Rating:  Summary: Needs more research Review: I believe that there needs to be more research to get the accurate satistics. I am worried that buyers of this book may be misinformed. There should be more input by specialists who treat this disorder not only the opinions of those who live with someone that has BPD. I could easily say that my ex of 15 years has BPD but even with the explanations in your book does not qualify me to make that judgement. I have now been in a relationship for almost three years which my partner has been diagnosed with BPD. Her behaviours are very much different to those of my ex. She is now in recovery by seeking treatment from a specialist who deals with BPD. Yes there are some up and down at times but not to the extent that your book is trying to imply. regards Eddy
Rating:  Summary: Breathe In, Breathe Out, Be Alive! Review: I just completed Part One of Stop Walking on Eggshells and feel as though I am learning to breathe again. This book is pure Oxygen for non-BPs struggling to survive the soul-sucking power of borderline relationships. In my graduate psychology program the cynical key phrase for describing the care and treatment of borderline patients was REFER (Refer patient to another therapist). This book is a MUST READ for anyone struggling to make sense out of chaos. My heartfelt gratitude to Paul Mason and Randi Kreger, and encouragement to others who are "yearning to breathe free."
Rating:  Summary: Still the best game in town Review: Despite a welcome growing list of books about BPD on Amazon.com, Mason and Kreger are to my knowledge the only authors to date who specifically focus on a still-overlooked subtype of BPD called "high-functioning BPD." The importance of this book is that those individuals identifiable as high-functioning are very skilled at camouflaging their disorder - in much the same way as persons with addictions are skilled at camouflaging drinking and drugging - and generally they're just as adamantly opposed to admitting a problem or seeking help. However, just like public awareness has made it much easier to recognize and respond to addiction (including better laws and public policies), books such as this one and others carried by Amazon will hopefully come to help the average person to spot the disorder called BPD, especially in it's more subtle high-functioning variation. Through empowering themselves with this knowledge, individuals can be helped to take the appropriate measures to protect themselves from the more destructive interpersonal symptoms of BPD, such as the subtle forms of bullying and manipulation which tragically are such frequent manifestations of this disorder. Having said that, however, there are some realistic shortcomings to this book. The most significant one is that it is so densely packed with information that it can be difficult for readers to assimilate it all. Moreover, many of its concepts are quite abstract, and thus it is not always easy to take a given concept and apply it to one's own relationship or specific life situation. A common example is the technique called "PUVAS," which stands for: P-pay attention U-understand fully V-validate A-assert your own reality S-set boundaries Although this concept is easy to grasp intellectually, it can be deceptively difficult to apply when directly confronted with the type of rage and other intense emotional upsets which often appear as symptoms of BPD. To address that shortcoming, Kreger and I have co-authored "The Stop Walking On Eggshells Workbook," which is due to be released within the next few months. A major goal of our to-be-released workbook is to help readers more readily absorb, assimilate, and use the sometimes challenging types of information already presented in SWOE, as well as to present some key updates based on important new research findings. Those research findings may be important to some readers who have voiced some perceptions of "Stop Walking On Eggshells" as being somehow "against" persons who have the disorder, because new findings lean towards support for BPD as being a bona fide organically based illness. If I had BPD, I can only imagine I would hate the disorder the same way my dog hates fleas, and I've no doubt I would get my hackles up if somebody told me I'd brought a flea problem into his house. Obviously we still need to continue working at better ways of talking openly about BPD without wounding or offending those who suffer from it. While it is a fact that BPD is destructive to relationships, at the same time no one ever wants or needs to feel like a New Testament leper with no Jesus anywhere in sight for compassion and cure. The biggest gap I see currently with respect to BPD is no longer in the realm of scientific knowledge, but rather it is a gap between scientific knowledge and public understanding. Other books, notably Kreisman and Straus' "I Hate You - Don't Leave Me," and Santoro and Cohen's "The Angry Heart," do an excellent job of translating the facts of this baffling disorder into everyday language. Still, to my knowledge, "Stop Walking On Eggshells" is the only book to address the concerns specific to those people affected by BPD indirectly, through relationships with people who suffer from it. In my opinion, Stop Walking On Eggshells, despite its realistic shortcomings, is still the best game in town to help ordinary people deal with the more interpersonally destructive behaviors that are so pervasive in this disorder called BPD, and deal with them in more constructive ways. We're a long way from having conquered this devastating disorder, and it may never disappear the way polio has, but Mason and Kreger have helped many people to take charge of their lives and make the big move from being victims of the disorder into a position of confronting and managing it. That's often the best that can be hoped for with many chronic illnesses, and "Stop Walking On Eggshells" is a sizable step in the right direction. If I ruled the world, I'd see to it that PUVAS was taught alongside 2+2=5. Or whatever that equation was. Paul Shirley, MSW
Rating:  Summary: This Book Changed My Life Review: It has been nearly two years since I found "Stop Walking on Eggshells". My mother's doctor told us that her borderline personality disorder was responsible for most of her current symptoms. I searched the internet for information about this disorder and found this wonderful book. My mother has suffered all her life and those of us close to her suffered with her. Once I understood the disorder it was easier to understand her behavior. Personality disorders are not well understood and there are no easy answers to how to deal with the person who has one. When I accompanied her on subsequent visits to her psychiatrist I understood more of what he was talking about. The specific cases discussed in the book from information gathered at the one author's web site were especially helpful. I later found that web site (BPD Central) and joined a support group. This group has helped me on a personal level. How does one measure the value of a book that truly changes a person's life? I have become a stronger person which benefits my borderline mother as well as myself. Thank you to all the authors, especially Randi Kreger the owner of BPD Central.
Rating:  Summary: Worthless and harmful Review: This book is incredibly simplistic in scope and content. At times it almost seems as if the author is intentionally writing this book with the belief that most reading it possess an fifth grade education. As most self help books tend to follow this trend, I was not particularly surprised. However, given the fact most reviews here praise this book as being the bible of the so called borderline personality disorder, I was rather disturbed by how little useful info was to be found in it. What you will find in this book is not consistent with published case studies nor sound psycotherapeutic advice. The book completely fails to acknowledge the reality that Borderline Personality Disorder is an antisocial personality disorder (aka the cluster B traits). I believe that acknowledging this fact as well as making the reader aware that most persons diagnosed with one antisocial personality disorder often shift to one of the others on a regular basis. I could go on explaining flaws in this book. While the book lacks of a sound foundation in clinical research, its biggest problem comes from the overall tone of the book. This book is austensibly about how to "cope" with someone who has borderline personality disorder, yet very little of the book focuses on this issue. When it does, the advice given is so vague and ambiguous, I highly doubt anyone has actually improved their relationship with a borderline by reading this book. This book is prime feeding ground for the "non" borderline to feel justified in dumping their borderline partner. Hey, whatever floats your boat. If you aren't happy in a relationship, you should leave it or fix it regardless of whether or not the other person has a personality disorder. Further, after viewing a web site that promotes this book (and is apparently operated by the authors or their agents), the effects of this book are most apparent. The vast majority of posts on their web site are by vindictive folks spewing vitriolic hate against their ex. If such a book honestly had value, it would inspire some level of understanding in the reader. This is particularly ironic given antisocial personality disorders are primarily characterized by a lack of empathy... Nowhere is such behavior more apparent than in this book and the web site promoting it.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Walking on Eggshells review Review: I think that this is a good book. It examines many of the facets of Borderline Personality Disorder. If you know a person with this disorder this book can help you understand the person and how to cope with them, if at all possible.
Rating:  Summary: A very good book on a difficult subject Review: This book does a very good job of explaining this problem, and giving some good strategies. I has helped me a lot in understanding a good friend of mine that has struggled with this issue. I highly recommend the book.
Rating:  Summary: A great book for families in disorder Review: This book was so helpful to me with the difficulties I was having with my wife and my marriage. It was unclear to me at the time what was wrong with our marriage and I blamed myself for most of it until I read this book. My counselor suggested my wife had BPD so I researched it and discovered a whole new world begining with this book. I continue to suggest this as reading to anyone that appears to be having similar difficulties in their lives. It is comforting to know we are not alone in our suffering, and that it truely is out of our control.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Thank you Thank you! Review: I hope that the authors read this review because I have to thank them for writing Stop Walking on Eggshells. It changed my life. I was raised by a borderline mother. I suffered from an almost incompacitating low self-worth as a result, and suffered daily from fears related to my mother's treatment of me while I was growing up. As a suffering adult, I knew something was wrong, but couldn't figure out how to get well until I came upon this book which put into clear words what I grew up with. The authors have, with an amazing precision and respectful sensitivity, described the BPD and what those living with a BPD suffer. It is almost as if the authors were flies on the walls of my family's home watching and documenting our lives with my BPD mother. So, I thank the authors and recommend this book whole-heartedly.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Walking on Eggshells Review: The book is very difficult to read and poorly written. The majority of the descriptions found in the book are related to females. Your time would be better spent reading other books, not this one.