Rating:  Summary: Mostly accurate portrayal of persons with AS Review: Tony Attwood's book on Asperger Syndrome should be considered the definitive book to date on children with Asperper's Syndrome. Therefore, any parent who has a child who they think might have Asperger's Syndrome or who has been recently diagnosed, should start here for information.Perhaps you have recognized certain traits in your children, or other people's children, or even in yourself. These traits may include difficulty understanding the rules of conversation, reduced facial expressions, a monotonous voice, a photographic memory, obsessional interests and hobbies, and a predilection towards honesty. It should be noted that not all Aspies have all the symptoms described. Therefore, if you recognize some, but not all the symptoms in your children, they may still have Asperger Syndrome. I should know this as I am an Aspie myself. For instance, I don't recall having difficulty reading other people's facial expressions or making eye contact. While I do recall making some social errorsas described in the book, it was usually because people couldn't read MY facial expressions rather than because I couldn't read theirs. I don't take everything literally as the book describes, and I DO understand figures-of-speech and metaphors, e.g. 'change your mind?', 'you're pulling my leg', 'cat got your tongue?', 'out of the blue'. Remember, Aspies can improve their social skills through behavior intervention and natural development. Also remember that Aspies are quite talented individuals who's interests can lead them to successful job prospects later in life. Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder, NOT an intellectual disorder.
Rating:  Summary: Special Education Teacher Review Review: I found this book to be very informative. Tony Attwood's explanation of the syndrome was clear and very easy to understand. Some professional jargon may be difficult for parents to decipher, however the overall approach to diagnostic criteria is very good. I am in the process of referring a high school student for Asperger's screening. This book was critical in my own exposure to this disability and its place on the Autistic spectrum. My 4 star rating was given only for lack of diagnostic examples for secondary level students. One would hope a child with Asperger's would be diagnosed at the elementary level. However, with such a new awakening to the topic, I feel there are probably hundreds of misdiagnosed adolescents out there waiting for help and insight. Parents, I urge you to approach your child's teachers if you suspect Asperger-like characteristics in your own child. Then, recommend they read this book!
Rating:  Summary: A must have book for parents/professionals alike! Review: This book is the first book I reccommend to anyone who is facing a diagnosis of high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome in their family. My 10 year old son is "officially" diagnosed with high functioning autism, but those of us in the know, realize how little that means. Tony Attwood is simply amazing, this book breaks Asperger's Syndrome down for you, step by step, symptom by symptom, and is a real help and reference. Even after being involved in the autism spectrum now for over 6 years, I still refer to this book on a regular basis. Also, unlike many books I have read about autism and Asperger's Syndrome, this book is written very much for the lay person, you don't have to have a PhD to understand this book. There are also very practical solutions for many of the challenging problems unique to Asperger's and austism in here as well, many of them we have used with much sucess with our son. One example I can think of off the top of my head is teaching pragmatic language skills, something that neuro-typical children understand naturally, and children with Asperger's have to laboriously be taught. Temple Grandin's endorsement at the end is literally the icing on the cake.
Rating:  Summary: A must have book for parents/professionals alike! Review: This book is the first book I reccommend to anyone who is facing a diagnosis of high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome in their family. My 10 year old son is "officially" diagnosed with high functioning autism, but those of us in the know, realize how little that means. Tony Attwood is simply amazing, this book breaks Asperger's Syndrome down for you, step by step, symptom by symptom, and is a real help and reference. Even after being involved in the autism spectrum now for over 6 years, I still refer to this book on a regular basis. Also, unlike many books I have read about autism and Asperger's Syndrome, this book is written very much for the lay person, you don't have to have a PhD to understand this book. There are also very practical solutions for many of the challenging problems unique to Asperger's and austism in here as well, many of them we have used with much sucess with our son. One example I can think of off the top of my head is teaching pragmatic language skills, something that neuro-typical children understand naturally, and children with Asperger's have to laboriously be taught. Temple Grandin's endorsement at the end is literally the icing on the cake.
Rating:  Summary: The best place to start for Asperger's Syndrome Review: I work with a lot of children on the autistic spectrum, in fact I am often the person to give the diagnosis. I try my best to explain about the autistic spectrum and the nature of the pattern of strengths and weaknesses that are typical in Asperger's Syndrome, but it is great to know that there is one good solid staple book I can also recommend, and this is it. I also recommend Luke Jackson's book "Freaks Geeks and Asperger Syndrome" and Kenneth Hall's "Asperger Syndrome the Universe and Everything", which give an inside view that I have valued and I know parents also like. I am about to re-read my copy of Tony Attwoods book, as I renew my own research into computer interventions to help children with ASD learn about emotions (see emotiontrainer.co.uk for more information). I've also heard Tony speak and I consider his advice in person and in the book to be realistic, positive and practical. I'd thoroughly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful guide to Asperger's Syndrome Review: My 7 year-old son was recently diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I went looking for a book on Asperger's that would help me understand where we were in the whole process of getting my son well as well as a book that would cover the whys and what now questions I had. Lucky for me, in picking this book, I couldn't have picked a better guide to Asperger's. This book ended up being a textbook on my child. Tony Attwood describes the four different tests the global medical community uses as testing criteria for Asperger's. He also goes into wonderful depth about the traits these people may or may not have. The different treatments was very interesting as well. The insight my whole family has into my son since reading this book is a godsend. Since reading this book, we've come up with a system for teaching my son facial expression. He has improved in leaps and bounds thanks to this book. Also, we've started the gluten and casein free diet. My son has completely turned around and is like the child we always hoped for. He is making friends and playing sports. While all of his traits aren't gone, he is living a much healthier and happier life now. This book is for anyone who might be Asperger, has someone close to them who has Asperger's, or a professional looking for info on dealing or treating Asperger's. Tony Attwood's research, knowledge, and attention to detail is unparalleled.
Rating:  Summary: A PLACE OF HONOR Review: This book is an excellent resource tool regarding Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome (AS)is on the autism/Asperger's (a/A) spectrum and has long been regarded as the "high functioning end of the autism spectrum." Because this IS a spectrum, the behaviors and experiences and manifestations are as varied as there are individuals on the spectrum. However, there are certain diagnostic criteria that have to be met in order to determine if someone has Asperger's Syndrome or a place on the a/A spectrum. Tony Attwood validates the behavior of people on the spectrum; he writes in a plain, straight forward style that reaches ALL readers from professionals to persons just learning about Asperger's. I like the way he encourages people with Aspeger's embrace and accept this aspect of their lives. Tony Attwood makes it plain that a diagnosis of Asperger's is NOT a death knell or a mental health condemnation; on the contrary, he describes a place on the a/A spectrum as a baseline for behaviors that had previously caused "undefined differences." Asperger's is not a mental illness and this point is underscored throughout the book. Tony Attwood's voice is one of gentleness and acceptance; he describes behavior and sensory issues including synesthesia (linked sensory modes) in a way that invites and opens the door to discourse. I can't recommend this book highly enough. Tony Attwood not only validates Asperger's, he explains it in a thoroughly logical and accepting way. This book deserves a place of honor among educators, medical/psychological/psychiatric professionals, parents whose children are on the spectrum and people who are on the spectrum. In fact, this is a book for everybody. THANK YOU, TONY ATTWOOD!
Rating:  Summary: Help for parent's of Asperger's Syndrome Review: This book is an excellent explanation of Asperger's Syndrome. I had never read any material when my son was diagnosed, but I wish I had had this book before any others. I now understand so much more about my child, and it does well explaining certain behaviors that until that time I had no idea were actually part of the syndrome. This book also gives some very good strategies for dealing with this syndrome.
Rating:  Summary: The 'Gold Standard' for understanding Aspergers. Review: As a parent of 2 boys on the spectrum I have read everything about Aspergers that I could get my hands on. Tony's book is the first thing you should read if you or your child has recently been diagnosed. It truly is the gold standard for anyone working with someone who has Aspergers. It is a very easy read in a non-medical way. It can easily be understood by teachers and family members who want to learn more. My copy is filled with dozens of little post-its sticking out. Every part of it is useful to whomever works with my sons; teachers, therapists, family and profesionals. You will be well prepared to advocate for your child after you read this book.
Rating:  Summary: The harm that inaccuracy brings Review: I'm sorry to say that this book was quite inaccurate in the portrayal of patients with Asperger's. I have Asperger's and very few of these things describe me. My hand-eye coordination is fairly good, my eye contact is normal, I know how to tell if people are even slightly irritated with me, I can pick up on social cues and I CAN carry on a conversation WITHOUT interrupting or babbling incessantly about some trivial topic on which I am fixated. Thank you for your time.