Rating:  Summary: A Duel Approach Review: The principles set forth in this book have been for me the basis of not only my own good health but the good health of many, many people I know. Instead of using his or any supplements though we have chosen to eat concentrated whole foods because we know the body recognizes and utilizes whole foods better than nonfoods which taken in large amounts become at their worst druglike and are fragmented at best. Combining both has resulted in amazingly fast progress in healing and building health. Dr.Young has certainly given the public wonderful knowledge that is much needed for which we thank him.
Rating:  Summary: The pH Miracle Review: This book has changed my life. I always knew there was some simple answer to my weight problem, and balancing the ph of my body is it. All the testimonies inside are a great inspiration also. I especially love the recipes that helped me from feeling "limited" with my diet. I don't feel like I am dieting, because this is a lifestyle change, and one that will benefit me the rest of my life. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is tired of being sick or just sick and tired. Easy reading and it really works!
Rating:  Summary: Complements Hygienic philosophy Review: The authors are going straight to the public hence perhaps the lack of peer review sitings of which I know there are many. The germ theory of disease has caused untold suffering and innovative concepts (although not new) in this area are helpful. The bodies drainage ie purification processes(which includes the immune system), the process that removes cellular waste (urea and CO2 among others) is checked or impaired by a mode of living that uses up "nerve energy" faster than it can be recooperated. This auto-generated acidifying process was not mentioned. Also fruit IS in most cases alkalizing not withstanding the fact that some peoples internal sugar processing is impaired along with other impaired functioning powers. As was stated for better digestion fruit should be eaten separate from proteins and starches. Mostly their ideas are good and need to be presented. I give less significance to their high priced products.
Rating:  Summary: Please read this book if you have weight trouble or disease! Review: The work of Dr. Young is amazing. There are a number of testimonials in this book and for every testimonial in the book there are many not mentioned. Please, If you do anything just read with an open mind and try to see if you can make improvements based on the book. Here is my own personal testimonial: My cholesterol has never been measured below 199. From 1996 to 2000 my cholesterol has always hovered between 211-216. Since following Dr. Young's program (Diet and Super Greens) my cholesterol dropped 60 points in 2 months. My cholesterol is now at 147. After 6 months on the program I lost 40 pounds. There will be many people arguing the merits of this book but the testimonials are never disputed. The forward in the book is from Jane Clayson from CBS. She even drinks the Super Greens Dr Young promotes. After I did made changes in my diet and supplementation the better I felt and the more I read about other issues. I had a strong sense that this was the best decision possible. Here is a sample of the issues I am referring to: Mad Cow disease Hoof and mouth disease Bovine growth hormone Government loosening regulations on beef Animal cruelty Environmental impacts from dairy and meat industries Following Dr. Young's program I felt I made the best choice for my health and I have not regretted it one bit. Again, If you do anything just read with an open mind and try to see if you can make improvements based on the book....
Rating:  Summary: Half and half: good yeast program, bad diet for some Review: Dr. Young's new book is half good (his candida/yeast information), half potentially dangerous (his unbalanced diet). I discovered Dr. Young and his earlier books through a friend and loved his Candida-control program. (I had the worst candida problems while I was a fanatic Dr. Young vegetarian.)His yeast research is great, but viewing his new book, and having lived his precise diet for a time, his recommended diet just hasn't worked for me or my family. I know some people seem to thrive, and the people that work for him push the diet with a religious fervor that borders on Stepford. The diet is not for everyone, please be forewarned. I believe we are all biochemical individuals, and have found, that after a decade of vegetarianism which nearly killed me, it is a diet not ideal for all. I recommend take the first part of this book to heart, the second part with a grain of. . . ummm, salt?
Rating:  Summary: Documentation beats conversation! Review: THIS BOOK IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ FOR ANYONE WHO IS LOOKING FOR A HEALTHIER WAY TO LIVE!! Let's look at the stats on American Healthcare: $1.3B industry, 1 out of 3 people get cancer, 1 out of 2 get heart disease, obesity is at epidmeic levels, 70% of children are getting hardening deposits in their arteries as early as 12 years of age. And here is the best one of all, in 1999 over 120,000 people died from prescription drugs. So what does that tell you about how well we are doing as a society? Somewhere a long time ago we bought into the fact of eating dead animal flesh, products ladened with sugar and foods with artifical additives galore, not to forget neon fizzy carbonated drinks. So we as a society are suffering the consequences. Along comes Dr. Young, (not the first to talk this way), but just someone who has devoted his life to bringing this information out to the peoples of the world. His book tells it like it is. Also read his other books "Sick & Tired" and "Back to the House of Health" Co-authored by his wife Shelley. They have figured out something that most people will never fully grasp and understand because of what society is telling us. We can live and be healthy if only we put the right types of food and nutrition into our system. The PH Miracle spells it out plain and simple. Will it take effort? Absoultely...because you are changing your old belief patterns and they have been cemented into our minds. It takes time, but with education you can gain the necessary leverage to do anything. My wife and I have followed his program for just about 2 years now and we have never been healthier. I just wish I had known about this earlier so that my father and mother who both died because of health problems could be alive today. READ THIS BOOK AND OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE FACT THAT MOST OF WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TOLD IN SOCIETY IS WRONG! Dr. Young speaks the truth and it will make a lot of people upset with him, but so what, at least you can be healthier.
Rating:  Summary: Dr Youngs health plan saved my dad's life Review: Im 12 years old, and a year and half ago, my dad almost died from Kidney disease. The doctors gave him no hope! He flew out to meet Dr.Robert Young. Then he started drinking the Green drink and eating very healthy. Today my dad has no sign's of the Kidney disease! Thank you Dr. Young! Read the book, eat the way Dr. Young says and most of all drink your Green drink! I wish everyone who reads this book good health!
Rating:  Summary: Good intentions, not for everyone Review: My wife bought this book and likes it. We bought an earlier Dr. Young book and really tried to live his extreme vegetarian program for six months. I just got sicker and weaker, bloated and always tired. My wife did really well. What was the difference? Then we discovered Dr. D'Adamo's book "Eat Right 4 Your Type." I discovered I was a type O, and vegetarian diets weren't right for me, my wife, a type A, could do well on a diet like Dr. Young's. She still follows Dr. Young's diet, modified by Dr. D'Adamo's recommendations, and she's thriving. I'm now lean and energetic--with Dr. D'Adamo. If you're a blood type O, watch out--Dr. Young's diet didn't work for me!
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Message Review: Reading this book is a life-changing event! The message is straightforward and simple to follow. Balance your body's chemistry (ph) and achieve incredible health! The book is well organized and is a fantastic reference to get you on and keep you on the pH miracle program. I love the book, the program and what it has to offer. Your life will be changed forever for the better. Share it with the ones you love so they can have an opportunity for a better quality of life. It has changed my life and the lives of those that I love for the better. The book is divided into three main sections: The Theory, The Program and The Recipes. The Theory and The Program sections have good information and stories to see how that information applies to people. The Recipes section has an over view of the recipes and the details of the recipe. The Program and Recipes sections put the theory into practice and make the revolutionary program a way of life! A must read for you are serious about your health and are looking for alternatives for a higher quality of health.
Rating:  Summary: HOW MUCH SIMPLIER CAN IT BE? Review: Just yesterday, 4/13/02 I received THIS book in the mail from Amazon.com. I truly believe in Dr. Young's 'New Biology', but I'm personally having a hard time putting it into practice. However, each day I keep trying and "I DON'T PLAN TO EVER GIVE UP!" How I need it! Few understand what being full of "candida" and a "sugar addict" actually means! Believe me it shows. You will understand when you read this book and have just the "faith of a grain of mustard seed!" I like the way this book has been written. Although I also have Dr. Young's previous book "Are You Sick and Tired", I find this one so much easier to understand. I believe more people will appreciate Dr. Young's work and words in "this" book. I just wish I, a user of his Interlight products, could make "everyone" see where this 'New Biology' is headed. ...