In the past, most children of gay or lesbian parents were born into heterosexual families that later broke up. Today, more and more lesbian and gay couples are making the decision to have and raise families together. The Lesbian and Gay Parenting Handbook by April Martin is an indispensable resource for lesbians and gay men who are thinking about, or involved in, parenting. Martin, a psychologist and lesbian parent of two children, has compiled advice and information from almost 60 families and has drawn on her own experience. She touches on every aspect of gay and lesbian parenting, and where she doesn't go into depth, she refers readers to further resources. The Lesbian and Gay Parenting Handbook covers a vast array of subjects about creating a family, from decision-making to alternative insemination to surrogacy. It includes details on adoption, gay men making babies, coparenting, and legal issues. Martin discusses family roles, dealing with antihomosexual bias, dealing with family crises, and how to handle issues children may have about growing up with gay or lesbian parents. This book should be an essential component of every gay or lesbian parent's--or parent-to-be's--library.