Rating:  Summary: Read It! Review: I never realized that you had to teach your child how to sleep. I wasn't willing to let my child "cry it out". This book gives wonderful tips for teaching your child to sleep better. I am on day three, and am seeing some slight improvements. I know it will take time. I love the fact that I don't have to make my child cry to sleep. However, if you want a quick fix, this isn't the book for you. Teaching your child to sleep without crying is like teaching your child to read or eat. It takes time and patience. Children don't learn to read overnight or even in a week. Children also don't learn how to swallow solids in a week. It takes time and patience. You have to allow your child the time to adjust. When he or she does, you have a happy sleeping baby and a happy sleeping parent.
Rating:  Summary: Very Helpful Review: I used this for my 3 month old very fussy daughter, tweaked it to fit our life and it worked, I got more sleep and she got more sleep and bedtime became fun and peaceful. I recommend to anyone having a baby or who has a baby that just won't go down.
Rating:  Summary: A++: Help is on the way! Review: My eight month old was sleeping through the night until she was about six and half months old. Then she was awakening frequently: five, six or seven times a night. I am breastfeeding, and I knew she wasn't THAT hungry. People (family, friends) told me "let her cry it out." Unfortunately, I'm not that kind of a person. I waited all my life for my precious baby, I was not going to let her "cry it out." Then I heard, "if you don't cry it out, you'll just have to live with it." What? Live in the sleep-deprived angry mom state I've been in for the last month and a half? Would my marriage survive? What kind of mother am I when I'm angry and seriously sleep-deprived. Then I found this fabulous book, "the no-cry sleeping solution." It was as if my prayers were answered. For the first time in my life, I don't feel like a bad mommy who is doing everything "wrong." Since reading this book I feel empowered, confident, and for the first time ever -- relaxed as a mother. I feel like I'm doing everything right. I feel secure in my decisions, and I'm relieved to see that I am NOT the only mom in the world with a baby not sleeping well. And I'm not the only mom in the world who won't let her baby "cry it out." Prior to reading this book I felt so alone. This book made me realize that there are others like me, and we are not bad moms. In fact, we are good, caring, warm-hearted moms who really only want to do what is best for our child. Hats off to Elizabeth Pantley for writing such a fabulous, insightful, helpful book. This is the only book I have been able to find that goes beyond "cry it out" or "live with it." This book shows that there is a middle ground. Thank you, Elizabeth Pantley, for your dogged determination in researching and writing about sleep issues in such a wonderful way. How generous of you to share your knowledge with the world. I don't know what I would have ever done without this book. I am now well-rested and looking forward to spending my days enjoying my child instead of dreading the nights and counting the hours until my little one falls asleep so that I can take a nap. I am now enjoying life with my baby instead of merely "existing" from nap to nap. I feel like a new woman and I couldn't be happier.
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me Review: As a family daycare provider for 26 years caring for children from 6 weeks to 5 years, I find naptimes to be challenging. One particular child (11 months old) was having a hard time staying asleep once I put her in her crib. I tried letting her cry it out, as recommended by her pediatrician, but after 1 1/2 hours we were both tired of that. I found The No-Cry Sleep Solution and tried those ideas. The next day, this baby napped for 1 1/2 hours! I haven't been able to repeat that, but she's sleeping much better during the day and as a result, she's sleeping much better at night. Now she's much happier. I recommend this book to anyone who can't bear to hear their child cry.
Rating:  Summary: The only book that helped us! Review: Having read half a dozen books on the subject of sleep, we were at our wits end before finding Elizabeth Pantley's No-Cry Sleep Solution. At 10 months of age, my daughter was still waking to nurse 2-5 times a night. We were exhausted! This book is not a quick fix, but includes the most loving ideas and suggestions to help your child sleep through the night. My daughter is now 15 months old, and sleeps every single night peacefully. She goes to bed (awake) at 7:30pm, and wakes the next morning around 7. The tip that helped us most, was to have someone else go to her in the night instead of mom. It was a very hard first 2 weeks, very hard, but in the end, everyone was better off. I would suggest this book to anyone who has a newborn. If I had this book earlier, we may have been successful with her sleeping at a younger age. A truly unique book with a wonderfully loving and supportive parenting style. Thank you Elizabeth Pantley!!!
Rating:  Summary: It worked!! - Share with a mom you know Review: I am a breastfeeding, co-sleeping mother of a 4 month old - we were up EVERY ONE to TWO HOURS every night - I was desperate for sleep (returning to work seemed impossible)- I was starting to be effected in every way during the day. - I wanted to enjoy my beautiful child and continue to afford him a nurturing and loving environment. But I really wanted/needed sleep!!! Although I researched, read, surfed, and asked everyone for advice - the only options were: cry it out or live with it - I tried both and could do neither - I was hopeless until I found Elizabeth Pantley!!! I wish I could tell every parent without sleep out there to - READ THIS BOOK!!! I saw results within the 10 days- Joe now sleeps 11 hours a night - wakes twice to nurse between 7 pm and 7 am!! I have time with my husband again - Joe is in a better mood, and I am so grateful for the No-cry sleep solution. Not one single tear or moment of distress for any of us. My husband says about the book: very insightful about how the simple things can go so far!!! I keep the book at my bedside and review it over and over because I am using additional resources from it still! P.S. I am still able to breastfeed and co-sleep with Joe.
Rating:  Summary: Ok, but not all that helpful . . . Review: This book was interesting and had a FEW ideas, but ..., no scientific research to back it up and not enough strategies. This book may be helpful if you're preparing your newborn (and yourself) to eventually sleep through the night. But, if you've already got a child who should be able to sleep through the night but won't, I don't think you'll find this book very helpful. In addition to this book (or instead of) I recommend a book by Richard Ferber, M.D. "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems," also available at amazon.com. It has a scientific explanation of healthy sleep, as well as the sleep problems that do require medical intervention. The bulk of the book is devoted to what most families experience, sleep problems that can be solved at home. Very specific suggestions are given.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST sleep book written! Review: I've read all the popular books on getting babies to sleep. They all have similar threads of information on the biology and facts. Where this book differs is that it offers multiple solutions that don't include letting a baby cry alone in the dark. The long list of suggestions offers something for every parent, from newborn to toddler, and you put together your own "sleep plan" from the multiple choices. It is organized in a way that even the most foggy sleep deprived parents can follow the instructions. It's also very comforting and soothing to read. I would highly recommend that you read this book if you are struggling with a baby who doesn't sleep well at night, or one that doesn't nap. It's a lifesaver!
Rating:  Summary: to coin a phrase... it works if you work it! Yeah Success! Review: I am a single mom. My son started was 15 months old when he, instead sleeping more, was demanding to be nursed at closer and closer intervals. I was trying to work at night at home and I had to keep interrupting my work every two hours, every 45 minutes, or every hour and 45 minutes to get him to sleep at all. It got to the point where I was so stressed out and sleep deprived that I could barely keep a happy face! My son also got seriously sleep deprived. This was a very difficult time for us as I was the only breadwinner. Okay. That said, I must say this book really worked. Within about three to four weeks, doing my very best to follow directions, MY SON WAS SLEEPING SIX HOURS, FOUR HOURS, SOON EIGHT HOURS!!! I was so happy to have a calm way to ease him back to restful sleep and the technique really works. No screaming and crying. Just stick with it and do it like the book says - I mean really follow directions - and it is the kindest way to get rest. It is so much better for baby. I was hanging in there nursing on demand until I was going to keel over because the only alternative out there was abandoning the baby and letting them cry it out, which goes against every fiber in my being. It just was not an option for me as the mom I want to be. But Elizabeth figured this out and I am thrilled and happy to say: Do it. Try it. It works!!! You will be so happy to get some sleep. Hang in there and follow directions. Shannon Ross
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I love this book. I started to train my daughter to sleep on her own from her 3 months. I followed the book step by step, I tried one month. It really works without a drop of tear. Now she's 7 months old and she can sleep from 8 to 8 totally 12 hours without awake. What a release for me!