Rating:  Summary: The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy : Or Everything Your Doc Review: I am from the Caribbean and even though some of the information did not apply because of the cultural and economic differences, I found the book to be so very comforting in this my first pregnancy! The author is a bit 'raw' at times but she suceeds in getting the message across that it is natural to be unnatural when you are carrying that precious bundle.I truly enjoyed the author's sense of humour. I have lent this book to a friend and she read it in a flash. She is going to order one. I am definitely going to recommend it to others. This 'comfort book' as I call it, is a gem! Maybe the author could do a sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Vicki Tells It Like It Is Review: What a hoot! No more scary pregnancy books as gifts to new moms! This lady tells the absolute truth about pregnancy with a wit and humor that only your best girlfriend could rival. Try her other two books as well. I loved it and this wasn't even my first pregnancy! This lady shoots straight from the hip about stuff those other books don't, like how to get you maternity outfits together without looking too wierd, and the truth about your figure afterward. Buy it without any fear of regret, smiles guaranteed.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Hilarious Review: OK, as someone who supports natural childbirth and healthy living in general, I probably shouldn't be recommending this book. That having been said, I give this book [either loaned or as a gift] to every pregnant Girlfriend I have. Its just simply hilarious. This is NOT the book you use as your "real" guide to pregnancy. You should have another book [I would suggest "The Pregnancy Book" by Dr. Sears] for that purpose. But if you crave some humor and a great feeling of camraderie, this is a wonderful book for "light reading". I've read my copy several times and I know I'll re-read it with my next pregnancy. It is a fun read all the way around. I do get a little annoyed with a couple of things - the author was apparently a Size 4 when she got pregnant and she goes on and on about how "fat and huge" she got when pregnant [gaining 40 pounds]. Later in the book, you find out that she went all the way up to a [GASP!] size 10 while pregnant. For many of us a size 10 is great on a non-pregnant day and I found that a little insulting. [I'd never think of a size 10 as "huge and fat" personally]. I also thought she portrayed her husband as a jerk and not very supportive of her pregnancies. This got generalized to all "daddies to be" in my opinion. My experience [and that of many women I know] was that of having an amazingly supportive and enthusiastic husband/partner. Some guys just don't get into the pregnant thing I guess, but I didn't like the general tone I got regarding daddies in this book. [I think daddies are extremely important]. Other than those two beefs though, I thought the book was wonderful. I laughed out loud non-stop and it was just generally a mood lifter for me [and for my Girlfriends who have read it at my suggestion]. I think you can really enjoy this book if you don't take it at all seriously.
Rating:  Summary: I really hated this book Review: I didn't even finish reading this book. I felt it was negative, thoughtless and assumed that all women hate thier pregnancies, are miserable, and have hundreds of horrible sympotms. I felt it was an insult to people who view pregnancy and birth in a more natural and postive light. I'm sure it was trying to be "tounge in cheek" but I think it failed. I was looking for honest advice woman to woman, meaning wisdom, not a bunch of whining and negativity. I could not believe the author has something like 4 or 5 children herself! I hope she raises her children with more sensitivity than she went through her pregnancies. It took me a long time to get pregnant and I view it as a privilege not something to moan and whine about at every new turn of events. I would not reccomend this book as a source of information to anyone. Maybe as a joke book or something.
Rating:  Summary: A must for the first- time Mom Review: I loved this book! So many people tell you so many things you are in a constant state of confusion! This book makes you feel like you are NORMAL! It's so funny and I was able to relate to almost everything she talked about. It put me at ease and gave me the straight story. This is my first pregnancy and I will recommend this book to all of my "girlfriends"! It's full of real life hints and good, useable advice. I hope she writes one about how to handle what comes after the birth!
Rating:  Summary: The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy Review: I can't tell you how many times I read this book during my pregnancy. I even pulled it out when I awoke at 3:00 a.m. and discovered that I was probably in labor.(3 weeks early) It answered every question I had. I related to just about everything that she talked about in this book. It was the most helpful book I have ever read on pregnancy. I have suggested it to every pregnant woman that I have come across. My husband even read it more than once. It is well worth anyone's time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Said it all..... Review: This book completly said it all. As first timer, I found this book to be very reassuring. Everything in the book was so true! Even now when I go back and look through it, I can't believe how everything pretty much went as she stated. I also loved her sense of humor in the book. That made it fun to read. Definatly a great book for anyone who's pregnant for the first time.
Rating:  Summary: A hilarious book for any pregnant woman or Mom Review: I bought this book on a suggestion from a pregnant girlfriend. What a hoot! I consider myself to be a VERY slow reader, and I gobbled this gem up within a day. Vicki Iovine and her gaggle of G-Friends are on board to help you ride the gigantic tidal wave of pregnancy; from the moment you pee on that stick and get your "positive" result to unattractive maternity wear (let's not even get started on the hugemongous "spanky pants" underwear- you feel like you're going fishing)to the much anticipated and dreaded day when your contractions make you feel like turning your husband's skin inside out to "share in the feeling". I think the most brilliant part about this book is this: every woman (I don't care who you are)feels foolish or afraid to call her OB/GYN with every fear or concern she experiences. Vicki has catalouged them all in this book and taken the guess work and paranoia out for you. Asking your Mom is futile- after all, she was pregnant at least 10-15 years ago. Get the skinny on up-to-date info regarding prenatal tests and facts, as well as fallacies. BUY THIS BOOK! (Note: Vicki kas never experienced miscarriage, and doesn't spend much soothing time on the topic- a point brought out to me by a G-Friend who's gone through 2 miscarriages, hence she wasn't interested in this book. Keep this in mind for yourself or for G-Friends you might be purchasing this for).
Rating:  Summary: A few laughs, a lot of smug ignorance Review: Yeah, there are a few very funny moments in the book, and it definitely covers information that other books just don't, like farting and vomiting in public. But, Vicki also believes that no woman can look good during pregnancy or for 9 months afterwards, and she's dead wrong. A woman can stay in shape and look beautiful during both periods. Many can and do. Vicki also suggests that natural childbirth is nothing but martrydom and foolishness; she even goes so far as to imply that it's dangerous for the baby. Don't be fooled, drugs and/or c-sections usually don't hurt mother or baby, but they do carry a higher risk and should only be used if absolutely unavoidable. Basically, this book is very negative, but it presents itself with black humor for those who feel especially fat, ugly, afraid of pain, etc. it will help you feel like you aren't alone. But don't look to this book for special strength, wisdom or anything with the word "natural" in it. What a disappointment!
Rating:  Summary: I guess I'm in the minority but I thought - just OK Review: I found this book light/humorous and easy to read - although towards the end was happy to have finished it. It was somewhat of a let down for me but this was the first pregnancy book I read - maybe had I saved it for my 2nd or 3rd pregnancy book I would of appreciated it more. The author felt walking through metal detectors at the airport was risky but didn't see a problem with having an occasional glass of wine during pregnancy? I don't get it. I did find the discussion on "what to bring to the hospital" very helpful. If you have some extra time/money and have already read the more formal/factual pregnancy books, then its not bad.