these signals appeal to in me. I think I'm ready for a healthy relationship, and will know how to recognize one when it comes along.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Content, Delivery Slightly Flawed. Review: The advice given in this set is very, very good. I have taught and researched interpersonal communication for about 30 years, so I think I know whereof I speak. The delivery, however, is slightly flawed in that the author/narrator speaks TOO FAST. This is especially irksome on the second tape. Nonetheless, this is an excellent set and I encourage anyone reconsidering their relationship commitment to listen to this set. If you can get this set delivered for under [price], inclusive of shipping, it would be a particularly good buy. I also very highly recommend Daphne Kingma's "Coming Apart" audio set, which is on this same subject and which is truly excellent both in content AND delivery. She has a measured, clear, nice speaking voice. I look forward to Kingma's next book on tape. If it is even remotely as good as this one, I will instantly purchase it. If you yourself have other highly recommended tapes this or similar subjects, please advise:....