Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this woman bashing book!!!!! Review: This book is so horrible, Laura Schlessinger (Author) must have some built up anger agianst women. If you have any self respect as a woman DO NOT buy this book!!! Just to give you an idea of how bad it is here is a quote from the book " remember without him you are a sorry excuse for a person " and that's only in the introduction. In my opinion if you really want to make your husband happy, be happy with yourself. This book just basically tells you to forget about your self and do everything a man says because he's always right. I suggest more of a self help book, than an obey from your master book.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best advice for wives that I have ever read Review: And I have read a lot of books, attended a lot of classes, and have been to marriage counseling! By far, this book gives practical, accurate and "do-able" advice for women who want to make their marriages better. Everyone wants a happy marriage, but figuring out how to have one is the key. Too often, women sit and wait for their husbands to do something about the marriage all the while not realizing that they can take matters into their own hands and start changing the relationship for the better. As Dr. Laura points out in her book, the "entitlement" mindset won't produce a happy marriage. If a woman can understand what makes men tick and what they need, they can meet their husbands needs and in return have theirs met. This book will help you do that. If you want to take ACTION to make your marital relationship better, this book is for you.
Rating:  Summary: proper care and feeding of husbands Review: SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the Most useless time productions, without any kind of Intelligent reserch. Full of Rambleling. One Sided attempt of "cure-Alls" which offerNO worthwile info. There are Better Book for Carinmg for your Cat or Other Animals, at Title Implyes! Highly reccommended for Door Stops, Wasted Material. as Title Implies.
Rating:  Summary: The problem with Dr. Laura is in what she DOESN'T say Review: The problem with Dr. Laura's latest sermon, THE PROPER CARE AND FEEDING OF HUSBANDS is that, like with most of her books, you cannot ever be sure she is really leading you down the path of righteousness in mental health and happiness' sake. Many accuse her of giving (White suburban) people a moralistic pill to swallow like LSD, inviting a return to a supposedly simpler, pre-Vietnam/Civil Rights Fantasia of American life. While this stereotype is not just definitively one-dimensional but even more simplistic than anything she has yet to write, it has, like every myth, a grain of truth to it that can be explained best via the work of the great psychologists of our time that she all but openly refuses to refer to. In attempting to avoid the intellectual and moral responsibility inherent in avoiding this necessary approach to sharing psychological truths, Dr. Ruth hides a professional insecurity, I believe, behind her common sense language that may reveal a not so healthy end-game agenda. Dr. Laura indeed gives a LOT of common sense talk in this, like in most of her books. The analogy of treating a husband like a houseplant or dog allows women to see through the manifestos they proclaim and strikes they go on; so often that they never stop and see that if the perfect man were given to them, they would have absolutely no idea what to do with him if they were never taught. She does not, however, go deep into the modern female psyche--like what Nancy Friday does with MY MOTHER MY SELF, or Judith Hollis with FAT AND FURIOUS, or Alice Miller in THOU SHALT NOT BE AWARE--for the benefit of *context*; to enable women to understand what unconscious agenda is being served by the behavior that is making them and their mates unhappy in their relationships. Her only concern in even cryptically stating the raison d'Etre of the entire discipline of psychology (which, people often forget, is not what she got her doctorate in) seems to be so it can give her an appearance of moral authority, enabling her to complain about the secular modern culture in the exact same way women complain about the men within it. Here are facts that are not proclaimed in our common sense talk about male/female relationships: the overwhelming majority of angry women in marriages/relationships that they cannot stop complaining about in American society, regardless of variations of age, race, class, religion or social background, have virtually the same myths about their mother/daughter relationships and childhoods. Dysfunctional relationships via emotional narcissism are usually the product of what women learned or didn't learn as young girls in the mother/daughter relationship. And the norm for these relationships in America is often heartbreakingly deceitful and abusive. But the only way women can keep the myths alive about what this relationship was, and not be confronted with the painful reality of their actual pre-marriage life history, is by holding the man in their life responsible for changing something they in actuality do not want changed at all: a man/woman relationship that allows them to simultaneously confront and ignore the pain of their pasts, by being a living analogy of the primal mother/daughter relationship that has given them their self-image. In this context, the idea that women are always doing something noble by either waging war or playing Gandhi on their men is often an intellectual/emotional addiction--just like food, drugs or alcohol--and exists for the same purpose. Dr. Laura, however, barely mentions any of this. She in the end holds as strong to the Men vs. Women pretense in HUSBANDS (in willful ignorance of reality) as her would-be readers with issues do in their lives--hence, the hidden attraction to her bull-in-the-china-shop style. (Her actual personal history may tell you why.) Naturally, people in denial of reality will get in line to call Dr. Laura any number of names for her proclaiming of the sobering effect of living in it. There are also those, however, who can see not just the good in what she's saying but also the absence of good in how she's saying it. One may intuit, first, that there are too many unstated qualifications in HUSBANDS's guidelines. It is as if she is parenthetically saying in her Introduction, "Okay, before I get started girls, remember: I'm not talking to wives of alcoholics, or drug addicts, or gambling addicts, or internet porn users, or depressed atheists, or men who refuse to work, or spouse abusers, or child molesters, or women in interracial or interfaith or intercultural relationships who have yet to come to an understanding of each other's worlds..." Truly, if the CONTENT of Dr. Laura's book is helpful, again, the philosophically/psychologically inadequate CONTEXT in which it is framed give it a shelf life that will neutralize it fairly quickly. Because of that alone, no man in his right mind would buy this book for his wife, secretly or otherwise; even if she follows Laura's advice to the letter, it will be used against him within six months! Dr. Laura, routinely, does not honor basic truths about who women are in her work, despite honoring what women can (or even should) do. She in fact goes out of her way to ignore it, while lambasting her more liberal opponents in the Self-help section of the bookstore for doing the same. This truth-avoidance technique, armored with the arrogant masquerade of preaching common horse sense and the angry defense-mechanism sword of "we CHRISTIAN/they PAGAN" moralism, is the dysfunctional surrogate Mother dynamic generating her entire perspective--making her books the stuff of cultural politics, not psychology or spiritual health. It looks like peace, but it's really about war. Dr. Laura's letter of the law in HUSBANDS is well written. But truly embracing the spirit of the law--and honoring the female heart for which it stands--goes a little deeper than this. So does honoring the heart of a man.
Rating:  Summary: If you're not a Dr. Laura fan, don't buy this tape. Review: I thought I could overlook Dr. Laura's irritating voice and condescending manner in order to get through this tape, but alas, I was wrong. She makes a few good points, but they get lost in her sarcastic and demeaning delivery. The title should be a clue that she thinks men are "pets" and if you go to the right obedience class (hers), you'll be fine. Her one-size-fits-all advice works only if you're married to a dog or cat. She brags in the beginning about solicitating "donations" from listeners to produce this tape, and how they begged her to make it. Let's hope they're the only ones who wasted money on it.
Rating:  Summary: This is a "change your life" sort of book! Review: This is the kind of book that will step on your toes but open your eyes and may even bring tears to them. It helped me to understand that my marriage does NOT revolve around MY feelings and MY needs. Marriage is a two way street and if I do my part I will usually have the right of way. If you have become a mean, nagging, unhappy, unsexual, nasty ogre who would rather stay up and watch Cold Case Files with your old friend Chocolate Chip Cookies and Milk rather than crawl into bed and give some cuddles to your hard working man then you NEED THIS BOOK! I really liked the tapes. As a busy mom I do not have much time to read so I listened to these tapes while cleaning over a 2 day period. Get the tapes instead of the book if you are worried you won't have time to read it. It is cheaper anyways. BTW, this book is sold out in most other bookstores. Amazon is the ONLY way to go here. :)
Rating:  Summary: A must read for those that desire a long and happy marriage Review: Dr. Laura's advice and strategies actually empower women and strengthen families hopefully resulting in fewer divorces and children growing up in harmonious homes. I dare the skeptics and critics of this book (that actually read it) to ponder your own attitudes and alter your behavior for just one week. I guarantee you'll be amazed at the warmth, closeness and mutual respect you receive from your husband. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to understand the male beast a little better...and improve the communication in your marriage. You will certainly reignite the flame that has gone a bit dim.
Rating:  Summary: It's like we are dating again! Review: If you aren't afraid to take a hard look at yourself, this book can help you make magic! It opened my eyes to the little things that I didn't think mattered, and by putting into practice the teachings in this book I was able to turn the frog I'd been living with back into the prince that I married! I wish I could say more but Amazon has rules against spoiling all the good parts, I gained some wonderful little nuggets of what should be common sense from this fantastic little book. Anyone who is married or plans to be someday should read it!
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Laura run amuck Review: Laura's thoughts and comments are from some sort of fantasy existance. The basic concept of treating your mate as your friend and all of the things that go with that could have been simply said without all of the denegration of women. The whiny, overly simplfied male ego presented is a huge exaggeration to the male ego of 2004. More guilt and expectations on women is a less than helpful approach to helping troubled relationships. This book is frustrating and futile, while the basic premise was well intended, the book was very poorly executed. Listening to Laura's daily self-serving commentary is troubling, less than truthful, and consistently negates women. Not a book I'll be keeping on my bookshelf.
Rating:  Summary: Should be required reading for all couples Review: I have always admired Dr. Laura's radio program, and I would recommend this book to all the couples I know. She gives voice to thoughts and ideas I'm sure most husbands feel but are either unable to clearly identify or too reluctant to share with their wives. Dr. Laura's book is a message of empowerment for wives: women have the inherent power to take the lead in bringing and keeping love, happiness, and intimacy in their marriages, and most husbands will follow and reward their wives many times over.