Rating:  Summary: Good book for first time parents Review: I would reccomend looking at this book at a bookstore(if you can) before buying. If you aren't into attachment parenting, you won't find this book very useful in parts. But we picked and chose what worked best for us, and find it a good reference. For example, the Sears' recommend co-sleeping "if it works for your family". It doesn't work well for us, and that's okay. But there's lots of chapters on normal development stages, breast and bottle feeding, moving on to baby foods, diapering, bathing, when to call the dr, making your own baby food if you want to do this, etc. Lots and lots of info, and we really found it to be a great resource. If you pick and choose what works best for your situation, it can be a good book. I found some reviewers seemed to take advice(in the book) personally- come on, its a book! If something doesn't fit with your philosophy, move on! NOTE: We have the older edition which recommends putting the baby on their belly to sleep- this is not the way to put your baby to bed- remember BACK TO SLEEP!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Resource! Review: Finally, a parenting style that doesn't make me cringe! This book was so inspiring and helpful that I recommend it to all of my patients (I'm a labor and delivery RN), as well as give it out for baby showers. The Sears' books are always enlightening and truely helpful; but more than that, they come from a place of love. Anyone who practices the parenting style they suggest can only be contributing to world peace and guiding our young family members as loving and compassionate citizens.
Rating:  Summary: Nay to the naysayers Review: I'd like to start by addressing some of the other reviewers' concerns. It's surprising to see anything negative about such a caring, intuitive reference for baby care. His advice may seem revolutionary to some old-school parents, but I guess that's the way some people react to anything new that's intelligent and meaningful. Dr. Sears does not patronize readers, and his advice is simply to parent your child in the way that he or she is biologically wired to need. However, he clearly states that if a certain method isn't working or it causes resentment, change it. He agrees that co-sleeping isn't for everyone. He understands that some women need to work outside the home and it doesn't scar your child. He acknowledges that many women choose not to breastfeed and for this he passes no judgement. The fact that breastfeeding is the very best for your child is true and you can't fault him for saying so. If a person feels guilty after reading this book, it's not Dr. Sears' fault. The Baby Book is the single BEST guide to raising a baby that's on the market. What I love most about it is that we were raising our newborn this way before we ever heard of Dr. Sears and attachment parenting. We were doing it purely by instinct, and that's what he promotes, but certainly without going to any extremes. The other reviewer who lumped Dr. Sears in with the rest of the so-called "experts" who happen to be male missed the very valuable point that he based his advice on not only his role as a father of eight children, but also 30+ years of consulting with mothers in his pediatric office. He is extremely qualified. The person who took issue with his male advice and hinted that the book is chauvenistic... Well, I guess they missed the many references to a father's role in parenting his children. It says to get involved, help as much as possible, give mommy a break! (And like it or not, I have to add a personal thought here which is in no way attributed to Dr. Sears: Women ARE meant to be the primary caregivers of their children. That's what breasts, hormones, and an innate nurturing instinct are for.) The Baby Book offers valuable advice not only in the intangible ways of creating a better bond with your child, but also everyday things like vaccinations, illnesses, developmental milestones, feeding, and everything else that might come up. Let's not forget those above-mentioned qualifications. He is extremely knowledgeable in both education and experience, and his advice trusted by millions. As long as your baby is well cared for physically and emotionally, great. But Dr. Sears' advice is fantastic. It's not extreme in any way, but very easy to follow and certainly a wonderful, fulfilling way to raise a healthy and happy child. BUY THIS BOOK....IT'S WONDERFUL!
Rating:  Summary: Nay to the naysayers Review: ... It's surprising to see anything negative about such a caring, intuitive reference for baby care. His advice may seem revolutionary to some old-school parents, but I guess that's the way some people react to anything new that's intelligent and meaningful. Dr. Sears does not patronize readers, and his advice is simply to parent your child in the way that he or she is biologically wired to need. However, he clearly states that if a certain method isn't working or it causes resentment, change it. He agrees that co-sleeping isn't for everyone. He understands that some women need to work outside the home and it doesn't scar their children. He acknowledges that many women choose not to breastfeed and for that he passes no judgement. The fact that breastfeeding is the very best for your child is true and you can't fault him for saying so. If a person feels guilty after reading this book, it's not Dr. Sears' fault. The Baby Book is the single BEST guide to raising a baby that's on the market. What I love most about it is that we were raising our newborn this way before we ever heard of Dr. Sears and attachment parenting. We were doing it purely by instinct, and that's what he promotes, but certainly without going to any extremes. The other reviewer who lumped Dr. Sears in with the rest of the so-called "experts" who happen to be male missed the very valuable point that he based his advice on not only his role as a father of eight children, but also 30+ years of consulting with mothers in his pediatric office. He is extremely qualified. The person who took issue with his male advice and hinted that the book is chauvenistic... Well, I guess they missed the many references to a father's role in parenting his children. It says to get involved, help as much as possible, give mommy a break! (And like it or not, I have to add a personal thought here which is in no way attributed to Dr. Sears: Women ARE meant to be the primary caregivers of their children. That's what [body part] and hormones are for.) The Baby Book offers valuable advice not only in the intangible ways of creating a better bond with your child, but also everyday things like vaccinations, illnesses, developmental milestones, feeding, and everything else that might come up. These facts are presented in a very well-organized, easily understood format that covers pretty much all of baby's physical needs. As long as your baby is well cared for physically and emotionally, great. But Dr. Sears' advice is fantastic. It's not extreme in any way, but very easy to follow and certainly a wonderful, fulfilling way to raise a healthy and happy child. Dr. Sears' brand of attachment parenting is very natural and easy. It will someday be considered mainstream and the very best parenting style, even by the former "old-schoolers"! BUY THIS BOOK....IT'S WONDERFUL!
Rating:  Summary: Unhappy with my purchase Review: I think the facts contained in the book are wordy but good. I think the opinions about parenting in the book are likely helpful in parenting. What I really did not like was that the author's opinions about birthing and parenting seemed to be motivated more by a rebellion from the current medical establishment rather than motivated from what works empirically over time. I understand that the medical establishment changes slowly and some of the authors ideas either will be or are now current practice. I think most of the ideas and opinions the authors present are good. I kept thinking however as I read the book that the authors must have been old hippies who are still reacting against "the man." I may be off base but either way the implied attitude that birthing and parenting is some how better because it is different made all the opinions suspect to me.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Baby Book Out There Review: A friend recommended The Pregnancy Book to me by William and Martha Sears, and after that I bought The Birth Book and then this one. I achieved a natural childbirth and had no problems whatsoever breastfeeding. ... For example, carrying my baby in a Maya Wrap after birth was simple and that way I could easily make food for myself or do anything I wanted around the house. In fact, I was told about these by a friend's husband who used them all the time for his son. They work wonders. My baby loved it and it made life easy for all concerned. I really feel for those mothers that give their babies bottles and use cribs. I will admit I bought a top of the line Italian Pali crib, but have only used it for my baby to gaze at his mobile. He sleeps in bed with my husband and I and if I hear the slightest sound from him can simply turn over and nurse him back to sleep. Much easier than hearing a full-blown cry down the hall and then having to run and heat up bottles of formula. In fact, my husband and I proudly tell everybody we've slept through the night soundly since Day 1. And sex? First of all, there are other places to have sex besides your bedroom unless you're just terribly old-fashioned. Secondly, if in bed, your baby is not going to hold up score cards! They're dead to the world and sound asleep. I love the idea of attachment parenting. It's how I felt about raising a baby even before reading this book and it's been nothing but wonderful for us. My son is very advanced for his age and incredibly social. We get compliments from people all the time on how much he has grown and how happy he is. If you can't put your child's needs ahead of your own and re-structure your life around them, it's YOU who will be making the rod for your back later on down the road, and it's probably best that people who feel this way simply just not have any children.
Rating:  Summary: A New mommy must-have Review: This book gave the most comforting advice. We bought several baby books, and received a few as gifts. I REALLY read as a new mommy and mommy-to-be. This was the only book that gave the advice that felt "natural" to me; no guilt about regretting my parenting choices later. "Attached parenting" is ALL it is cracked up to be!
Rating:  Summary: Lots of pages, not much information Review: There are about five or six things that Dr. Sears and wife want you to know and believe. They spend about a hundred pages on each topic. Let's see how many I can remember... Breastfeeding, Letting child sleep in your bed, wearing your baby in a sling, taking care of a "high need" child. This is not one of those books that say, you could do this, or you could do that. In this book, there is the Dr. Sears way, and everyone else is wrong. If people don't believe in Dr. Sears method, he tells you many times throughout the book that you should not listen to those people and perhaps not spend any time with them. I would not buy this book again. I have read it, to be fair to the Dr. and his ideas. In the end, I feel like he is trying to start a cult. Many people like this book and I say, "good for them" I would look for it in a Library, because I don't think it is worth owning, as there is enough stuff to buy when getting ready to have a child and this book is not worth my money.
Rating:  Summary: A must have book for new parents! Review: I think this is a wonderful, commonsense book. I am now a fan of Dr. Sears! This is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Not Quite What I Expected Review: "The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears was not quite what I thought it was going to be when I bought it. I believed it to be a book that discussed helpful hints as your baby grows and information on what moms go through as they adjust to having a new baby. I was completely shocked after the first chapter. I figured that Dr. Sears would have some opinions about certain things however, I wasn't expecting to feel patronized after every page. While some of the advise is relevant and helpful to new moms, I feel that I can get the same information elsewhere without feeling as though I'm not doing everything right. This book and others of the Sears' series made me feel as if I were reading another series like "What to Expect" and I didn't want to feel guilty and believe that I was doing everything wrong because it wasn't the same way Dr. Sears would have done it. If you like being preached at about baby care, get the book. But, if you want the same information without feeling uncomfortable go for another series or book. I will keep it around for some info though so that it wasn't money wasted in vain.