Rating:  Summary: There is an alternative to Ferberizing your baby Review: If you can't stomach the thought of letting your baby cry himself to sleep in the middle of the night, this is the book for you. As the title implies, Pantley advocates a more gentle approach to helping your baby learn the difference between night and day. So if you're looking for an alternative to "Ferberizing" your baby, you might want to check out this book. Also highly recommended: Night-time Parenting by Dr. Sears and The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Karp.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing results, get more sleep and have time for yourself! Review: My baby is 5 1/2 months old and has never gone to bed before 10:30.For the last month, he's been going to bed around 12am-1am and still getting up twice a night(he's now being bottle fed).I was so worn out,especially when I have work in the morning(part time).My husband works karoake till 2am, and has school in the mornings, so I was on my own.I decided it was time for a big change so I went on this website to look for a book.I read all reviews and chose this one because I didn't want my baby to cry it out(and we live in an apartment so I was afraid what the neihbors might think!) The next day I bought the book and started reading it while my baby was taking a nap late in the evening.I got most of the way through it. It is really easy to read and follow. That night he had gone to bed at 12:20am like usual(he would fight sleep for hours). I started using Pantley's techniques the next day and he went to bed that night at 10:30pm, two hours difference in one day! He got up once at 5am and then went back to sleep. He slept a total of 11 hours which is just right for his age! I finished the book and used more of her suggestions and routines the next day and he went to bed at 9:30, the next night 8:30. I'ts been 5 nights now and he hasn't gone to bed later than 10pm.Last night he went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 8am!He woke up twice in the night but I didn't mind because he just falls back asleep with Panley's advice.And I enjoy those feedings when I get enough sleep! Pantley gives great advice and seems like a very loving mother. She tells you how to "lovingly" be in control of you'r baby's schedule. Throughout the book,the test-mommies share their experiences which make you very hopeful and let you know that you're not the only one. Her book is mainly on how to get you'r baby on a routine and when to give naps,and how to help the baby go back to sleep on his own instead of have to feed him all of the time throughout the night. Honestly,I was afraid that no book would help without letting the baby cry it out.This book is a lifesaver.You have to be dedicated and it might take longer if you're not with you'r little one all day. But even if it takes a month or so, it's well worth it. I can get more sleep and keep up our place too! I haven't had a night where he hasn't woke in the middle of the night, but now he falls right back to sleep sometimes without even eating. Pantley teaches you all of this. I'd rather my baby go to bed that much earlier than have him not wake up in the night. Pantley describes sleeping through the night is 5 consecutive hours, and my baby sleeps 5 hours or more straight. This book is great because it has a section 1-3 month olds, and then 4 months old and so on. I wish I would have found it sooner, it would be a great shower gift too! Did I mention my baby's first teeth are breaking through for the past week and he's still sleeping??? This book really works!!!
Rating:  Summary: no cry sleep solution Review: Amazing. I haven't even finished the book yet and my 5.5 month old is sleeping 5-7 hrs at a time...before i got the book he was up every 2-3 hrs to nurse. My husband was suspicious at first about following a book for our baby, but once he saw it working, he treats it like the bible. Thanks Elizabeth Pantley and no hysterically crying baby!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Love this book! Review: A great guide for moms and dads who don't feel that crying it out is right for them and their baby. Elizabeth offers many wonderful ideas to help your baby sleep longer - without any crying!!! Easy to read for tired out moms.
Rating:  Summary: Learn patience & make a routine Review: I learned patience and made a new routine for me & baby. After reading this book I figured out that your baby will not go to sleep and will keep waking up on the middle of the night unless you make sure she's well fed enough during the day, have a comfy atmoosphere around her room in her own crib, have her bathed before going to bed along with a nice massage. If you skip a single feeding then that'll make her wake up at night, so make sure she's fed enough so her tummy's full and everybody's happy. Good luck!
Rating:  Summary: We're sleeping through the night now! Review: The other reviewers are correct in saying that her methods take patience, but consistency does pay off. Our daughter who used to wake up every 2-4 hours is now sleeping 11-12 hour stretches a night. I'm a registered nurse and I highly recommend this book. I bought both Weisbluth and this book and did find helpful information in both. However, I really appreciated the fact that Elizabeth Pantley is an experienced mother of four kids. She did her research on infant and child sleep really well and presents an honest and practical guide to helping your baby sleep better. This book has advice for parents utilizing all types of different sleep arrangements, including crib in separate room, crib in parents' room, co-sleeping, etc. I thought about the Weisbluth and Ferber methods but was discouraged when I learned that every time the baby recovers from a cold or sleeps in a different bed, you probably have to do the cry-it-out method over again. I wasn't comfortable with that, and I'm glad my daughter learned a more peaceful way to get to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: This book really helped Review: This book really helped me when I was getting to my wits' end because I was getting no sleep at all. My son was waking up every two hours all night long. I really appreciated Elizabeth's sensible advice on the subject of sleep. I also found Dr. Karp's "Happiest Baby on the Block" book had some great tips when my son was a newborn. Other books that helped me during the challenging early weeks of motherhood were Andrea Buchanan's Mother Shock (she affirmed that I wasn't the only person experiencing major motherhood culture shock), Ann Douglas' The Mother of All Baby Books (which provided reassurance and advice galore and helped me regain my sense of humor), and Anne Lamott's Operating Instruction (a must-read memoir of the first year of motherhood by one of our generation's most talented writers).
Rating:  Summary: Slowly but surely sleeping soundly Review: Everyone told me you either had to let babies cry it out or live with them only sleeping 2-3 hours at a time. I was extremely against letting him cry and so tired of getting up with him all night long or sleeping in a chair with him on my chest. Don't expect this book to work in one night or even one week. You have work slowly with your baby and he will be sleeping soundly eventually. We started when my son was 4 months old and about a month later, he started sleeping 9-10 hours a night. Now, at 14 months he sleeps 12 hours straight through unless something is wrong. (And we KNOW something is wrong when he wakes up in the night!) I know so many people that tried the crying it out methods and are still, a year or two later, dealing with children who won't sleep through the night! One thing I loved about the author, is that she knows that you are not going to take every single thing she says as gospel. She puts together a bunch of suggestions and tells you to pick and choose your routine. So many books you read tell you that you must do this or do that and if you don't, it's just not going to work. There are some things we don't do, but many we do and we've had awesome success. Another thing to warn you about, if your child is sick or has some other reason for waking up or not going in his crib, you need to take care of that before you even think about trying these methods. We don't even think twice about night wakings when our child is teething, not feeling well or while we're traveling! None of us sleep well while we're sick and I know how shocked I am when I forget that I'm not at home in the middle of the night when I awake. This is an awesome book for new parents or even "seasoned" parents who have just had one too many sleepless nights!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Sleep without crying!!!! Review: I cannot believe how well the ideas in this book worked for us. My baby went from waking 10 plus times per night (almost every hour) to sleeping 6 to 7 hours in a row every single night. He also would NOT nap at all and now naps 2 solid hours every day. I love the way this book is set up like a menu - lots of different ideas. Then you pick the ones that make sense for you and creat a sleep plan and follow it. Doing a log every 10 days to analyze your success. There's also a chapter to help you do this part. I very highly recommend this book if your baby is waking you up at night but you cannot bear to let him cry. What an incredible book of solutions! What more can I say, it's Wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: the no-cry sleep solution Review: This book has provided the 'missing link' for parents who need a gentle, nurturing style to help their babies sleep. This is the book I have been waiting for! It's almost 10.30pm and I'm still up! My 11m baby girl Amelia has usually woken about 2-3 times by now but tonight she's been asleep since 7.45pm. And this is only day 3 of the no-cry sleep solution! She has been waking from about 6 months, every hour or so every night. It has been unbelievably hard but only manageable because she sleeps with me and I could feed her directly. I can see why I fed her so quickly - because I didn't want to disturb my husband or wake my other son (2 ¾) as Daddy would then need to tend to him. So I haven't helped really. But I am so glad/relieved to have found an author who has my mind and my thoughts about babies. I believe my extreme sensitivity to their needs is as a result of myself being a cry-it-out unattended-to baby when my mother parented in the 1960s. I have had a disproportionate level of anxiety and sensitivity and desperately needed my mother when I was young but never found she satisfied me. I determined very early on in life that when I was a mother I would give my children what I craved - LOVE and CUDDLES. So this is what I am doing, and my husband is instinctively with me the whole way. Thank you to Elizabeth for having the inspiration to write these clever ideas down; it's proof to me that one person can change the world! I'm enthusiastically sharing them with all my friends in New Zealand.