Rating:  Summary: Where's the Documentation?? Review: When an author on a medical topic purports to offer a miracle, my antennae immediately extend. This theory reminds me of similar stuff that was popular back around the US Civil War, nearly 150 years ago and long discredited. Where is the documentation? Upon what science is this material based? We don't know, because the good doctor didn't tell us. Either we should infer that since this book is aimed at a popular audience he considers footnotes inappropriate; or, perhaps there just isn't any hard science backing this up at all?
Rating:  Summary: Well done! Review: Dr Robert Young is great! His theory of Alkalize and Energize is really works!
Being a microbiologist, he spends his time looking under the microscope looking at human cells. The tremendous change of people's blood cell after they have gone on his products, especially the Prime PH, is amazing. HIs Prime PH is extremely great product!
The before and after blood test images are truly shocking to see. How our diets can drastically make the red blood cells stick together in lumps, with acid pools, no wonder those people don't feel well! Then after alkalizing just for a few days, they take a blood test again, and this time, the blood cells are rounded and healthy and alive. The cells are the bacis building block of our body, so if we give our cells a healthy environment, they will be healthy, and we will be healthy. Your health can only be as good as the health of your cells.
I used to be plagued by stress and chronic fatigue with hay fever symptoms in the past, all that is no more! I have been on Supergreens, Prime PH, and if i run out of them, i'll be eating lots of vegetables to alkalize. I dont get the flu or 'cold' anymore. And i am full of energy! Anthony Robbins claims he energizes from Dr Young's theory and products, and look at him jump with such energy without getting tired on the stage. If you want to know more, you should get his Powertalk interview tape with Robbins, which is available at ebay. Type "Innerlight" and the interview tapes will appear. The tapes are only [money].
Rating:  Summary: Healthy Skepticism Is Warranted Review: The book is "dumbed down" for the masses, and as such the case histories read a bit naively and the science is poorly presented; you are asked to trust the authors essentially. OK, they seem like nice enough (and competent) folks. But the book is written to sell product through MLM distributors who in my experience use some questionable methods of motivating people. One kept telling me her broken back healed in 2 weeks because she took the products. And while health claims were not made, I was told the blood of a cancer patient was healing from the patterns observed; that patient's tumor markers are 5 times worse today despite alkalizing. Not to blame alkalizing, but the miracle didn't happen in this instance. The MLMers are also true believers because the science is not well documented when they present it either. I tried to sell the products I bought, but the prices were too high for online sales, so I switched to alternative products at reasonable prices. The MLMers hold conventions, and the fees for those are passed up the pyramid just like the sales of supplements. I think it's far too early to tell if alkalizing holds promise as a cure for mankind. It is the cure for greed for many of the MLMers who feed from its trough. But beware the people in the movement are Power People and if you don't defend your turf as well as your wallet and emotions, you too could get caught up with that Pie in the Sky called enthusiasm and hype. Caveat Emptor - Let the Buyer Beware.
Rating:  Summary: Smells Like Junk Science Review: The authors write a very convincing book, and make numerous recommendations that sound right (like a move to a plant-based diet), but a few things concern me. First, one would assume that all of the research is primary because of the lack of sources cited. However, throughout the book, "sources" are deferred to, but simply refer to them as an expert or authority. What also concerns me is that the book is written around a single concept: eliminating the excess acid in the body. One is lead to believe that this excess of acid is the reason for all man's ills, and if the plan is followed, disease (for the most part) will be eradicated. I am weary of any single concept or magic pill (as it were) that can heal the world. Finally, I got the impression that the book was written to sell the supplements recommended. Again, I commend the authors for supporting the benefits of a plant-based diet and for providing some very tasty recipes, but I cannot recommend this book to someone truly wanting to make comprehensive changes to their diet. Without the scientific documentation, the book just smells like junk science.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to follow Review: I like red meat and wine. That said, my take on this diet plan is unsatisfactory in that it is not comfortable or easy for someone like me to follow. I have a high intake of fresh fruits and especially vegetables, but this diet plan insists that you exclude red meats and alcohol of any sort. If you already follow or appreciate a vegetarian lifestyle, this plan will really appeal to you. If, like me, you truly enjoy a good steak or BBQ'd burger and wine with your dinner, you will not be able to subscribe to this plan. The research and basics of this diet are sound, but stringent. It might be okay for a few weeks and you might even lose a few pounds, but I can't help thinking that there has to be a better way. I had a good level of success with the Fat Flush diet plan and with Atkins, but I can't help but hope that there is a reasonable alternative to exreme dietary restrictions that will actually yield success. I am now trying the theory that it is okay to eat like a normal person but watch your intake amount/combined with moderate excercise as the real way to lose weight and keep it off. I like the idea that you can eat what you like, moderately, and increase you activity as the lasting method for fitness. Good Luck to all!
Rating:  Summary: Marketing Hype For MLM Industry Review: To me, the science was tweaked to create the marketing hype for MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), and not the other way around. Where is John Stossel to investigate Junk Science when you need him? And, if fat is an acid problem, why doesn't vinegar make you fat? Perhaps because there are no calories in vinegar??? The book is dumbed-down for the gullible masses, and the case histories are like fairy tales. While cancer is mentioned, it's just another hope, and the products recommended by the book are NOT even organic. In a world of allergies and cancer, it's a serious oversight in my opinion. But organic products would cost more to produce, and mean less money for the MLM people, wouldn't they? Beware when manipulative people ask you to open your wallet for products or tests designed to confirm the need for the products. They're trying to help you while helping themselves, and your life will be diminished in the process, unless of course, they really did get the science right. Anyone considering this "opportunity" should investigate the MLM industry online ... there are plenty of watchdog sites to explain the aggressive marketing tactics used by some MLM charlatans.
Rating:  Summary: Ground breaking work Review: I've tried every diet out there. Candida Diet, IBS Diet, Paleo, Atkins, Vegetarian, Vegan, Fruitarian, 100% Raw Food, and so on. I found flaws with all of these diets, as you really have to rely on your own inner wisdom to be able to make these diets work. And of course, anyone who promotes such a high meat diet hasn't really done their homework. However, Dr. Young in this pH Miracle book really opens new doors for those willing to improve their health and well being. He lays it all out to you in lay language, and gives you step by step tools on becoming well. His "Alkalarian" diet seemed flawed to me at first, because as a long time raw foodist, I saw that he recommended steaming some veggies, eating cooked grains, and cooked legumes. However, after becoming frustrated with being 100% raw, I discovered a new sense of well being on this diet. My body was craving alkalinity the whole time and according to him, fruit is to be used only for cleansing and in moderation. It was always the mainstay of my diet. Dr. Young promotes his supplement line in the book, which is bunk, but everybody has to make a living. I understand the hardship of poverty, so I have no beef with this issue. This diet is a cleansing, energizing diet that will open up the creativity and spirituality within you. Watch how kind and loving you become. Of course, you need to take care of the stress in your life, but this diet is the key to unlocking the doors that are keeping you from reaching higher levels of consciousness. Kudos to Dr. Young and the Alkaline diet.
Rating:  Summary: A qualified success Review: At a friend's behest, I tried Dr. Young's diet. My primary motivation was weight loss. My friend had lost approximately 25 lbs. in two months. She absolutely swears by the whole theory, the products, etc. I bought some Supergreens and some Prime pH, and stuck fairly religiously to the alkalizing diet for over a month. I am still pretty much on it. Because of social obligations, I have eaten moderate size meals not conforming to the diet about 4-5 times during this period. I like the diet, actually; I like eating all the fresh vegetables, and I like the salad dressings I have been able to put together from the Youngs' recipes. I do have more energy (though I'm not exactly leaping tall buildings), and some annoying health complaints have lessened. HOWEVER - I have not lost any weight. Obviously, there is some reason for this. But the claims made in this book and elsewhere in Dr. Young's literature state that you WILL lose weight. The only reason for excess weight, according to Dr. Young, is an acidic environment, and fat is stored acidic impurities; - the way to get rid of the acidic environment is to go on his diet (and use his supplements.) My experience suggests that these claims are not true all the time, as he implies they are. If I want to lose weight, I will have to try some other means, or some variant of this. If you want to lose weight, it may work for you - if you try it, I hope it does. But be advised that it may not be the weight-loss panacea it touts itself as being.
Rating:  Summary: Living Proof Testimonial Review: Maybe this book isn't as technical as some would like it to be and I agree that the recommended diet is hard to follow for a lot of people on the go BUT I am living proof that Dr. Youngs program works EXTREMELY well. By following only SOME of the principles Dr. Young recommends my life has changed DRAMATICALLY. By eliminating soda, sugar and coffee(tea) and using Super Greens religously with Biolight and Prime PH I am literally a NEW person. ...WILL change your life as well!
Rating:  Summary: A broad based health cookbook Review: I bought this book to read about pH and the miracle. What I got was a book of recipies using ingredients not readily available. Recipies are referenced and not listed in the index, so one must search for them. Perhaps 1/4 of the book is pertinent, the remainder is recipies i.e., healthy snacks eat 'All-Vegetable Cocktail', but in the index there is no 'All-Veg...',ad infinitum. Maybe this is a good book for a neophyte or novice to healthy eating. I got my pH right and quickly using 'The Calcium Factor', a book half the cost of this one. Nitrazine paper strips for tests of pH are not even mentioned for self testing, nor sourced. Organizational reference is not a high point of this book.