Rating:  Summary: Oh My GOD!! It works Review: I dont know what I can say but, TRY THIS!!! The method helped me find out what my weaknesses were and how to over come them. Dont let your little one "Cry it out"!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic solution for any parent with TWINS!!!! Review: I have 21-month-old twin girls. One of my daughters had never slept through the night (nursing 5-10 times a night!!!), and my other daughter had only occasionally slept through the night. Until I read Elizabeth Pantley's book. First of all the book gave me hope. I had had visions of nursing my daughters through the night and then getting them ready for school. I thought it would never end. This continuous lack of a full night's sleep was really starting to wear on me. I was never very comfortable with the cry-it-out method, so I felt like my only other option was to wait it out. That surely sometime, they would start sleeping through the night. However, after many months of patience and sleepless nights, that time never seemed to come. I found Elizabeth Pantley's book while desperately searching for a solution. Finally, an alternative to the cry-it-out method that is gentle, sympathetic, and in line with an attachment parenting style. I started using Elizabeth's ideas. A few weeks later, my daughter who used to nurse all night now amazingly can put herself back to sleep when she wakes up. Both of my daughters have actually slept through the night, never waking once, for the last two weeks. Our naptime and bedtime is no longer a struggle. When I tell the kids it is time for a nap or time for bed, my daughters and my 3 1/2 year old son no longer object or balk. What used to be a 10-11pm bedtime is now an 8:00 bedtime. Thank you Elizabeth for showing me that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.
Rating:  Summary: Simple and Effective! Review: I was amazed that something that seemed so much common sense, and 'easy' worked for my child - but it did. The main areas that helped me were: Routine, Rituals, Consistency and Winding down before bed time. I have read these words in so many books, but this book helped me plan it out and with the help of the log, made me realize how bad I had it. Within 2 days I saw a magnificent improvement. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: The No-Cry Sleep Solution Review: Sound advice for desperate parents who are considering letting their baby cry it out because they have no other answers. The other answers are in this book, with helpful worksheets at the end. Calm, encouraging tone and clearly described how-tos will allow exhausted, vulnerable parents to take charge of their family direction again, without compromising their basic principles.
Rating:  Summary: TEN stars! It really works ¿ sleep with no tears! Review: I was desperate and this book saved me. My 15 month old was waking up every 2 hours every single night. He wouldn't nap more than 20 minutes. I was seriously sleep-deprived. I let my first baby cry it out 4 years ago - it took 5 weeks and she would cry for hours at a time, and I cried too. And then we had to do it over again after teething or a cold or a vacation. I still regret it, but back then I didn't think I had any other choice. But now there was no way I would go through that torture again, so I suffered through 15 months of sleeplessness instead. A friend gave me The No Cry Sleep Solution 4 weeks ago and we have made incredible progress! My baby falls asleep so much easier and wakes up only once. He takes a 2-hour nap, too. I love that this book doesn't assume that all babies - or all parents - are alike. It gives a tremendous variety of ideas to choose from. It covers every possible aspect of baby sleep - from routines, to habits, to the sleep environment, to creating sleep-cues, to reading your baby's sleepy signals. The chapter on Basic Sleep Facts taught me all I needed to know about my baby's sleep problems, without being overly long or technical. I like that the reader creates a personal sleep plan from the many ideas in the book, and I like that the author doesn't dictate one right way. You can be a co-sleeper or a crib-sleeper, a breastfeeder or a bottle feeder, use a pacifier or not - she respects all your choices and gives you ideas to work within the range of your own comfort zone. The tone is compassionate and caring, like reading a letter from a kind and wise friend. I plan to give this book as a shower gift and new baby gift every chance I get. No one should suffer through sleepless nights OR crying it out - this book is the absolute answer to gentle baby sleep -- and better mommy and daddy sleep, too. (There's even a chapter on how adults can get better sleep too.) If your baby is keeping you up at night this is the smartest [money] you could ever spend. ZZZZZZZZ
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY!!!!!!!!! Review: I could type that word forever. I am a mom who loves and respects her child. I have realized from the beginning that my son cries for a reason. I have done my best to address his needs immediately. However, when it comes to sleep I have been at my wits end from day one. My son could never get past 20 minutes with his naps. He has always started screaming at this point. Other books address that this is "normal", as some babies have a hard time transitioning from light sleep to deep sleep. They will eventually learn to transition...WHEN???? At 17 months, I was still holding my son so he would sleep through a nap. I needed some time to myself. I was trapped. I read Elizabeth's book and was so relieved to read that there are ways to help your child transition to deep sleep. I didn't have to hold him all day. We are one week into the program and my son is taking two 1 - 2 hour naps a day!!! I still have to pat him during certain intervals, but he stays asleep. He doesn't wake up crying anymore. He actually makes a happy noise when he's ready to get out of bed!!! Next phase it to get him to fall asleep on his own! Get this book tired mamma and daddy. You'll be glad you did.
Rating:  Summary: No dice for no cry Review: I was hoping to find some real concrete advise on getting my 7 mo old daughter to sleep, but it didn't pan out. The entire approach is based on examining and setting up routines, unfortunately, that was not part of our problem. I tried all of the methods outlined and my daughter is still in our bed for the bulk of the night. I will have to do the "cry it out" thing anyway, just with a lighter pocketbook!
Rating:  Summary: Baby AND Parent Friendly Review: This is a wonderful book! It's not another "train your child to sleep" book but rather a "bag of tricks" book. She gives you tons of choices and ideas on how to help your baby sleep without telling you what you "have to" do. She starts of letting you know what is natural and normal development for babies and then presents a plan that can be adjusted to meet the needs of your family. Unlike [other books]her ideas help moms function in our society WITHOUT depriving the baby of his biological and emotional needs. The books that talk about letting your baby "cry-it-out" do not even consider the baby....only the parent. The ideas in the book also take into account co-sleeping and nursing families. All along she has you watch and learn from your baby. I never once let my first child "cry-it-out" but I also went with sleepless nights until I heard Elizabeth Pantley speak about this book. I'm about to have my second child and this is one book I feel good about using to help my child learn how to sleep. This is the first book I've read on sleep issues that is written by someone who actually knows and respects the biological and emotional needs of the baby and yet understands our culture's expectations of mothers...and she beautifully brings them together in a way that continues to build a strong mother-baby bond in a realistic and loving way.
Rating:  Summary: GET THIS BOOK! Review: I've never felt compelled to write a review but I have found this book so, so helpful that I really wanted to write. My 3month old son actually sleeps pretty well at night for his age (although many books will claim he should sleep through the night by now-I don't believe it!). However, he would not take naps at all and if after hours of coaxing, I might get him to take nap , he would pop up wide awake in about 20mins. He was getting exhausted and so was I. And, suprisingly, he would sleep less at night on the days he didn't sleep well during the day. I was getting close to letting him cry it out but I tried for about 3 mins and realized that the crying out solution is beyond cruel. It may be convenient for the parents but it is no way to treat a child. This books offers wonderful support and compassionate advice. After only 2 days (2 days!) I've learned so much more about my sons napping and have helped him take 3 naps of over an hour today. This is a wonderful book for parents willing to compassionately take the time to help their babies learn to sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! You mean we all get to SLEEP ?! Review: This book is just great! There are many wonderful tips on how everyone can get some sleep. I like that there is no crying involved, and that Elizabeth Pantley gives advice that includes nursing and co-sleeping. I think both of these things are very important to a strong bond, and it's nice to read a book that shows this is something that can work. I am still nursing my daughter at 2 years old and I love that special time together. I have read Dr Sears books and if you love Dr Sears attachment style, you'll love this book also. Finally some answers and some sleep!! Thanks!!