Rating:  Summary: The BEST baby book on the market Review: Comprehensive, clear, well written, factual--this book tells the truth: parenting is hard if you do it right, but it is the most rewarding work on the planet. Not every thing that our culture tells us about babies is true (for example, that "good babies" sleep through the night or that breastfeeding is optional, like vitamin drops or something). The risks of not breastfeeding and of not really connecting with your baby are great, and books like this help a new parent overcome challenges to successful breastfeeding and attachment. Too many books on parenting take a very "devil may care" attitude toward the enormous gift and responsibility of raising a child. Mothering through breastfeeding and attachment parenting have changed my life, and if I hadn't had this book to rely on (along with a supportive partner, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, a couple of other books, La Leche League, and other supportive people whom I have sought out since our son was born) I might well have compromised on what I knew was best for my baby.
Rating:  Summary: Mother of two -- ages 5 & 2 Review: The medical reference information in Dr. Sears' book has been invaluable to me. However, I am not his biggest fan. Dr. Sears does not address situations where breastfeeding does not work out -- my daughter almost died at birth and even the people from La Leche told me that I would likely never be able to breastfeed her exclusively. Imagine my heartbreak and guilt when his section on bottle feeding begins with all the reasons you shouldn't do this. I experienced the book to be very judgemental. Some of his advice also has you catering to your child in a way that is impractical. Bonding with your infant and child has so much more to do with your intentions and warmth than the mechanics of breastfeeding and baby wearing per se.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Grateful! Review: My husband and I practiced Attachment Parenting before we knew what Attachment Parenting was! Our 5 month old son is so happy and well adjusted and I truly believe that our style of parenting has contributed to that. Unfortunately, most pediatricians don't embrace things like co-sleeping (though I can't imagine NOT sleeping w/ my baby close by). I completely disagree w/ the reviews that Dr Sears relegates father's to a "secondary" status - my husband is the primary care taker of our son during the day while I work. He also practices Attachment Parenting by babywearing, and I pump at work so that our son can continue to have breastmilk as part of us diet. Thank you, Dr Sears! It's a wonderful feeling to not have to "train" your baby like some of the books recommend. We've found that the more we nurture our son, the more "easy" he is to parent!
Rating:  Summary: the best i've found... Review: my daughter is just over 2 now, and i can't tell u how useful this book was. i loved it, i think the advice is very practical, and i am very disappointed to find the negative reviews. i guess it's not right for everyone, as one of the review says "some people have to work" well, i worked,and i was able to benefit greatly from this book,and the it does give alot of advice for the working family. i don't see anything wrong with advising to hold and wear your child every chance you get. they're only that little once, don't u wanna do it while they'll still let u? i also want to note that i loved all of their books, the discipline book is very good, as well as the pregnancy book. but as with anything else, you have to adapt it to work for you. and if it doesn't, that's ok too.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST book to read! Review: I love how the Sear's tell us in this book that it's OK to hold your child *any time you want*. They make it clear that you don't need a reason to do it. I'm a SAHM, so I get to sling my baby all day, but my DH works 8-12 hours 6 days a week, and as soon as he comes home and on his day off he takes over the baby wearing and has some great bonding time with our baby. The book also advises against CIO, wich is a thing that I loath. How any parent can do that to a baby is beyond me. I buy this book for all my pregnant friends. I love it/
Rating:  Summary: A great book Review: I was shocked when I read the other consumer reviews. My husband and I have found this book very helpful with raising our 10 month old baby. Parents should not regard any book as the manual for raising their baby. Many of his suggestions have been useful and other things we chose not to follow such as co-sleeping. Does that mean that this book was a waste of money just because we don't follow it to a tee? Of course not! And kudos for Dr. Sears for helping our country pay attention to the huge needs of these little babies. Our country is plagued with violence, eating disorders, depression, over-indulgence...I believe the parenting styles our country has employed is partly to blame. The attachment parenting philosophy encourages parents to SLOW DOWN and get back to basics. What babies need the most is a loving, nurturing and consistent environment in which they can thrive. Babies don't care if you drive a nice car or have 2 1/2 baths with a whirlpool tub. They need your loving support and guidance. If babies could talk they would be saying, "this world is so confusing, please stay close to me and guide me while I figure it out." This period of high need is really such a short time of their lives.
Rating:  Summary: Very helpful and informative Review: I love this book! My baby is 10 months old and the book has been our primary resource for raising our baby. I especially enjoyed the chapters on baby wearing, development, and keeping your baby healthy. I gave the book 4 stars because the book is not for everybody. At first glance, well-meaning, loving parents might feel guilty (I know I did initially) if they are not able to incorporate all aspects of attachment parenting into their lifestyle. I, for example, work 3 days a week and our baby sleeps in a crib. However, upon closer inspection, Dr. Sears does advise to consider the attachment parenting concept as a philosophy, not as a child-rearing technique to be followed to the letter. His basic advise is "know your child and help him feel right." I do feel that he gives pleanty of practical information that is useful for many different parenting choices such as bottle-feeding with love, choosing the right formula, balancing work and parenting, and alternatives to the family bed. Overall, I would highly recommned this book but keep in mind that if you are not open to the attachment philosophy or at least incorporating some of it into your life, then the book is not for you.
Rating:  Summary: Love this book! Review: This book is an invaluable guide, both in terms of its factual information and its gentle, responsive, and loving approach to parenting. There is definitely room to choose what works for your family situation from among the various recommendations. For example, the family bed may not be for you (our baby has done fine in the crib), but that does not mean that you can't follow some of the Sears' other attachment parenting principles. For example, on the question of whether to respond to a baby's crying or let the baby "cry it out," the Sears make the points that (1) there is a reason why the sound of a baby crying bothers parents (we are supposed to meet the baby's needs) (2) babies are completely dependent on their parents, so to expect babies to soothe themselves and put themselves to sleep at very young ages is unrealistic and unsound. The Sears call this nighttime parenting -- it's not as if your shift as a parent ends at 11PM. The Sears' advice is supported by an understanding of what is developmentally appropriate for your baby at various stages, and having that understanding is essential to good parenting. The breastfeeding information is complete, accurate, and supportive (as is their separate breastfeeding book). I work full time, have nursed my baby for 14 months now, pump milk for when I am at work, and found their breastfeeding information for working women to be helpful and realistic.
Rating:  Summary: Great reference! Review: Dr. Sears is right about lots of things, but as with everything: take the best, leave the rest. I do agree with him that babywearing is healthy (it really worked for my child and for me) as well that the mother is the key caregiver in the beginning. He might be quite stubborn about some ideas but then again he is entitled to his opinion.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful book Review: I used this book for my first child (3 years ago) and i am still using it on my second child (who is 15 mos). Every book that you pick up has different perspectives on how to raise your child from feeding to what to ask the pediatrician. This book is very informative. It discusses everything, from what your baby should or shouldn't be eating at certain ages to what vaccinations are due on particular months. This book is NOT telling you HOW to raise your baby, it is simply telling you what you should expect to see during your baby's progression. This book is worth every penny!!!!