Rating:  Summary: On target Review: I would not have guessed that this would be the book I would agree with while I was pregnant, but it has become the voice for my feelings when I want to argue my point of view with others. The approach is gentle, loving, and is what "feels right." You don't have to agree with every printed word, but give this book a shot. You may also find yourself in line with their thinking.
Rating:  Summary: Truly everything you need to know Review: An encyclopedia of baby info. Covers nearly every topic that comes up in the first two years. Has a good index to help you find topics. This book has prevented me from running to the doctor many times by reassuring me that something is normal, it has also helped me figure out when my baby needed to go to the doctor. Contains lots of charts (feeding/development) diagrams (swaddling/breastfeeding) and lists (diaper rash/symptoms). The only topic not adequately covered is sleep, but if you get the one Dr Sears recommends on the topic (The No-Cry Sleep Solution) you'll have everything you need to feel confident as a parent of a new baby.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic. Independent Free-Thinking Mind Required. Review: There is not much that one can say that hasn't already been said. This book has stood the test of time; other know-it-all one-size-fits-all infant care books have not.One observation that I have made is that you will not find this book promoted by popular baby stores such as "Babies R Us". Having visited many branches of such stores, I have never seen this book promoted in the book section. It dawned on me why. Dr. Sears' approach is decisively anti-consumerist. He strongly recommends breast feeding - nothing to buy here. He strongly recommends co-sleeping - no crib or sheets to buy. He recommends the use of a baby sling or baby carrier - OK, you can find such items at "Babies R Us", but this is meant as a replacement for a much more expensive stroller. Bottom line: following the recommendations in this book means going against the grain set by product-dispensing corporations that are the center of a society centered around consumption. Read this book and think long and hard about what you believe and what you value in the role of a parent, and tune out all the noise around you including well-meaning family members.
Rating:  Summary: The best book for new parents Review: I have referred to this book so many times in the last two years, it's amazing. I can't recommend it enough. The medical section, the sleep section, every time I've turned to it, I've found critical information. It's helped me figure out when to call the doctor and when to just ride it out. And more importantly I think I am a little better parent because of the advice in here.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book for Truly Wise Parents Review: I keep going back to it over and over again for just about everything for my 9-month old. We've been attachment parents from day one and I'm so glad for it...the book states several times to do what works for your family. Dr Sears has written a baby advice book. He's not your cult leader and does not have all the answers for you. No one does for that matter, and if you believe otherwise, you've got bigger issues...who wears their baby around all day and every day? Me, that's who. My back is fine because I have good slings. I'm relaxed when shopping because I don't leave my child unattended (even for a second), and at home I share experiences with my baby. When he's down, it's because he wants to be down, not because I've left him on the floor or in a pen. We family bed, too...using common sense (do not co-sleep when you're under the influence of alcohol or prescription drugs that cause drowsiness, etc) enriches the family experience safely. And I'm happy to report that my marriage is as strong as ever, even with the child in bed, because our sex life isn't narrowly attached to the bed! And yes, the baby has slept through the night from 4 weeks on--we don't even have to wake up to nurse. We al wake up every morning refreshed and energized. Finally, my husband and I do not resent our child. The baby does not manipulate us, hold us hostage to his beck and call, or insinuate himself between me and my husband. I did not have a child believing the process of being a parent would be a convenient I could pick up and put down at will. If you are thinking a baby or small child is sabotaging your marriage by making unreasonable demands, then I suggest you ask yourself what you think reasonable demands are from a being that is virtually helpless in all areas and relies on you--its parents--for its very survival.
Rating:  Summary: Filled with good information Review: This book is no doubt one that you will consult over and over again for the first 2 years of your baby's life. The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is that I'm not totally convinced that attachment parenting is the way to go - either for my son or me. However, the baby care information, feeding, growth and development and other info was and will be extremely helpful to me.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT BOOK GREAT BOOK, DR. SEARS' ARE GREAT.... I LOVE THEM Review: Man oh man there is not enough I can tell you about how great this book is. It has everything in it. I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!! It guides you through starting solids to having a toddler to feed. Connecting with your baby and the Attachement Parenting is aweome. I do it with my daughter, she NEVER CRIES. Her crying to me is like her fuss noises. She is always happy very animated, and is above her level in development. I don't breastfeed because of a medical reason I had to stop and I cried for like 3 days, but I eventually got over it. Now shes formula fed full time. I felt no guilt for feeding her tihs way, unlike others who said in their review they were offened, each to his own. She is a well loved baby, and knows it, I love the Sears couple and I always will. They are awesome and so is Attachement Parenting. My lil bro is a walking statement that AP works.
Rating:  Summary: An All Around Great Guidebook Review: This book is my all time favorite reference book for parents both new and experienced. When my first child was born I read it from cover to cover over his first 2 years and I would have been lost without it, as it backed up my every instinct as a new mother. After the birth of my second I have used it as a reference book for all of those little things you seem to forget after childbirth! This book is pro-attachment parenting but I do not in any way feel it gives you a "guilt-trip" if you cant follow it's advice perfectly. I find all of the Sears' advice to be sound and like anything, take what you need and leave the rest. I buy this book for all new parents in my life!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Baby Gift! Review: As a first time mom I had many questions and concerns. There was advise coming from many sources and it was all very overwhelming. The Baby Book was a gift from my husband, given with the hope that I would be able to calm some fears and get questions answered. This book succeeded on both accounts. The ultimate message that this book conveys is that, in the end, parental instinct is rarely wrong. No one knows your baby like you do. Trusting that you know what is best for your special little person helps you to be objective about the advise given to you. The Baby Book also covers a little about what to expect during delivery, the time spent in the hospital and many other topics. It was an incredible book! Whenever I meet expectant parents, I make a point of recommending The Baby Book. I only wish I could find a pediatrician with the same outlook as Dr. Sears!
Rating:  Summary: co-sleeping is dangerous Review: babies sleeping in the same bed as their parents can be dangerous. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, many babies have died when adults have rolled on top of them when they were sleeping. Many others died because unlike cribs, adult beds are designed for use by adults, not babies. Have the crib next to you in the same room if you prefer but please don't have them sleep on the same bed with you. Please don't take needless risks with your baby.