Rating:  Summary: This is no Sleep Solution Review: This book promises a new look at the problem of getting your child to sleep through the night - without crying. However, there's nothing new here. All you get with this book is the same old "follow a routine, put your child down for regular naps" deal. There are no guidelines for HOW to put your child down for regular naps - you're just supposed to do it. Somehow your child just isn't going to cry. You know, I'm sure this argument holds water: if your child sleeps well during the day, she'll sleep better at night. I'm not arguing with that, it's just that I've heard it before. This book is a waste of money, and promises solutions that it just doesn't deliver. Here, let me save you $10: follow a regular schedule, ease your child into naptime and bedtime by reading to her, or taking her for a walk, or anything to get her sleepy and used to the idea that it's almost time to sleep. There. Feel better?
Rating:  Summary: This book changed our lives! Review: Parents, don't let people tell you that you're spoiling your child by not letting them "just cry it out". THEY'RE WRONG!!! You don't have to listen to your baby's heartbreaking cries and you don't have to be a sleep-deprived martyr! This book helped us to get the most stubborn baby ever born into a reasonable nighttime routine - WITHOUT TORTURING HIM!!! He's sleeping so great day and night. He naps (3) times a day for at least an hour each time as opposed to a few 20 minute snoozers. And he's learning to go to sleep at night and stay asleep/ fall back to sleep on his own! We were waking up with him as many as 10 times/ night; now we're down to just a couple and that's just in the first few weeks. I highly recommend this book to every parent, it changed my life!
Rating:  Summary: Sleep, Beautiful Sleep Review: Losing sleep because your baby is crying is one of those cliches of parenthood that can be a truly harrowing experience. When my first son was born, I felt like I didn't sleep for six months, and I almost lost my job, my wife and I fought constantly. Sleep deprivation is a kind of torture. But when you finally understand how to approach your baby's problem and deal with it, you get your life back--it's wonderful. This is a very good all-around book for dealing with sleep problems, although the authors never admit one central truth--babies sometimes cry at night because they need to, and there's nothing you can do about it. Let me also recommend the funniest book ever written on babies, sleep and parenthood--"I SLEEP AT RED LIGHTS: A TRUE STORY OF LIFE AFTER TRIPLETS," by Bruce Stockler. His stories of staying up all night with his newborn triplets are priceless. Read this book and you'll never complain about your baby again.
Rating:  Summary: A gentle method that works Review: The tone of this book is friendly and reassuring, but the method is organized and efficient. The first part explains how babies sleep so that you can understand WHY your baby wakes up. The second part is a long list of solutions that are categorized by need: newborn, frequent nursing baby, co-sleeper, bottle baby, pacifier user, older baby, non-napper, etc. You read through all the ideas and select the ones that make sense for your baby. Then the book has forms to help you create a plan. I usually don't do this kind of thing, but having it all written out gave me confidence and patience to follow my plan. There's even a chapter on how to analyze your success - or lack of it - so that you can make changes until you and your baby are both sleeping. Plus a bonus chapter on adult sleep. All the ideas are creative and gentle and logical. I highly recommend this book if you have any sleep issues with your baby.
Rating:  Summary: Gentle and gradual approach Review: I've tried a few suggestions with my baby and it helped so far (she's only 6 months). The tips are very logical and appropriate, it taught me to be patient and pay attention to my baby, not mow it over with a cookie-cutter method. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: This brilliant book shows compassion for parents and babies Review: My daughter was never a terrific sleeper but in her ninth month she hit an incredible, unbearable low. We were cosleeping and getting about 3 hours of sleep a night, during which she nursed almost constantly. She also lost her ability to nap during the day unless being pushed in the stroller. It was a horrifically hot summer and I was blearily walking the streets trying to lull her into a few moments of slumber each day. Then a friend recommended The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. If you have kids you know that there are two schools of thought regarding sleep: the "cry-it-out" and the "suck-it-up." Cry-it-outers believe that babies must be trained to sleep well and the short-term suffering (crying) is outweighed by the long-term gains (sleeping). Suck-it-uppers maintain that a parent's primary job is to nurture even if it is the middle of the night, and so what if your child is still nursing to sleep when she goes off to graduate school? We desperately needed a middle ground and found it in Pantley's gentle method. Pantley gives lots of suggestions and lots of support. When you read her book, you really feel like someone understands why you can't let your baby "cry it out" and also understands why you have to get some sleep. Her general counsel is patience and creativity, and she offers many more ideas than I would have come up with on my own. There was still a great deal of crying involved--but now, it was only mama crying. And when the tears faded only a few weeks later, baby was sleeping 6 or 7 hours in a row, every night! One of the things we discovered during this period was that, although I am a co-sleeping mama, my daughter is NOT a co-sleeping baby. Now 14 months old, my daughter sleeps 7pm to 6am in her crib every night. It feels like a miracle. My partner and I have a pleasant evening together every day! I can't say enough good things about this book.
Rating:  Summary: The less sleep solution Review: I really didn't want to let my daughter cry, and turned to this book for help in eliminating the *one* middle of the night waking that she still experienced. After reading the book and trying Pantley's approach, my daughter is now waking EVERY TWO HOURS@!! And, some nights, refusing to go back to sleep in her crib or my bed. She will only sleep in my arms on those occasions. In desperation, I have had to let her cry, something I swore I would never do. I blame this book. I didn't know how good I had it. I also think it is highly irresponsible and somewhat cruel to go into such graphic, heart wrenching detail about what a baby *might* feel upon waking in the night. Where are the facts backing up her statements? I wish I had never bought this book, and I recommend that anyone considering this so-called solution get the book out of their local library rather than throwing money away on a purchase. If it works for you, great, but it is by no means fail-safe.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Amazing Book EVER!!! Review: I have read SOOOO many sleep books and have surfed hundreds of web sites looking for information on helping my baby sleep then finally found No Cry Sleep Solution. I am not kidding when I tell you my son (now 8mths) has never slept well. He was waking every single hour and the only way I could get him back to sleep was by b/feeding him. Every Single Hour! NCSS has changed my life! After a few really consistent days of following NCSS and not one tear, My son slept very well last night and woke up so happy! Instead of going to him and feeding him 9 or 10 times, He called for me TWICE!!!! Yes, I wrote Twice!!!! I cannot tell you how good this is - you just have to read it! If your consistent, it WILL change your life too! Thank You so much Elizabeth Pantley! Edited to add, one month on ... Henry is sleeping through the night without waking! I still breastfeed him to sleep and there hasnt been any tears. Just a few months ago, I was so terribly desperate for sleep, now I feel alive! Dont feel the 'Controlled Crying' to be the only answer - this DOES work!
Rating:  Summary: No-Cry Sleep Solution Review: Thank goodness this book exists. I thought I was the only one who wasn't comfortable letting my baby cry-it-out. Many useful suggestions, however it is time consuming. I think it has fostered a better relationship for my daughter and I. Without this book I would have allowed her to cry and not have realized she had ear infections!!
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book! Review: I bought this book when I was trying to gently move our 6 month old to her crib and like being there. It took about two months for her to be really comfortable in her own bed. Now, sometimes when she wakes from teething or what not, I try to get her to sleep with me for just a little while before I have to get up, but she won't have it! Now, she actually WANTS to sleep in her own crib! I still nurse her before bed and now she actually pulls off on her own and will arch her back and grunt a little to let me know that she wants to go to "bed". It's amazing. I think the best part of this book is that the author gives you an "attitude adjustment" of sorts and helps you to understand why your child wakes so much in the night so that you can approach "change" with patience and understanding if your child has setbacks. It made me appreciate my child and our nursing relationship so much more as well.