Rating:  Summary: Dogma and Snake Oil Review: This is a great way to lose your health, not gain it. If an insulin resistant woman or man tries the Ornish approach, she/he will gain. This has been demonstrated time and time again in the research literature and in the clinic. Ladies and gentlemen, this is nothing more than a FAD DIET cleverly disguised. This "doctor" makes numerous statements that are quite simply false--both scientific and historical/ethnographic--in an effort to bolster his argument that this is the natural and "proven way to lose weight and reverse heart disease" and he makes no effort to add a supporting citation in those places where what he states is HIGHLY controversial and goes against the grain of all current thought. He also makes no effort to address any of the research that clearly challenges and in some cases REFUTES him! (Even in the oft-cited Framingham study, weight gain and serum cholesterol levels had an INVERSE correlation with dietary fat and cholesterol intake.) He conveniently dodges all research demonstrating that this approach does not work for the majority of people who try it. This is because the information in this book is a man's OPINION, not the "fact" he tries to peddle. Follow this diet and watch your health deteriorate. It is not because you are not doing it right...it is because this diet is a bunch of dogmatic nonsense and it is NOT supported by much current research on the subject. There is a reason more and more doctors are beginning to recommend the a moderately low carb/higher protein approach to their patients--it is MORE HEALTHY. Human beings were not meant to restrict massive amounts of fat and protein from their diets. They were not meant to eat grains by the bushel. I opted for one of the lower carb routes (Protein Power) while recovering from the damage I did with Ornish. My blood lipid profile is now extraordinary. I gained weight when I followed ORnish's advice and my LDL levels were off the map. Now that I have put the fats back into my diet, my LDLs are wonderful. As a woman with PCOS, I can honestly add that Ornish made me gain extra facial hair and kept me form conceiving a child. I was on my way to *developing* heart disease with Ornish's plan. My doctor who has seen my progress on the new plan has now switched to recommending it over Ornish. Saturated fat is not evil.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Very well written. His enthusiasm for his work is obvious and he makes me a believer. Easy to understand book that makes sense. His suggested diets (the Reversal Diet and the Prevention Diet)are practical although I would rather alter my familiar recipes than try the ones in the book. A relative of mine followed the Reversal Diet to reduce his cholesterol and get off the medication that was giving him side effects and it worked. His cholesterol lowered considerably after only a few months. He is now on a diet that is a combination of the Reversal and the Prevention Diet. thanks Dean for great books, I'm reading them all
Rating:  Summary: IT IS ALL ABOUT CHANGE Review: We all know that heart disease is one of our top life-threatening medical conditions in today's society. With people living under more stress, fast-food outlets in ever-increasing abundance, and many individuals packing on the pounds and having less time and energy to exercise, it is no wonder our hearts our strained to the limit. This book is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to minimize risks of heart disease or who is living with a heart problem. The book is not simply about a short-term change of diet, it is about changing one's lifestyle on a permanent basis. When we think of diet, we often think of one of those trendy, short-term fad diets that allow us to take off the pounds only to put them back on later. Diet, in this book, refers to a long-term change; we are what we eat. The author suggests increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, fibre and fish oil and avoiding saturated fats like olive oil. Readers will find some healthy recipes in the book (terrific recipes, in fact) and some very beneficial facts about heart disease and how to prevent it.
Rating:  Summary: We're using this program to REVERSE OTHER DISEASES ! Review: We're using this book in our clinic as a text book for reversing many illnesses. Based on the premise "you are what you eat", we've witnessed our patients not only lose weight but also put many diseases such as diabetes, MS, diabetes, fibromyalgia, CFS, EDS, diverticulitis, arthritis, and some forms of chronic pain into remission. Many of our patients are following Ornish's plan and losing a "person". They like the new person they're discovering! One of our current patients started on the program Sept. 1999 (3.5 months ago) and weighed in last week 57 pounds less! With the help of this "text" people are learning to eat better and take control of their lives. Their weight and disorders are disapearing naturally. Thank you Dean Ornish from Cary, NC!
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me!!! Review: When my doctor suggested cholesterol lowering drugs last year, I decided that 34years old was too soon to start taking drugs. My cholesterol was 266 (& that's after cutting out most red meat and pork fat -and no hamburgers). I was motivated to try to improve the health of my arteries and heart. I want to be around for my ten year old's retirement party! I followed Dr Ornish's diet program for 6 month's then had my cholesterol levels tested again. Everything improved: cholesterol down to 210, triglycerides went from 389 to 217 and my ratio improved 24%. I never skipped a meal. I never went hungry. Secondary benefit: I lost 14 pounds and two inches around my waist without trying. I did not exercise enough so I am trying to increase my exercise now. I probably exercised an average of once a week. By the way, Dr Ornish included a chart that demanded that you eat at least a certain amount of fat in your daily diet. I liked that the book is filled with studies by major US universities. This is not 600 pages of rambling prose but a how to book to reverse heart disease. If you want someone to hold your hand, call your Mom. If you want a "How to Reverse Your Heart Disease" manual, buy this book. ... Stop reading reviews and buy, read and try it.
Rating:  Summary: Scientific proof for reversing heart disease Review: While we appreciate that Mr. Bayan took the time to comment on our work, we are concerned that inaccurate statements he has made may discourage some people from making changes in diet and lifestyle that we have proven to be lifesaving. For the past 24 years, the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine have conducted research scientifically proving, for the first time, that the progression of even severe coronary heart disease can begin to reverse by making comprehensive changes in diet and lifestyle, without drugs or surgery. These studies have been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the AMA, The Lancet, the American Journal of Cardiology, New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation, and others. Mr. Bayan alleges that the diet we have proven to be so beneficial is "dangerous" for some patients because both HDL and LDL may decrease and triglycerides may increase. HDL and triglycerides are only potential risk factors for heart disease, they are not diseases. When we measured the actual severity of heart disease using state-of-the-art measures such as computer-analyzed coronary arteriography and cardiac PET scans, patients showed continued improvement over time, even in patients like Mr. Bayan whose HDL decreased or triglycerides increased. Also, cardiac events were 2.5 times lower in the group who followed the program compared to the control group who made more moderate changes in diet (30% fat, 200 mg cholesterol). [reference: JAMA. 1998;280:2001-2007.] Clearly, lowering HDL by changing diet did not harm these patients. LDL cholesterol decreased by an average of almost 40% during the first year, and none of the patients who adhered to the diet showed an increase in LDL. As Dr. Connor wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine, "There are no data showing that the physiologic reduction of HDL cholesterol levels with a low-fat diet is detrimental. Diet-induced lowering of HDL cholesterol does not confer the same risk of atherosclerosis as do low HDL cholesterol levels in Americans consuming a high-fat diet." [ref: N Engl J Med. 1997;337(8).] It is true that one can eat an unhealthful low-fat diet if it is high in simple carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour, alcohol, and many popular fat-free desserts. Such a diet may cause a shift to the more harmful pattern B LDL subclass that Mr. Bayan mentions. But this is not the diet we recommend for reversing heart disease. Other studies have shown that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and other complex carbohydrates (which is the diet we recommend) actually cause a shift AWAY from the pattern B LDL subclass to more beneficial patterns [ref: Kenney JJ, et al. Very-low-fat diets do not necessarily promote small, dense LDL particles. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1999;70(3):423-5.] Patients whose triglycerides increase are counseled to be even more mindful in reducing their intake of simple carbohydrates and increasing their exercise. Also, for many years we have recommended that patients take 3 grams/day of fish oil, which also helps to lower triglycerides. In the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project, we found that triglyceride levels, which initially increased slightly but not significantly, then fell significantly in years two and three. [ref: American Journal of Cardiology. 1998;82:72T-76T.] Almost 80% of people who were eligible for bypass surgery or angioplasty were able to safely avoid it by making these diet and lifestyle changes instead. We respect the work of Dr. Robert Superko and often refer patients to his lipid laboratory for testing. Again, we have found that patients with small dense LDL also show reversal of heart disease on the program recommend. The program that we recommend includes a reversal diet for those with heart disease and the prevention diet for others. The prevention diet may be higher in fat and cholesterol than the reversal diet and is tailored to the needs of the individual rather than offering one diet for everyone. The prevention diet may include some oils, fish and other animal products for some people. Switching from saturated fats to monosaturated fats is better, but for reversing heart disease or lowering cholesterol it is better to avoid all oils other than fish oils. Olive oil is 100% total fat and 14% saturated fat. The more olive oil you consume, the more saturated fat you consume, the higher your plasma cholesterol. The studies showing that olive oil lowers cholesterol are only when substituted in equal amounts for butter or oils that are higher in saturated fat. Also, olive oil has almost none of the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. The bottom line is this: patients in our studies with severe heart disease reported a 91% reduction in angina (chest pain) within one month, and most became pain-free. They not only felt better, they were better. We measured improved blood flow within one month as measured by thallium scans and radionuclide ventriculograms, reversal of coronary artery blockages (atherosclerosis) within one year, even more reversal after five years, and 2.5 times fewer cardiac events (e.g., heart attacks). It works.
Rating:  Summary: Is Ornish Regimen a Religious Diet? Review: Why does one have to be a strict veggan on Ornish? Why can't one have a low-fat diet without abstaining from fish and poultry? Is there any proof that Yoga, Meditation, and "Breathing Exercises" are really necessary for Ornish program to work? Few know this. But Dean Ornish is a longtime disciple of Swami Satchidananda. And the Ornish Regimen is an exact replica of his guru's Integral Yoga. Which emphasizes breathing, meditation, and of course yoga. In his book "Eat More, Weigh Less," Ornish admitted "Much of what is in this book is a direct outgrowth of twenty years of study with Swami Satchidananda...for whom I have the deepest respect and appreciation." So if you want to adopt a Hindu "Integral Yoga" lifestyle hatched by Ornish's Swami, fine. But if you just want what works without the Hinduism, then I recommend The Elixxir Progam. This is based on the best way to slash your risk for dying from heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. It can dramatically lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar. The body of scientific research supporting the basis of The Elixxir Program stretches all the way back to the thirties. Much better documented than Ornish's regimen. And you won't have to be a veggan and abstainer from alcohol for life. Get a copy of "The ImmorTalist Manifesto: Stay Young & Save the World." (Available on Amazon) At back, in excerpt, you will read about The Elixxir Program. Then go search for the website of Elixxir and The Elixxir Program. P.s. If you main goal is weight loss, Ornish is not exactly slim. As the New York Times, I believe, and others have noted. But Elixxir is fabulously slim.
Rating:  Summary: Is Ornish Regimen a Religious Diet? Review: Why does one have to be a strict veggan on Ornish? Why can't one have a low-fat diet without abstaining from fish and poultry? Is there any proof that Yoga, Meditation, and "Breathing Exercises" are really necessary for Ornish program to work? Few know this. But Dean Ornish is a longtime disciple of Swami Satchidananda. And the Ornish Regimen is an exact replica of his guru's Integral Yoga. Which emphasizes breathing, meditation, and of course yoga. In his book "Eat More, Weigh Less," Ornish admitted "Much of what is in this book is a direct outgrowth of twenty years of study with Swami Satchidananda...for whom I have the deepest respect and appreciation." So if you want to adopt a Hindu "Integral Yoga" lifestyle hatched by Ornish's Swami, fine. But if you just want what works without the Hinduism, then I recommend The Elixxir Progam. This is based on the best way to slash your risk for dying from heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. It can dramatically lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar. The body of scientific research supporting the basis of The Elixxir Program stretches all the way back to the thirties. Much better documented than Ornish's regimen. And you won't have to be a veggan and abstainer from alcohol for life. Get a copy of "The ImmorTalist Manifesto: Stay Young & Save the World." (Available on Amazon) At back, in excerpt, you will read about The Elixxir Program. Then go search for the website of Elixxir and The Elixxir Program. P.s. If you main goal is weight loss, Ornish is not exactly slim. As the New York Times, I believe, and others have noted. But Elixxir is fabulously slim.