Rating:  Summary: Great read for every pregnant woman! Review: I read Vicki Iovine's book while I was pregnant last year, and it was wonderful! This book provides a much-needed break from all the heavy duty health information that most mothers-to-be are reading. Plenty of down-to-earth advice and laugh-out-loud stories. Not a book to use to research medical conditions, but great for just common sense preparation. As stated in the Amazon editorial review, Iovine definitely has her strong opinions and philosophies- whether you agree with them or not, she still provides plenty of more neutral subject matter any pregnant woman can identify with.
Rating:  Summary: Very Informative- For a first timer Review: I have read this book. I am not yet pregnant, but I am going through the steps to conceive. I think that this book is a little scary for someone who has not yet given birth. But, lets face it, motherhood and pregnancy are scary. I dont think that this book was only written for women of upperclass, as some other readers have stated. I am not of upper class, I did not find that she was shallow. She did not tell you to get the most expensive stuff, she recommended going to second hand shops. That is not shallow. I find that she was like any other woman who would sit down and tell you about their experiences. She has the right to her opinion. She didnt bad mouth alternative forms of birthing, she simply stated she recommends and prefers to give birth in a hospital with a medical doctor present. I did not know about half of the information that she provided. I have read the more clinical books, and this was the most honest. The other books are good for clinical information, but this book was good for those questions and concerns you dont want to ask anyone else, or that you would only ask your friends. All in all she puts having children in a realistic light, with a great gift at the end. Read this book with an open mind
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical Review: Very funny and definitely tells you how it is.
Rating:  Summary: Scared Me Review: Sometimes I felt she imposed an incredible fear in me after reading her all too real account of the whole process of giving birth. I also felt her continuous little jabs to the male race has put bad thoughts in my head...for example when she describes how she felt once she had given birth and how unfair she felt it was that her husband and the baby were together and she was left alone. Why do you, especially if you are a first timer, need to put a thought like that in the back of your memory? It will only fuel more bad feelings, as if, we don't have enough at times already! I will give her that she seems to be very frank about the process but after I literally threw the book across the room (not like me) and had a good cry for a while, I wondered if the book was really good in the fact that it is told like one of those women who go up to you and tell you "their" birthing story (which personally I can't stand) or if it was bad because it has tainted me in a way. I guess I feel that after reading the book I have taken on more negative feelings toward the birthing process and a bit angry at my husband for things he hasn't even done yet. I know it is going to be tough day giving birth in 3 months but I just feel I didn't need her thoughts staying with me like they have. I would tell first timers esp. to not read the book...you'll be with happier thoughts.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time! Review: This book was the worst out of all the ones I read...the author had a negative view on everything.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointing Review: I was so excited to become a mom, I started reading this book right before I was even pregnant. I have to be completely honest, and say I was a bit disappointed in the book. She actually had me nervous about being pregnant- I found the book to concentrate too much on negatives. I know changes in a mother during pregnancy are inevitable, but I feel that she exaggerated them so much. I was also infuriated during the chapter on nutrition in which she said that women with eating disorders should be banished from the planet entirely. Yes, women with eating disorders should try to deal with their problem before getting pregnant, as not to jeapordize their baby. But banished from the planet? Give me a break, how insensitive can you be? An eating disorder is not something one wants, or creates in themselves. It is a disease that takes over ones mind. After reading that sentence I put the book down, and have not returned to it since. (that was 3 months ago) It must be nice to live in Vicki Iovine's world where no one suffers from eating disorders.
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book when I was pregnant! Review: I pulled this book out to give to one of my friends who is just now pregnant for the first time, and I was reminded of how much I loved it when I was pregnant. Granted, I was reading it and reviewing it as if it were my pregnancy bible 8 years ago, and I have no idea what has come out since that time, but my pregnancy would not have been the same without it.Yes, Vicki Iovine is extremely tongue-in-cheek. Yes, her husband is a mega-millionaire record producer. No, she is not a huge proponent of natural childbirths (although she does not begrudge people who are). Yes, she gets into the nitty-gritty-less-than-glowing-details about being pregnant. But let's face it, that is information that we need! Whether you are rich or poor, PREGNANCY IS PREGNANCY! Sure, all of us have different experiences, but reading this book was like sitting down with my girlfriends and getting the REAL SCOOP. It was extremely reassuring, and reminded me that although we sometimes feel (and many of us act) like your baby is the first child ever being born, that there are plenty of women out there who have BEEN THERE, DONE THAT and want to share with you their advice. Those of us who think we know everything would be fools not to take the advice of our more experienced girlfriends. I felt, as I read this book, like I was welcoming a new circle of girlfriends to my life. Clearly, that is what Vicki intended. I found that many pregnancy books did not give you all of the info you needed to know (for instance, what does a mucus plug really look like when it falls out), but Vicki and her girlfriends were right there to share all of the details. She will be the first to admit that she is NOT a doctor, and that if you have medical questions, you should consult your doctor, not her book. Sometimes I would go to my doctor and ask him about things written in this book, and most of the time he agreed with it. Overall, I loved this book so much, that I was startled to see so many negative reviews... maybe it's NOT for everybody, but it certainly was my pregnancy bible, as it was for all of my friends.
Rating:  Summary: It's not all about glowing skin and peas in a pod Review: I can see where some of the author's opinions might be taken offensively but for the most part this book is simply comic relief. Get "What to Expect When You're Expecting" first, which is wonderfully informative but dry and when that one starts to wear on you get his one and just giggle a little at how much reality can be less than perfect. Hardly anyone has a pregnancy and delivery without some anxiety and this can be a chance to laugh instead of fret. It's just one woman's opinion so I didn't take it too seriously or personally but the book is written well and with a light hearted look at the other side of being pregnant. I could not help but get a kick out of her honesty.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST for any pregnant gal Review: I am more than 6 months pregnant and had heard a lot of my friends mentioning this book so I decided to give it a read. I read half the book in one sitting, most of the while laughing at it, at myself, and at the illusions I had previously about pregancy. This is a no-nonsense-here-are-some-of-the-stark-truths-about-what-your-body-is-and-will-continue-to-go-through-book. I can't tell you how relieved I was to find out that some of the "body issues" I was wrestling with were universal and NORMAL. She covers myths, insecurities we all got through, she offers helpful hints, and all with a dash of humor. It's like having a best friend there to walk you through this...one whose been there done that and won't judge you if all you had for dinner that night was a bowl of hagan daaz.
Rating:  Summary: Do NOT read this book Review: I bought this book for myself when I was about 4 months pregnant, and thought that it was the worst book in the world for a pregnant woman to read!! I really hated the part where she said that when my husband told me that I was still beautiful that he was lying and when my friends said that they couldn't tell that I was pregnant, that they were just being nice. From what I understand, this woman is not a doctor, and I certainly wouldn't want her as a 'girlfriend'. There are MUCH better books to be read of there.