Rating:  Summary: Women interested in the health of their mind&body must read Review: "Screaming to be Heard" is a most appropriate title for a book about women's health issues. It's a shame we must in fact "scream" in order for our questions to be answered. I recommend this book to every woman, regardless of age, and to all men who are interested in the health and well being of women. My biggest question about Dr. Vliets' research and findings in her private practice is why can't she get a group of researchers to prove her theories? She speaks frequently about other studies and indicates that none have been prepared in areas she thinks important. Why can't she get someone to do those kinds of studies? For balance, I'd also like to hear about some of her diagnostic failures. And lastly, while I understand cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of women, I was a bit taken back by her downplay of the importance of breast cancer, yet she devoted quite a bit of page space to a cancer that only effects 1% of the female population.
Rating:  Summary: SCREAMING TO BE HEARD...Hormonal Connections Women Suspect Review: A MUST FOR MIGRAINEURS & ANYONE OVER 35! For three years, I endured debilitating migraines lasting weeks on end. Per Vliet's advice, and against my male OB-GYN's admonishment that at 39 I'm "too young...,"[for peri-menpausal symptoms] I now take birth control pills and suffer migraine ONLY when I miss a pill. As an aside, I've been cured of exhaustion, increasingly severe PMS, heavy periods, and mental "fogginess" that didn't seem to go away. THIS BOOK IS A MUST and I'm ordering it for 10 friends and family members!
Rating:  Summary: If you are a woman, READ THIS BOOK! Review: After over 12 yrs of doctors telling me my fatique was depression, lack of sleep, my imagination, nothing at all, etc.... I was so very fortunate to find this book. Dr. Vliet addresses so many problems that women have due to hormonal problems. Do not underestimate the importance of hormones! I had a complete hysterectomy 13 yrs ago and about 12 yrs ago began having severe fatique, mental fuzziness, memory problems, bladder problems, headaches, plus other problems. Every doctor I went to see never even addressed these problems as hormonal. Although I was on hormonal therapy, my various combinations just did not help enough. I knew something was not right, but trying to tell your doctor that you know what the problem is just does not work, or it did not work for me. Most of the doctors I saw did not take my symptoms seriously and thus I searched for 12 yrs for help. Then I read Dr. Vliet's book and all of my questions and concerns were answered! Everything began to make sense. I cannot stress this enough - IF YOU ARE A WOMAN, READ THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: Now I know what is wrong with me - detailed in her book. Review: An amazingly well written book that while my HMO refuses to address and assist in my chronic pain this book is so extremely well written I now have some answers and directions to proceed and follow re trying to handle my acute chronic pain. This book is definitely a gift from God.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, Easy to Understand Information Review: As a 38 year old woman who had a complete hysterectomy 2 yrs. ago, I have been researching hormone replacement, natural and synthetic for two years, as well as all the hormone loss related symptoms/health problems that go along with tah/bso. Dr. Vliet's book presents hormonal connections and physiology within a woman's body in a very clear, complete and easy to understand manner. A must read for anyone attempting to understand the huge scope of hormones within a woman's body and how they effect our entire health and well being.
Rating:  Summary: I agree completely with all the other reviewers - 10 stars Review: As a doctoral student in clinical behavioral medicine, as a health consumer, and as a woman, I am deeply appreciative of the accurate,thorough, honest, and empowering approach taken by Dr. Vliet in this book. It is understandable by the average reader AND informative for the serious student of hormones and behavior. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I ever read on women's hormones. Review: As a physician, Vliet taught me more about women, hormones, and my patients than 4 years of med school, residencies in Neurology and Psychiatry, and 25 years of medical practice. It's now painfully obvious that too many physicians ignore patients in general, but women in particular. I've brought her ideas to life in my practice and am astounded that something so obvious today was so invisible for most of my life. I've given away over a dozen copies of her book. I sent her a thank you on behalf of myself and all the women who are feeling better.
Rating:  Summary: A necessary book for all women Review: As a registered nurse I highly recommend this book. It is excellent for the professional as well as one not in the medical field. It is absolutely necessary to take charge of one's own medical problems and bring the contents of this book to the attention of your physician. There is an answer in this book for every woman and the problems we have encountered without adequate results. My daughter, an MD, used many of her suggestions in a presention to OB/GYN physicians and was amazed at how much of this infomation was not known to them! This is a must for every female's library.
Rating:  Summary: The First Place I Turn Review: As other reviewers have pointed out, this book addresses almost any question you might have about hormonal issues for women. Even better is that Dr. Vliet has no axe to grind: she won't be a cheerleader for either the "everything must be natural" or the "traditional medical establishment" camp. She forms her opinions carefully: she is completely tuned into women's experiences of their symptoms, but at the same time, she won't promote "natural" hormones unless her experience and the scientific data back up their effectiveness. For example, she points out how "natural" thyroid replacement hormones don't have the ideal combination of T3 and T4, while at the same time acknowledging that T3 can be crucial to wellness (which many doctors don't realize, insisting on giving only T4) and explaining how to get T3 in a more biocompatible form. This book is jam-packed with information and may be heavy reading for someone who doesn't have an intellectual bent. Once you've read it, you'll likely know more about hormones than your doctor does (which is sad!). However, if you're looking for a book that will teach you everything you'll need to know to be your own patient advocate, you'll be in seventh heaven. For more in-depth coverage of thyroid issues, I highly recommend "Living Well With Hypothyroidism" by Mary Shomon. "Listening to Your Hormones" and "The Thyroid Solution" are good too, but not the first place I turn.
Rating:  Summary: the best book available regarding hormone function for women Review: Dr. Vliet has performed an invaluable service to women and men by writing this detailed account of what is known regarding hormones and their function over a lifetime. This is essential reading for any woman who thinks she has an emotional problem. Dr. Vliet carefully and accurately distinguishes the symptoms of hormonal imbalance from the symptoms of mental disorders. These distinctions are often not acknowledged within the medical community therefore women must educate themselves about their symptoms in order to receive appropriate treatment. In addition Dr. Vliet gives detailed information regarding the benefits and drawbacks of various treatments recommended to women for the treatment of PMS, menopause, perimenopause, thyroid problems and a myriad of other difficult conditions affecting women. Please check this book out. You will be amazed at the important information that Dr. Vliet offers in simple, easy-to-read chapters.