Rating:  Summary: It really works Review: I bought this book because it was taking literally 3 hours to put my 6-month-old to sleep at night and she wouldn't go down until 2 am. Now, 3 weeks later, she sleeps for 5-11 hours straight in her crib (where before she would only sleep in my arms without a huge struggle) and goes down at 9pm. Thank heavens for this book. I highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ!!!!!!!!! Review: This book is amazing! I truly believe it should be mandatory reading for parents both old and new. We suffered many, many sleepless nights due to a colicky baby. An average nap at one point was 20 mins (and very random) and she would only sleep while being held both day and night. Fortunately, the colic passed- yet we were still struggling with the challenge of helping our baby sleep longer (I was still getting up at least 8-10 times per night!) I am thankful and relieved to tell you that within 10-14 days (after reading this book), her sleep patterns changed dramatically. She now sleeps regularly, LOVES her "routine", has one + hour naps.- where I can just lie her down when I know she's tired (ahhhhhh!) and wakes us only 1-2 times per night. It's true!! This book provided techniques and supporting information on how to gently teach your child to sleep. It is a natural and nuturing method which makes sleeping time a peaceful and relaxing experience for both parent and child. I knew in my heart that there was no reason why I should let her "cry it out" (as MANY suggested we do). It didn't seem right to me. I knew she needed my help and guidance. This book was the answer. I highly recommend!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Advice for Me! Review: This book was exactly what I was looking for. I have been up every hour for the past 16 months and have heard all the advice -- let him cry it out, put him down when he is tired but not asleep, don't let him breastfeed, etc. I couldn't do all those things because it didn't feel right to me as a parent. I needed to follow my heart and respond to my baby's cries. This book gave me exactly what I needed -- acknowledgment that my baby's nighttime behavior was normal, research to back my argument that "cry it out" isn't the best answer, and a plan that gave me the "baby steps" needed to get my child to sleep. Reading this book gave me new encouragement that I'd never felt before. Elizabeth Pantley's words in a book touched me more than my own freinds and family's "advice"! I am a school psychologist who is constantly disheartened by all the behavior problems that exist in children even as young as 2 years old! It's time to let mothers follow their instincts and respond to their babies and encourage them along the way. This book does all of that and more. Pantley does an exceptional job of combining research and experience. And she personally responds to email, offering even more advice and encouragement! It is like having a sleep assistant in my home!
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Accessible Ideas for Tired Parents Review: So, my son is 4 months old and he has apparently decided to stop napping. It has been very distressing because he looks exhausted but seems to fight sleep, unless we're in the car. A friend recommended this book and I found it very useful. It's only been a few days, but within the framework that Pantley prescribes, we appear to be making progress. I truly can't bear the idea of "Ferberizing" or letting him cry himself to sleep, so I have been faithfully following the journal ideas and routine described in this book. The guide has concrete ideas that are realistic and flexible. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Only as a Supplement for a Few Techniques Review: This book may be a good read to those parents who are willing to put themselves through untold amounts of discomfort to save their child from even a few minutes of crying. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being superparent, I'm going to sleep -- all night. Although some of the ideas in the book are good to incorporate with other getting to sleep stragegies, the absolute "no-cry" theory is just that for the vast majority of children and parents: a theory. The author is almost completely uneducated in any sleep science and it shows. The book is far more of a support group than a guide. "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child" is a much better resource for getting children to sleep. Although it's a little harder to read, we found our children did exactly as he said average children behaved. Buy it and read it early to avoid the pitfalls which make your child dependent on you for sleep.
Rating:  Summary: Best advice out there for this dilemma Review: The No-Cry Sleep Solution is different from most other baby sleep books. It's full of input from "real" parents and is the most gentle method I've found that still takes into account the parents' needs. One single solution will never fit everyone, but that's another of the book's strengths: You can tweak your approach to fit your lifestyle and preferences. It worked for us!
Rating:  Summary: Child Psychiatrist says this book is a MUST!! Review: I am a physician, training in child and adolescent psychiatry. I am also a new mom. Before finding Elizabeth Pantley's book, The No Cry Sleep Solution, I was torn between wanting my baby to sleep better, and not wanting him to "cry it out" at bedtime. So many sources told me that the aforementioned are just not compatible!! Even as a professional, I was stuck!! Enter The No Cry Sleep Solution. This book not only outlines practical and HUMANE techniques for helping your baby fall asleep, but it promotes a type of maternal bonding that is UTTERLY critical for parents to realize!! Her take on motherhood is a breath of fresh air, and she has helped me immensely!! I strongly urge every parent to read this book. I even recommend it to my patients!! Hats off to Ms. Pantley.
Rating:  Summary: No Prescription Here Review: "The No Cry Sleep Solution" is a wonderful resource not just for sleeping, but for parenting. It is a 24/7 job, and Elizabeth gently guides us all to parent well while not being sleep deprived! With the 45 pages of "how to get better sleep" suggestions (depending on which type of arrangement your family has) there is something for everyone. My little girl is now 9 1/2 months old and loves her "Going for a walk around the house" (song by Daddy) before her "Sleepy Sleepy Time" (Keyword by mommy). These suggestions have helped us simplify our routine and get our baby to sleep faster (and longer). Elizabeth knows that any prescriptive advice simply can't work for every baby - that is, although some babies can be "sleep trained" (harshly)and still thrive, most babies don't work that way! To attempt to "train" a baby who has other ideas can bring tears to the baby, and tears to the parents who thought that "the book's sleep prescription" was what the baby needed! By listening to your baby, and creating an atmosphere in which the baby can sleep through the night, it will happen! And "The No Cry Sleep Solution" is a great place to get the ideas. I can't thank Elizabeth enough for helping my family!
Rating:  Summary: Finally!! No longer "sleepless in Seattle"! Review: High praise for the author, this book is marvelous!! The book is "reader-friendly" and the solutions work! I no longer suffer from sleep deprivation and I am fully able to enjoy my baby during the day. I couldn't be happier. I only wish I had discovered it sooner!!
Rating:  Summary: A worthwhile purchase, but just one piece of the puzzle... Review: This book includes some great techniques as well as some helpful psychological insights. (For instance, that not all moms really *want* to give up nighttime feedings because it's a special time with their babies.) I'd recommend getting "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" as well, though. It has more concrete info about sleep cycles and what kind of sleep needs babies have at different ages.