Rating:  Summary: The best contemporary book of its kind Review: For all parents (and in my opinion: especially NEW PARENTS) it's a great and complete guide through the different developmental stages of babies from birth up to 2 years...but the most valuable aspect of this book is that all the classic issues of parenting babies (from feeding and sleeping to thumb sucking and playing with your baby), are covered here with the very sensible approach of attachement parenting. The book it's truly reassuring and validating of your ideas (if you can't think of letting your child cry-it-out or putting him/her on a schedule) and it makes you feel on the right track, especially when you are dealing with criticism from friends or close relatives. My husband and I keep reading it over and over according to what we are leaving with our now 15 months old daughter. I got to the book when she was 3 months old...and I sure wished I had it before. During pregnancy I was so concentrated in reading about what was happening with my unborn baby inside me and busy taking care of my gestational diabetes that I didn't read as much about parenting as I know now I should have. If I would have had this book in my hands from the beggining it would have saved me a lot of worrying and confusion those first 3 months. Although my daugther has been "attachement parented" since she was born, both my husband and I were really concerned about the choices we were making, without a reassuring advice and the knowledge that we were just fine! We were not spoiling our baby or anything. I'm glad we got our hands on this book before we started listening more to our critics. The book has been written in a very easy way to read and with some humor too, which helps tired parents find fun on their worries. Also It's easy to refer to, thanks to the complete Index and very detailed table of contents... Having read other similar books I definitively think this one is the best...not only because it describes things in my own parenting language but because The Sears write in a friendly and realistic tone that make you feel like you are actually listening/talking to them, rather than reading boring theories in a book. It's the best! I recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Wish I had it the first time Review: I absolutely loved this book. I purchased it the first time when my first son was 6 months old and wish that I had it available when he was first born. I was already practicing attatchment parenting on my own without even knowing that it existed as a term for parenting. I gave my copy away to a friend who loved it and eveyone I know who is having a baby I give them The Baby Book as a gift and they always tell me how much they love this book. Dr. Sears and his wife Martha made me feel comfortable with my decision to cosleep and breastfeed that I did it when my second son was born and now both my boys are very independent children. I also recommend reading the Discipline Book by Dr. Sears and Martha Sears R.N because it gives a great insight on our children that sometimes we as adults do not realize.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Have In The Parenting Library!! Review: My favorite thing about this book is that Dr. Sear's encourages you to know your child. He acknowledges that each and every child is unique and that spoke volumes to me. There is great developmental info. and the breatsfeeding advice is great. He is the father of 8 children and I highly respect him and value his advice and experience.
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Attitude Review: I read the other reviews that said this book was geared to attachment parenting. I thought, no big deal, I'd skip those parts and focus on the other advice. Well, it seems like every single section basically says do it this attachment parenting way if you want your child to be happy and healthy. It really pervades all parts of the book. I expected some of it, but not this much. My estimate is that 50% of the book's comments arise out of that approach. I found it difficult to get a lot out of the advice offered because I do not intend to co-sleep and wear my kid in a sling all the time.
Rating:  Summary: The Baby Book Review: This book is the best of all the baby books I purchased. And as a new mother I purchased a LOT of them. The information was very helpful and Dr. Sears' points of view were very much in tune with me. His book is more oriented to addressing your baby's needs in a nurturing manner rather than treating your baby like an object that needs to be molded into something that doesn't "get in the way" of the parents' life. This book led me to purchase "The Fussy Baby Book" also by Dr. Sears which was a total lifesaver when it came to dealing with my high needs baby. I could go on and on about how helpful these books have been to me.
Rating:  Summary: A little unrealistic Review: This book does have some wonderful, real world advice from experienced parents, but there is some that I would not prefer to listen to! As a parent who simply has to do 90% of the household and parenting duties in our home (since dad is active-duty military and frequently gone from home) this book puts my situation in a strange light. It would be ideal if all dads could work close to home and if all dads would spend the majority of their time with their family and if mom's would be at home moms who never had any other responsibilities or concerns, but we don't live ideally and probably never will. The reality is that most of us have dogs to walk, groceries to shop for, other children to raise and play with, laundry, cooking, and the like and simply "carry around our children in a sling"! Not only will that give mom a really bad back, but will not give our children ample time to explore, play and learn if all they are exposed to all day is mom! I believe in attachment parenting to an extent in the sense that I believe that we owe it to our children to care for them in the best way possible, one on one with lots of love. However, this can sometimes lead to co-dependency, which is something I see all the time being the wife of someone in the military with the frequent, long separations and terrible working hours when seldomly home. Parents become so dependent and centered on their children that they lose sight of themselves. Dr. Sears, at times, is a bit unrealistic when it comes to parenting, in my opinion, and he puts an awful lot of stress on an already stressful job of parenting. My parents were wonderful and raised nine healthy, independent children and Dr. Sears was not around when they were young parents like us. But the one thing that was around then was common sense, which we ALL could use more of everyday raising our children. Parents, do what works for you and use your heart. That, above all, is your best tool out there that no book can offer to you!
Rating:  Summary: Depends on your point of view... Review: I am a first-time mother and have found this book helpful. I especially like the parts that focus on general health-- the first time I felt a little cyst on the back of my baby's head, I flipped out until I read it was normal in this book (didn't find this info in my other baby books!). However, one thing I don't like about this book is that it seems to bring up questions parents ask without fully answering them except for telling you to practice attachment parenting. That's fine, but I'd like some other realistic options to supplement that. All in all, a valuable book that makes you really feel good about being a parent.
Rating:  Summary: A book with lots of wisdom Review: I bought this book when we had our now 7 yo son. This book gave me a whole new perspective on parenting that I didn't have in raising our 2 grown daughters. I bought the *let them cry it out* philosophy many moons ago when raising my oldest children and thoroughly regret it. Dr. and Mrs. Sears have LOTS of experience, and write from it. They have 8 children who have taught them a lot about parenting. They LIVE their beliefs. It's all about self-sacrifice, putting the needs of others (our children) ahead of our own. And as far as the daddy's role in this book is concerned, Dr. Sears ENCOURAGES fathers to be involved in their children's lives. My husband learned a lot from Dr. Sears's advice. He's a better daddy for it. Each child is different, and his methods help a parent *get in tune* with his/her child's personality. I don't buy everything they say (they ARE only human), but I think they are very wise. Our 3 younger children have greatly benefitted from what we've learned from the Sears. But if someone's advice doesn't *fit* us, we throw it out. I encourage new parents to take what they like and leave the rest. There's a lot worth keeping in this book. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. ;c)
Rating:  Summary: I bought them all...this one worked best for me and my baby Review: I was a career woman who loved kids...other people's that you can enjoy for the afternoon and then return. I was more terrified than I care to admit about what kind of mom I would be. I read at least 10 childcare books...Dr. Brazelton, Dr. Spock, "Girlfriends...", the entire "What to Expect..." series... Before my baby was born, I thought Dr. Sears was a little nutty and I was much more comfortable and familiar with the Dr. Spock or the "What to Expect" philosophies. After I had my baby I realized how wrong I was. I couldn't follow their advice, or the advice of my parents and friends, on my relationship with my new baby. It turns out I'm not the kind of person who can just let my baby cry herself to sleep. He supported me on that. His "babywearing" concept is wonderful (stick with it for at least 3 days before you give up... the first few days are awkward.). Like some of his other concepts, babywearing sounded a little odd at first but I'll be forever greatful to Dr. Sears for making me aware of it. While I ignored some of his advice, a lot of my parenting choices are based on this book. They worked, are working, extremely well for me and my baby girl. His book gave me options my family never taught me.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I could buy them buy the case Review: I give this book at every baby shower I attend, along with a Maya Wrap sling! I think that this book is great for two main reasons. Number one, Dr. Sears' descriptions of infant development and his suggestions for how to interact with babies at each stage are wonderful! Second, he speaks about caring for children with such simplicity. In a society where we encourage independence for infants that can barely communicate their needs, he encourages parents to follow their instincts and immerse themselves in parenting this baby that will be a baby for such a short time. We can attest that breastfeeding whenever possible, babywearing and generally adoring your baby makes really wonderful, independent children.