Rating:  Summary: For any dad like myself who can't stand crying infants Review: This book really works. I highly recommend it. An easy, fun read.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: WE have a three-month old daughter who has been very fussy and not a great sleeper. The minute we used the 5 s's, she responded. This is the gift I am giving for new parents. I wish I had this book sooner. This book should be mandatory reading during pregnancy. It is amazing how quickly our daughter responded.Thank you Dr. Karp for the simple techniques and guidance.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Have Even If Your Baby Isn't "Colicky" Review: After seeing Dr. Karp work his magic on a morning TV talk show, I dedided to buy this book while I was pregnant with our daughter (our first child) -- I wanted to be as prepared as possible should she be a colicky baby. While we were really lucky that our daughter was not a textbook colicky baby, the techniques in this book nontheless helped us to calm her through her fussy period in the early weeks and continue to be useful in keeping her happy, content, and well-rested as she approaches 3-months of age. And who knows -- maybe employing Dr. Karp's techniques preemptively actually prevented some colick. We would certainly recommend this easy to read and use book for any new parents-to-be.
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe he slept for 2 hours!! Review: With my second child I thought it would be easier, boy was I wrong. Anthony was fine for 2 weeks then it started downhill. Eating every 2 hours, which meant sleep was not very frequent, and crying most of his awake hours. Out of desperation I looked into this book after it was mentioned in a magazine and bought it here (alot cheaper by the way)and started reading. The next day I decided to try the 5 S's one by one, and like my fairy god mother came to visit, he slept for 2 hours almost completly through feeding time.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't Recommend this book More THANK YOU DR KARP Review: Boy do I wish I had this book with baby #1. When my second child was born I prayed for no colic but alas he had it too. at 2.5 weeks the SCREAMING started. He also has reflux and they tried to tell me his silent reflux was making him scream.. so why then does the sound of the hairdryer make him stop? After I read this book and watched his video.. my life changed. The swaddle with the swaddle me available on Dr Karp's website ... was what saved my sanity on the road... I NEVER would have thought that this could work the way it does. Just like the kids on his video my screaming son stopped in seconds. I now buy this for any baby shower I go to. If you never ever buy any other baby book buy this one. Once again thank you Dr Karp for helping to open the eyes of the world. We tried 3 different reflux meds on my son before I called it quits saying I really think its bad bad all day colic.. and at 4 mos.. he really is the Happiest Baby on the Block
Rating:  Summary: Actually Cures Colic! Review: The techniques in this book really work! Our six week-old daughter has cried for 2-4 hours every evening without fail for the last 3-4 weeks. We have tried everything: every possible way of bouncing, jiggling, rocking and swinging; walks outside; drives in the car; warm baths; baby massage; "bicycling" her legs; singing; white noise; Mylicon drops...everything suggested by our pediatrician, What to Expect the First Year, Dr. Spock and the Le Leche League. Everything worked sometimes, though rarely more than once and rarely for more than a few mintues. We had just about given up and decided to buckle down for another 6 weeks of colic. Then we found this book. We did everything it said to do and, like magic, we can now soothe our colicky baby in minutes...seconds if we work quickly. I would recommend this book to anyone with a colicky/fussy baby. It is a quick and fun read...lots of passages to read aloud to your spouse...and it will help you to stop your baby's crying...not just tell you it's ok to put the baby down walk away...no, it will actually help you stop the crying. Quickly. Easily. Really.
Rating:  Summary: I cannot recommend this book highly enough Review: We were clueless first-time parents with a screaming newborn. This book had been recommended in our Preparation for Childbirth Classes but I hadn't bothered to read it. At one month our daughter was still screaming and my husband and I were wondering what the heck we had been thinking when I sat down and read the book--out of pure desperation. Within two nights she was sleeping 6-7 hours at night. Sometimes more. Soon I could count on 8 hours of sleep. Now the "tricks" in the book may seem a little funny, but they work. Read the book, and TRY EVERYTHING he suggests no matter how silly it sounds. It will work. It saved us. Let me tell you, you can deal with a lot more stuff when you can get a good night's sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Single Mom of Twins -- It's a Lifesaver! Review: This book changed my life. As a single mom of twins, I thought sleepless nights while my newborns wailed was just part of the process. I thought I would DIE from exhaustion. Meanwhile, a nurse recommended this book to me, and although I was at first skeptical, after doing EVERYTHING in the Cuddle Cure, I've found I have the happiest babies ever. They sleep well at night, are happy during the day, and I feel very closely bonded to both of them. This book should be required reading for all new parents. Even if you think your kids are the happiest babies on the block, just try out the 5 S's. You will find joy, and so will your children.
Rating:  Summary: Realistic help for fussy and colicy babies! Review: I am the mother of two "high-needs", fussy, colicky or whatever you want to call it, babies. My son is just 7 weeks old and although I did not need this book to teach me what Karp calls the 5 S's, (most mothers instictively wrap, rock, hush, etc.) it was so nice to read that what I was doing by tightly wrapping, loudly hushing, and harshly swinging was ok. New mothers are often anxious with their babies and treat them much more carefully than necessary. Tricks like securing the swaddle with masking tape or duct tape, using the highest speed on your swing and the "jell-o head jggle" are all things that I have used successfully but wondered if such "harsh" treatment is ok. Yes yes yes! Although visitors may come over and see my newborn tightly bound in a blanket with masking tape around him, swinging very fast in his baby swing and question my mothering skills- I have a happy baby that stays asleep! If I don't swaddle my baby, the most he ever sleeps for is about 15 minutes. With a tight wrap, I can get 2 hour naps out of him during the day and about 4 at night. The main trick for us is a secure wrap! Don't be afraid to use the tape! It sounds awful and I felt ashamed at first, like I was hurting him or at least overpowering him unfairly. But, as Karp explains, so many other cultures do this using rope or twine to secure their swaddled babies. Newborn babies are used to being "swaddled" extremely tight in the womb. Not used to open spaces, they can't control their limbs and often scratch at their face, squirm and cry. Swaddling is SO helpful for parent and baby. Another thing I have resorted to with my difficult babies is a lot of swinging! Even sleeping at night swinging happily in their baby swings. I remember being pregnant with my first and reading somewhere that infant swings are for mothers that neglect their babies and don't want to hold them! I hesitated buying one because I wanted to do the "right thing". What I quickly learned after a few weeks of hysterical screaming is that the "right thing" is whatever safely calms you and your baby down! I recently purchased the new cradle swing that goes side to side as well as front to back. My little boy loves it and sleeps peacefully every night. Karp mentions that this much swinging is just fine unlike Marc Weissbluth in "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" when he explains that babies need motionless sleep. This may be true and eventually I do want my baby sleeping in his crib, but for now I do what I can to keep from going crazy! If it works, I'm going to keep it up!
Rating:  Summary: If you only buy one baby book, buy this one! Review: We LOVE this book. I'd also recommend the DVD/Video, which is very useful in helping to master the practial aspects of baby calming. Our baby is 7 weeks old. At 2 weeks he started having colic symptoms - screaming and seeming to be having digestive pains, particularly at night-time. The pediatrician diagnosed reflux and put him on antacids, and I was also advised to give up dairy products. However the really marked improvement came when we recieved this book and DVD (a kind gift from my Uncle, who is a pediatrician). My husband started doing the 5 Ss very rigorously (strong swaddling, and he even went out and bought a white noise machine). The techniques have never once failed to calm the baby down, even when he is working up quite a storm! All in all, I would say that your book has helped restore the sanity of two very tired new parents, and made one new baby much more contented. We are recommending the book to all the new parents we know.