Rating:  Summary: Right on the money Review: It is such a blessing that Dr. Laura is in session on the radio to offer her expertise! I LOVE listening on my way to pick up my kids from school. I have almost completed this book and enjoy reading what she says daily on her show. She is always consistant in her advise, like I wrote right on the money!!!! Listening to her reinforces my morals and values and makes me a better wife and mother!!
Rating:  Summary: Great thought-provoking book. Review: [...]This book is a wonderful resource for any wife who would like to improve her relationship with her husband. As has been mentioned before, Dr. Laura intersperses her advice with letters, emails, and phone conversations from her radio program to illustrate each chapter's main point. The book's main body consists of eight chapters dealing with a distinct factor on improving the husband-wife relationship. [...] These are the main points of Dr. Laura's book. Basically, as one reviewer put it so well, love is indeed a verb, not just a noun. I'm finding that acting on some of the advice given in this book has already caused a definite happier atmosphere in our home. It's not about being a "doormat", downtrodden, or subservient. It's about loving and respecting the man you chose to marry. Just because Dr. Laura's past has skeletons, does it really make her advice negligible? It's not as if this book is all just her opinion. There is plenty of advice from people who have emailed and written letters to her--those who are in happy marriages, troubled marriages, and everywhere in between. The reason I gave the book 4 out of 5 stars: the letter/email/phone call excerpts within the chapters caused information overload at times. The main points could still have been made without getting bogged down in too many real-life examples. In any case, trying the advice given in this book can only help your marriage. You can't go wrong giving your husband love!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book! Review: I think this book is brilliant. Dr. Laura is absolutely right. I am a wife and mother and I totally agree with Dr. Laura's assessments in this book. Love is a verb, not a noun. You give it and you get it back. I can't believe that so many people out there think it is a sign of weakness to be kind and loving to their husbands. No wonder the divorce rate is so high.
Rating:  Summary: You Will Receive What You Wish For Review: Needless to say before you rush out and buy this book, please listen to Dr. Laura on the radio for at least 30 minutes. If you like what you hear, then buy the book. Otherwise the purchase will not be an investment that will bring you happiness or be a gift to a friend or relative that will bring that person happiness. Otherwise it is well written with a flowing style and contains some original thinking. Jack in Toronto
Rating:  Summary: Honoring and Respecting Your Husband is the Key Review: Dr Laura's book is sure to be controversial but for wives who are willing to do whatever it takes to make their marriages work, this book has the answers. Dr Laura tells it as it is as she explains a wife holds the keys to making her husband happy and her marriage successful if she will honor and respect her husband and give him attention and affection. My husband gave me this book last week because he knew I had started reading books on how to be a better wife and I was already a fan of Dr Laura's books. I imagine that if a wife was a feminist or not ready to make sacrifices for her husband then giving her this book would not help. I recently gave up my business to concentrate on my family and was primed for what this book had to teach. Men who read this will likely get their feelings validated. Some might possibly be insulted though by Dr Laura's assertion, "Men are borne of women and spend the rest of their lives yearning for a woman's acceptance and approval...men admittedly are putty in the hands of a woman they love. Give him direct communication, respect, appreciation, food and good lovin', and he'll do just about anything you wish...You basic male is a decent creature with simple desires: to be his wife's hero, to be his wife's dream lover, to be the protector and provider for his family, to be respected, admired and apprecaited. Men live to make their women happy. Though Dr Laura is Jewish, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" makes many the same points as conservative Christian marriage books such as "Liberated Through Submission", "Finding the Hero in Your Husband", "Joy of a Promise Kept", "His Needs, Her Needs" and the secular book "The Surrendered Wife". The body of book is about 1/3 quotes from radio conversations with listeners and emails that Dr Laura has gotten. The heartfelt quotes from husbands drive home the points made. Dr Laura teaches that a good wife with her actions makes her husband the #1 priority in her life, clearly before both her job, parents, friends and even children. She tells women not to nag or mother this husbands because "If a man can't find peace in his own home, where he should be able to feel relaxed, accepted, loved, and content, he beings to hate coming home" Dr Laura teaches that feminism has lied in claiming "men will oppress; they are the enemy; do not submit; terminate or donate." She condems the feminist movement "which supports personal success, acquisition, accomplishment amd power...over love, marriage and family." I've read several criticisms of Dr Laura's position that it is a wife needs to meet her husband's sexual needs even when she's not in the mood. Dr Laura compares it to how irresponsible it would be for a husband to not go to work just because he's too tired or doesn't feel like it. If a wife still doesn't understand the reason behind her obligation, there are other books that cover this issue more thoroughly such as "Understanding the Purpose and Power of a Woman", "Making Sense Of The Men In Your Life" and "Sacred Sex: A Spiritual Celebration of Oneness in Marriage". This is not a book for wives whose husbands are abusive but if you have a decent, hardworking husband husband and are willing to be unselfish and honor your marriage vows, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" will motivate you to be a great wife.
Rating:  Summary: The feminist crowd will howl in disdain until they try it. Review: I bought the book to read for myself. (I am a husband.) My wife saw it and indicated she would read it, too. I identify very strongly with the pain expressed by the husbands Dr. Laura quotes. Women have been sold a bill of goods that they can do it all and providing emotionally for husband and family can be pushed farther down the list. Yet, if women reorder their priorities so they make husbands feel appreciated instead of in the way or too much bother, their efforts will be rewarded many times over and they will be far happier themselves. A key Dr. Laura question to "modern" women is, "If you keep doing what you have been doing, why should your husband continue to love you?"
Rating:  Summary: Right message, wrong messenger (maybe), and probably futile. Review: This book might be regarded as a perfect demonstration of just how ubiquitous male-bashing is. The author is a rarity - a woman whose heart SEEMS to be in the right place. SEEMS! SEEMS! She actually states that men aren't so bad, after all. In fact, she seems to think that men, in their own way, are good and the welfare of men is a necessary precondition for the welfare of women. This shouldn't be such a difficult concept, but for the most part, it's a VERY difficult concept for most women. For that matter, the notion that men have needs that must be addressed is a very difficult concept for most men too - the ones that she interviews or quotes to this effect for the purpose of writing this book are exceptional in that respect. Sometimes, someone will use an androgynous model of behavior to defend men and argue that men shouldn't be bashed because men and women are virtually identical. But that's as much of an intellectual atrocity as is the original sin. Dr. Schlessinger is adamant that men and women are very different and that each gender has its share of good and bad points, which need to be acknowledged and respected. Moreover, Dr. Schlessinger has no hesitation in blaming the feminist movement for marital difficulties. Sometimes, a male commentator or author will make the same point, but he'll make it hesitantly, self-consciously, and always with the hasty interjection that the feminist movement has done a lot of good too. (Like WHAT?) But as far as I can see, Dr. Schlessinger doesn't even bother to make the obligatory obeisance to the monster. Maybe, as a woman, she feels uniquely situated not to have to do so. And she does castigate the married members of her gender, repeatedly and forcefully, about the emotional ploys that they use against men and about the double-standards that they invoke in dealing with their husbands ("if he makes demands on me, he's being controlling and abusive; if he objects to demands that I make on him, he's being controlling and abusive"). This perceived treachery will, no doubt, cause a lot of ire among women, but they needn't bother. Men betray their own gender far more frequently than women betray theirs. One truth-telling female is but a grain of dust tossed on the other side of the scale. And Dr. Schlessinger even suggests that the traditional lifestyle of wage-earning husband/stay-at-home wife will normally work with less stress than the other alternatives (duck again, Dr. Laura). She actually cites some sort of study that suggests that the traditional lifestyle is healthier for both men and women in terms of avoidance of stress and health malfunctions brought about by stress. You hardly ever see such studies published or highlighted in the feminist-pandering press. And it does restore some of my faith in divine justice to contemplate scores of snarling career women and prissy househusbands suffering heart failure. But Dr. Schlessinger's effort is probably futile. As wholesome as the main body of her message is, few men or women will respect it. Male-bashing, androgyny, and the homosexualization of Western society are such firmly-entrenched social illnesses that they are perceived, in main, as NECESSARY - in the same way that an elderly man will say that his heartburn keeps him warm in the winter. The deviates have such a firm grip on our judicial system and our culture that the entrenchment of gay marriage proceeds apace, in spite of widespread - but muted - popular opposition to it. The fact that Dr. Laura herself was forced off the TV airwaves for expressing her viewpoint on homosexuality - based on traditional Judeo-Christian ethics, yet her critics were successful in portraying it as "hate speech" - shows who's routing whom in the culture war. By contrast, male-bashing doesn't even DRAW any real opposition, and females of all generations are intoxicated with the power and pleasure that it brings. So it's not likely to disappear anytime soon. And is Dr. Schlessinger even the right messenger? Does she even believe herself? She might be a sympathetic victim of lavender character assassination, but her on-air personality is one of supercilious arrogance - you'd think that she herself never took the easy way out, considering the haughty way that she lectures others. And for all her talk about the joys of domesticity and motherhood, she is principally identifiable as a psychologist, author, and talk-show hostess. How much time did she actually spent raising her family? Besides, she's a black-belt in karate, and athletically-inclined females have terminal penis-envy. They are not bastions of pro-male sentiment. Dr. Schlessinger stresses that female psychology is more complicated than male psychology, which is undoubtedly true. But I'm uncomfortable with her repeated emphasis on how SIMPLE men and their needs are - it's interwoven into a largely pro-male text like fire-engine-red warning thread. Does even Dr. Laura fully regard men as human beings? Consider the TITLE of this book. Does she think that her female readers are supporting husbands or house pets? She might have provided the answer in one recent radio broadcast, where she expressed her belief in male simplicity with less elegance than she does in this book. Scolding a female caller for giving herself too readily , Dr. Laura insisted, "MEN ARE DOGS!"
Rating:  Summary: Men Are Simple Creatures, All They Need Is ... Review: In this book, Dr. Laura presents what could be called the "Contemporary Theory of Husbands." She tries to encourage women to cast off the influence of the feminist movement which has fostered feelings that have allowed women to use their time in non-productive men-bashing, rather than in trying to analyze what they really want, and how to get it. Dr. Laura states the following, "Remember, men are simple creatures and very dependent on their wives for acceptance, approval and affection." Her basic theory being, that if men get that from their wives, their wives will get back many fold, what they give. And also, Dr. Laura wishes that woman would analyze carefully what they have because of their husbands and what they want out of life, and make the decision based on those factors. While her theory is surely not neo-Freudian or neo-Jungian, it has a very high potential to work in present day marital situations. She stresses the need for honest and meaningful communication. And she tries to point out the reality, that a successful marriage is hard work, and both partners have responsibilities within the relationship. Dr. Laura simplifies a lot of the problems and answers, but unlike test data in a lab, Dr. Laura's evidence actually comes from empirical field data by helping real people sort these things out on her radio show, and through letters and her other activities. It should be clearly stated, that Dr. Laura does NOT advocate being a stay at home mom, but she does advocate the concept that women are more responsible for child rearing than men. In addition, she states that the woman should have more responsibility in a marriage than a man, to provide the things that the man wants, and to be the leader in productive and meaningful communication.This is arguable. Both parties really have some responsibility to this in a marital relationship. I found Dr. Laura's commentary on embryology and "hard wired" genetic differences between men and women, which start at about 8 weeks into gestation in the womb. There is considerable evidence to suggest, that all of us, are born with both male and female "hard-wiring" but the hard wiring that is expressed, is that which is activiated by the particular hormonal mix running through the veins of the specific person. Thus, it has been shown in hundreds or animal studies and now, with transexuality, that if one changes the hormonal balance, that an animal will act in normal programmed ways as would the opposite sex, and that really it is the hormones that control the "hard-wiring" that is selected and displayed, not so much the physical equipment. Dr. Laura addresses some other highly relevant subjects in her book, perhaps the most important of which in marriage are the issues of "sex" and "guy time." She does a wonderful job of exploring this with support of her listeners conversations and letters. If there is anything at all that Dr. Laura could have done a little better at, was that I think she went slightly overboard on the concept of "repition brings remembrance." Her book often goes over the same point or concept in multiple places. But I know, that this was intentionally done by Dr. Laura. In all, the book is a wonderful book for both men and women, as it helps both understand the other, and work at productive and happy marriages.
Rating:  Summary: Very Helpful, if you have an open minded Review: I must admit that when I first started reading this book, I started to get a little ticked off because every other sentence was about how a woman needs to do this or that and I was like will you please get off our backs and when and where does a man come in at in the relationship picture. Well I kept reading and the point finally popped up and waved at me and said you need to look at yourself,realize and admitt to the things that you can change in your marriage and change them for the positive outcome. Being a woman is a wonderful gift and we have all the power we need if we use it correctly and in a loving manner. This book actually works, I tried some of the tactics the first night and what seemed like a dreadful union is turning into a match made in heaven with the sun shining even on a gloomy day. And guess What? It changed, because of my decision to be loving and mature in situations that I normally would not be. Attitudes and outlooks on things really matter and if you want a change in your relationship, open your heart and mind, buy this book and follow through. One Love
Rating:  Summary: I am worshipped Review: I bought this book for my best friend as a wedding gift, and her husband thinks he is the luckiest man in the world. My husband worships me, and he is a strong-minded, successful, intelligent man. My best friend and I agree with everything in this book. We didn't think we needed it, but we are such big Dr Laura fans that we wanted to give it a try, and are happy we did! Nothing bad with making marriage that is 95% perfect now 98% perfect!
The reviewers who complain that Dr Laura tells women to have sex even if they don't want to, among their other complaints about the book, must not have read the book like they claimed. Dr Laura is speaking to women who regularly deny their husband sex, or put child-rearing, their job, and other things as so central that they have no energy left for their husband. This is a real problem today in many marriages, and often happens so gradually that we don't see it happening. Nothing wrong with someone pointing it out in time to prevent major damage.
For the reviewer who complained that he denied his wife sex *one time*...what? Did you read the book? I'm glad you say you are happily married, but the book is not about isolated incidents, but about regular and progressive abuse of husbands. Wives often prioritize other things over a good marriage as time passes, and Dr Laura says this is deadly for the marriage.
If women aren't specifically looking to improve their marriage, why did they pick up *this* book to read? And if you are looking for tips but found this book distasteful, then the problem may just be that you aren't willing to do what it takes to make your husband happy, and that is why you are perusing these books.
A man wants a loving wife who appreciates him and doesn't nag, doesn't refuse sex or try to control him day and night. And what is the problem with this?
If a woman doesn't think being married is important or that her husband is a significant source of her happiness and fulfillment, then don't read this book. This book is for women who adore their good man and want to take care of him as he deserves. They see him as vital and want a lifetime of happiness. We weren't all raised in intact homes or by parents who treated eachother well to be our examples. We need a source of information to do it right.