Rating:  Summary: It was terrible-but it saved my sanity in the end! Review: My daughter would not go to sleep without my nursing and rocking her to sleep. She'd wake up often and we'd go through it all again. Dr. Ferber's book explained to me what it must be like for her to wake up somewhere other than where she went to sleep. On the third night she went down with only minimal crying! It took me to weeks to stick firmly to the plan but it really did work! The Sleep Record Chart really helped us out to monitor her sleeping patterns. I first thought this was torture, but now I realize it was only teaching her what we all need to learn sometime!
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it "zero stars," then I would. Review: Part of growing up is learning to reevaluate your values. You must decide whether your actions are morally sound, or "merely legal." Dr. Ferber recommends a course of action that does stop short of child abuse, at least legally speaking. However, I cannot imagine *anyone* following this program if they have seriously considered the actions that he recommends and whether or not they are morally sound. Legal, yes; moral, no.
Rating:  Summary: She's happier all day -- not just at bedtime Review: I was leary of this book - since it had been characterized as a "cry it out" approach. But, it is so much more than that. Yes, there is some crying involved -- but not much, at least in our case. After just a few days of using Dr. Ferber's method our 16 month old daughter was sleeping well, going to bed without a fuss, and we found her to be generally happier most of the time. I think she had been exhausted before this. Now, bedtime is a joy -- when we annouce that it is bedtime she grabs her blankie and heads for the stairs. We have a very pleasant, relaxing bed time routine, she sleeps all night, and wakes up rested and happy. I even recommended this book to our family doctor when he suggested that our daughter was at the age where she might start waking up again at night. This method may not work for every family but it sure worked with our daughter. We'll use the method again when our son, now 2 months, is older.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book before you dismiss the "ferber method". Review: Anyone who claims that ferber tells you to ignore your child hasn't read the book! Above and beyond the "let them cry part" (which is much misunderstood by people who haven't read the book!) he has lots of great information on sleep assocoiations, patterns, etc.The information in this book has made us look at naps as well as our own sleep patterns differently. A must for anyone with little kids.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful sanity saving book not meant for everyone Review: This book worked wonders for our daughter, who had no trouble sleeping through the night until she turned a year old (or around there). The first two nights of trying out the Ferber method were incredibly hard on us. The third night was magic, as she went right down with no fuss and slept the entire night (she actually appears to enjoy going to bed--though not always!). She no longer has any sleep problems, and my wife and I are much happier. However, I would temper this review by saying this method may not be for everyone. I highly recommend purchasing more than one book on sleep habits and coming to your own conclusion. And finally, my daughter is two years old now, and is as loving as my older son, who did not need to be "Ferberized," so I'm not sure I buy into the psychological damage angle many of the reviewers here have noted. In the end, 2 to 5 days of crying at night can't make that large a difference, especially if you shower the baby with love during the day. And if this is damaging, then I can only imagine that having grumpy and tired parents can't be the healthiest environment either.
Rating:  Summary: This book solved our childs sleep problems Review: Our son is 4.5 months old and we could not get him to sleep with out rocking him or walking him around. Nap time we had to resourt to using the swing. We followed Dr. Ferbers method and he is now able to get himself to sleep at night. He is also able to fall asleep in the crib for his naps. Do not get discouraged if it take longer than a couple of days because it took our son almost two weeks but he finally is doing great. I would recommend this book to all new mothers
Rating:  Summary: The best method for getting a baby to sleep without a fight! Review: It sounds so simple: "Let them cry to sleep", but it didn't work that way for us. This book helped us to see where we were going wrong and get our little one to go down without a fight in just a few nights of "crying". Also, it stopped the nighttime wakings and 2:00am rockings we thought we had to put up with. It helped us to see that our child's sleep needed to be without us, and that this was better for everyone -- including the baby. The book used good examples and explanations to help us understand "bedtime rituals" and how to use them to our advantage at bedtime and at naptime. There is lots of other information in here (including chapters on medical disorders and other topics), but the only chapter we used was the one on getting a child to sleep. There were also some VERY helpful charts, etc. to show when and how much sleep children of different ages need, which helped us to predict our baby's changes. I _HIGHLY_ recommend that parents read this book -- at least the "crying to sleep" section and the charts. It is a GREAT gift idea for new parents, and can save LOTS of grief and parental sleep loss.
Rating:  Summary: This book does help parents Review: I used this technique on both my children, though much later than Dr Ferber suggested, at around 8 months. It worked very well and my children were much happier after sleeping through the night, as were my husband and I. I think the book is very well written and anticipates a lot of the questions that came up for us. We still use it as a reference. Others have critized it for lack of compassion, and I very much disagree. I think Dr Ferber is concerned with both the parents and the child.
Rating:  Summary: Very helpful book on all aspects of sleeping! Review: My son was sleeping in our bed for the past year, ever since he had a double ear infection. It took me one week to get him out of our bed and into his...and he is now sleeping through the night without getting up for a bottle. THANK YOU!
Rating:  Summary: If you are exhausted and not enjoying your baby, read this! Review: I bought this book when I was at the end of my rope. My 5 month old baby slept through the night (6-7 hours) when he was 3 mos. old but at 4 months he started waking. First once or twice and then 3 to 4 times (he got up 9 times one night!). He seemed to be in a downward spiral and would take 20 minute naps which made our days miserable. In desperation, I tried Dr. Ferber's method and it basically took one night! The second night he woke up and cried a couple of times but for less than ten minutes. The third night he made noises but did not cry. The fourth night, I did not hear a peep until 7am! Now he sleeps soundly, wakes up cooing, not crying, and we are both much happier. Naptime has improved too. I highly recommend this to exhausted parents. I was worried that letting him cry would be traumatic to him but he is so much happier now than before that I wish I had tried it a little earlier. For those who say this is mean, I think sleep deprivation is worse for them because it lasts months if not years. This is very short term. Plus he does not advocate a cold turkey approach and you are constantly in the room reassuring them that you love them and are there for them. Although I was tired, I feel I did this for HIM not for me. My sleep is a fringe benefit.