Rating:  Summary: The exhausive sleep resource every mom needs Review: I don't know what we would have done without this book.Our son was still waking up every nights - some nights as many as 6 times. He was napping only half hour spotty naps. We followed the plan in this book and tried a number of her ideas. Some I had never heard before and would have never thought of on my own. Before long he was sleeping good long naps on his own and doing much better at night. Now he takes 3 hour naps and sleeps 11 hours at night on average. Everyone is envious of how well he sleeps. What a gift to give your child and yourself - a good nights sleep is best for everyone. It takes some time unlike the cry it out methods but what child isn't worth it. It so much easier to be a mom during the day when you get good sleep at night. I have recommended this book to over a dozen moms and they are all very thankful and wish they had found it earlier. I wish I had this book when my son was a newborn it could have saved us months of sleepless nights.
Rating:  Summary: What A Relief!!!! Review: When I discovered Elizabeth my dd was waking 10+ times a night, every night, whether she was in my bed or her crib. She was in my bed because I needed to get SOME sleep as she would nurse for 20 minutes every time she woke up. Using Elizabeth's methods I got her to sleep for 6-7 hours in her crib and then brought her into bed with me for the rest of the night. I could have worked through that last waking, but I enjoyed the cuddle time so I didn't worry about it. The difference in my daughter and I after we finally were sleeping was tremendous. It worked for us, and with all of her ideas it will work for you too. The best part is there is no crying involved! I highly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: She's Sleeping! She's Sleeping! Review: Before I found this book, I was a nursing mom to an 8 month old who woke up 10+ times a night. The frequent night waking was really starting to get to me, and I could tell that it was also taking a toll on my daughter. After I read the book, I immediately put into practice many of the suggestions described in the book. We noticed an immediate reduction in her night wakings. Then, we hit many snags such as several colds, teething, growth spurts etc. I was almost ready to give up! But, I kept with it, and now, my daughter is sleeping through the night. Her naps have also improved from two 20-30 min naps, to two 75+ minute naps. I can tell that my daughter feels so much better, and so do I. This book is great because it offers many suggestions to try. It is not a cookie cutter approach, because you tailor the ideas to your baby and your life. Elizabeth offers suggestions to help crib sleepers, AND also co-sleepers. She describes how she was able to get her son to sleep through, while continuing to co-sleep and breastfeed. It is so refreshing to read a "sleep book" by someone who has been in the depths of sleep deprivation. She knows what she is talking about, and what you are going through, because she's been there herself. Elizabeth's gentle methods and suggestions are not a quick fix. It will take some time, but the results are well worth the patience. There is no need to let your baby cry it out. The best part about this book is the hope that Elizabeth offers. When you are sleep deprived and getting up every hour or so, everything seems bleak. Elizabeth book is filled with hope and success stories. Your baby WILL sleep through the night! Thank you Elizabeth! You have given me back my sanity and my life!
Rating:  Summary: This is the ONLY sleep book you need to read! Review: How many people have asked you 'Is your baby sleeping through the night'? and then followed it up with 'Well, you just have to let them cry-it-out (CIO).' I heard this constantly and even a person just suggesting that I let my little baby CIO made my heart hurt. I knew I would never, could never, do this to my child. And you know what, I didn't have to...and neither do you. When you sit down to read this book, Elizabeth becomes your friend instantly. It's a page turner! Her writing style feels like a big hug from a mom who has been exactly where you are right now. And the best part. Not only do feel like you are commiserating with another mother in the same boat as you, you see that the there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Elizabeth will get you to that light. There are many books out there that try to fit all babies into one mold by having strict schedules and make parents feel like they need to be in control. As you have learned with your child(ren) this simply is not true. Not all babies respond to the same methods. Elizabeth presents methods for all types of families and their parenting styles. She respects you. Whether you are breast or bottle feeding, have a crib sleeper or you co-sleep, or if you're just trying to get rid of the pacifier, it doesn't matter; there are options for everyone - and they WORK. When I read this book my baby was waking so often I couldn't even count. I was at my rope's end. Elizabeth has you log night wakings, and when I counted 13 (not a typo) times in a 12-hour period, I knew I needed some serious help. With Elizabeth's method's, we got down to 3 wakings, then 2, which is fine with me as a nursing mother. Trust your instincts. Following your baby's cues will build a wonderful trust between you and your child. Parenting is a 24-hour job. A baby does not understand why, just because it's 3 a.m., he can't receive the love and attention that he gets from you at 3 p.m. A clock should not dictate when we give our all to our children. Show your child that he can trust that you are there for him, and that he can be helped to go to sleep in a warm, loving, safe environment, without being left to cry or wondering why he can't be with you. Elizabeth's book will help you do just this.
Rating:  Summary: Answered prayer Review: Elizabeth Pantley did it!! Without crying it out my son learned how to sleep all night. I went for 16-plus months breastfeeding my son all night long every 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 hours. It would vary, but as he got older, he started waking more frequently. I knew two things: I was committed to not letting him cry it out and feel abandoned and I was committed to breastfeeding him to a minimum of 2 years. When at wit's end, I found about about Elizabeth's method, and it WORKED. IT WORKED. It took a little patience since he started when he was older 16, 17 months, but it worked. Oh, what a difference in my son when he also was not sleep deprived. I highly recommend this method and this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Godsend! Review: Before I began to follow the advice from the No-Cry Sleep Solution I was at the end of my rope. I was exhausted beyond belief. I had not a single night of uninterrupted sleep for more than a year and the effects of fatigue and stress were abundant and obvious. Advice was streaming in from friends and family. It seemed everyone knew just what to do to get my sweet little girl to sleep. But the #1 suggestion was to ignore her cries...something I could never do. It was then that I discovered Elizabeth Pantley's gentle sleep suggestions. Shortly after I started her method, I began to see improvements in my daughter's sleep. It wasn't long before she slept through the night completely. By completely I mean an average of 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep! I was elated, and still am! Now when I tell people that my daughter not only naps for 2 hours in the afternoon, but sleeps 12 hours straight at night, they are amazed. Some people are in disbelief. But it's true and has been for about a year now. Her book is a quick read and is easy to follow...necessities for us sleep deprived moms! There is no one easy solution, of course, but this book helps you find a peaceful solution to sleepless nights for YOU AND YOUR BABY!!!
Rating:  Summary: THE SLEEP BIBLE! Review: As a new mom I was tired of getting the same tired advice from everyone about how to get my baby to sleep better/longer/nap...even my pediatrician recommended letting him cry it out...which worked....he'd cry for 20 minutes and nap for 20 minutes...as far as I was concerned it was not a solution...I have never been so adiment about recommending a book to someone as I am now about this one. Forget everything you've been told...and diregard any advice involving letting your child cry it out. This book belongs on every mom's shelf!...and I guarentee you will be recommending it to someone soon!...don't hesitate for a minute!...BUY THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: Best Way to teach a baby to Sleep Review: I loved this book. I could not bear to let my daughter "cry it out". What a cruel thing to do to a tiny child who just wants love. With another baby on the way, this book helped to gently get my daughter out of my bed and sleeping happily in her own bed. She sleeps all night (unless she's sick) and she knows if she needs us, she can come in to our room to get us, or that we will go to her. She has no reason to feel any anxiety, and goes right back to sleep if she actually does wake before morning. This book is the best. No baby would ever have to cry it out if all moms read this book, and no mom would deprive herself of the joy of snuggling in bed with their newborn if that is what they want to do...knowing that it is easy and painless to change that habit when baby gets older. I'll use the tips in here to develop better sleep habits from the start with my next child.
Rating:  Summary: This book helped our family so much. Review: Because of this book, we've gone from waking up every 2-3 hours, to almost no night wakings. Also, it used to take my 12 month old at least half an hour to get back to sleep after waking up each time. Now she's back to sleep, and back in her crib, within 5 minutes of eating.
When my oldest daughter (currently almost 3 years old) was about 14 months old, we read this book and used the ideas in it. In about 3 weeks she was sleeping through the night and has *never* been hard to get to sleep since.
Rating:  Summary: SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS!!!!! Review: Thank you Elizabeth Pantley! I finally know that someone truly cares, and truly understands. After 18 months of not sleeping through the night, and without the support of my pediatrician, or most of my family, I knew something wasn't right with my daughter. After a lecture on how she has to just "cry it out" from my pediatrician, I was led to this book on amazon. I found the strategies to be immediately helpful.
Let me be clear, I didn't say the sleep was immediate, I said the strategies helped me immediately. Ms. Pantley makes it very clear that if you want your baby to sleep without crying it will take patience and time. What I learned right away was that my exhaustion was wreaking havoc on the structure and comfort that should surround sleep time. I was so strung out on caffeine, and so full of anxiety attacks about what the night might bring, that I was missing the opportunity to enjoy the peace and comfort of the evening. Through Ms. Pantley's suggestions, we developed a bedtime routine that we both enjoy, and putting her to bed became a pleasurable time for both of us.
My daughter's problem was the chronic night waking, a symptom we recently found of an undiagnosed milk allergy. After removing all dairy from her diet, the pieces of the puzzle have gelled. We enjoy a peaceful, fun evening together, and then mom gets some time to herself before a good night's sleep!
Elizabeth Pantley's book came along just when I had begun to fear I was all alone. If you truly know your child, and you just can't bear to leave them to cry, I urge you to try this book. My only regret is that I didn't find it sooner!