Rating:  Summary: Get this book! Review: I wanted to urge any new moms or even experienced moms to get this book. My third child became colicky at 6 weeks and we followed the directions and they really did the trick. I also should mention that after three weeks of using the techniques I noticed that the book suggested that if you are formula feeding a child with the powder formula to try and just use the liquid. Well we tried and our baby calmed down considerably in three days of using no powder just liquid formula. Now using the techniques of calming a baby are that much easier! Our baby sleeps more soundly and she sleeps longer. This is a wonderful book and very helpful for the new mother or an experienced one who would like an easier way to calm down one's baby! I also suggest buying the fisher price aquarium cradle swing-worth it's weight in gold. The babyslumber.com website has great swaddling blankets if you can't do a good swaddle. They are wonderful with the white noise machine I bought. My baby is waking up only once during the night now and she is only two months old. I wrote this review to save some other mother out there some frustration and a chance to really enjoy her baby!
Rating:  Summary: Old Mom Learns New Tricks!! Review: I'm part of that trendy new group of moms who was expecting that first baby at age 40; however, I felt so overwhelmed that I didn't know the first thing about having a baby at my age! I happened to see Dr. Karp on a television show and saw his "miracle working abilities" with a crying baby. I was amazed! I read with vigor about the fourth trimester, the 5 Ss and the truths and myths of caring for a baby. I even started practicing swaddling a cabbage patch doll! When we brought Jack Barrett home from the hospital, we put into practice all 5 Ss and he responded perfectly! My husband was much better at swaddling -- making a "baby burrito" -- than I was and even my mother, who looked at me skeptically when explained the 5 Ss, learned to be a champion "shhhhsher" and "swayer". When friends who were also new parents would complain about colic and crying, I knew then how amazing Dr. Karp's method was and would offer the book. Jack Barrett was all the proof they needed! One friend who is having her 2nd baby is reading my copy and swears she did everything wrong with her first son (and still feels guilty that she couldn't wait to get back to work and get away from her crying baby!) I felt confident during those first weeks that I could pacify Jack Barrett in any situation and know without a doubt it is due to what I learned in Dr. Karp's book. It is a MUST read for new moms, old moms (God bless us) and anyone who cares for little babies.
Rating:  Summary: Good Ideas, But Too Pushy Review: I agree with everyone who said that his ideas and techniques are great. He does a good job of giving exact instructions on how to swaddle, swing, etc.My only problem is that the book reads like an infomercial. That might not bug some people, but I found it very difficult to get through. There were way too many exclamation points and phrases like "and now I'm going to show you how!" and "quiet your baby in just minutes!" Maybe it's just me, but I tend to think that someone shouldn't have to use phrases and punctuation like that if they have a valid point. It's the same way you're more likely to listen to a calm, nonpushy salesperson than someone jumping all over the place and shouting. It almost makes you wonder what they're trying to hide with all that flashiness.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, some sleep! Review: We have a 3 month old baby girl who very colicky, often screaming for hours a day and crying fussily most of the rest. We thought something was horribly wrong. People gave us advice that really didn't work. The doctor said we just had to wait it out and to try Milicon drops. Out of desperation, I went to the bookstore and found Dr. Karp's book and read it all in one night. The techniqes he describes really worked to soothe our baby and get her to fall and stay asleep! We were overjoyed. I only wish we would've found this book sooner, it would've saved us two months of anguish and sleep deprivation. I would recommend it to all pregnant moms/couples, even if your baby does not have colic. It would be extremely helpful in making your baby even happier!
Rating:  Summary: A must have for parents of a new born Review: This book is truly amazing. Our first daughter had horrible colic for 10 weeks straight and no matter what we did to try to calm her, nothing worked. We were basically told by everyone, including our pediatrician to just "wait it out". Well, living through 10 weeks of screaming all day can feel like an eternity. Prior to our second daughter's birth, my husband and I read this book so that we would be better prepared for dealing with a fussy baby and it is a good thing we did. Our second child also turned out to be colicky, but fortunately, we learned the techniques that Dr. Karp outlines in his book and I can honestly say that they work! Dr. Karp's book provides parents with a step by step approach to calming babies and he thoroughly explains why they work. His wisdom, compassion and sense of humor are extremely reassuring and comforting to parents who are struggling with caring for a newborn, colicky or not.
Rating:  Summary: I have a happy baby now Review: The night before I received the DVD from Amazon my baby was up and crying on and off for 5 hours. After I saw the video, I put the methods to work that same night and I was able to sooth and calm the baby in less then 1/2 hour. Using these methods , she can now sleep better, hence, she can also eat better and sleep even longer. These methods are very well described such that everyone can use them. Thanks to Dr Karp and his methods, my husband and I are as happy as our child now.
Rating:  Summary: Peace! Review: This book/video gave us very reliable ways of getting our baby-girl to a place of peace and comfort. It was based on providing "womb-like" comforts for baby as she enters this world. Dr. Karp's methods provides concrete tools for caregivers to systematically refer to during fussy and/or transition times. As it is a tool for parents, it is designed for the comfort and mindful nurturing of our sweet new babes in their new and sometimes overwhelming new environment. Our baby sleep 8-10 hours at night at 8 weeks. I just told a friend about the video. She has a 6 week old and her baby was crying/fussy and uncomfortable from 5 -8pm. She called me that night and said it was her first night of peace in 6 weeks. I am giving the book and a good swaddling blanket to all my expecting friends and family!! *K
Rating:  Summary: it works! Review: I would HIGHLY recommend the book because Dr. Karp's suggestions really work! Our baby just hit the 6-week-old mark and just started becoming "colicky" as most people call it. But, I think Dr. Karp's idea of the fourth trimester is more correct. We have done the 5 S's and it works instantly to stop our baby's crying!! We also have the accompanying video, and I would HIGHLY recommend that as well, because in it, Dr. Karp SHOWS you exactly how to swaddle and shush and swing to be the most effective in calming your baby. The book explains HOW to do it, and WHY it works, but also SEEING it helps you execute the 5 S's correctly!
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Karp's book Review: Dr. Karp's book was wonderful, as was the video which gave us a very useful visual reference. We followed Dr. Karp's instructions and swaddled our daughter, and she slept soundly for up to 9 HOURS at a time even in the first few months. I would recommend this book and video to anyone who is having trouble gettting their infant to sleep. Also, Dr. Karp has been kind enough to personally respond to email questions we had. I was amazed and more than pleasantly surprised!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book for ALL Parents! Review: I purchased this book after seeing Dr. Karp on Oprah. I read it about 2 weeks before my baby was born - and boy was I glad! The book gives such great advice on techniques that are not taught to you in any of the other baby "how-to" books. The advice and techniques are simple, but very useful. Also read that this book is now out on DVD, which "shows" you the techniques to use.