Rating:  Summary: Fun, and Reassuring Review: Vicki Iovine doesn't suggest she is giving medical advice, just providing her honest account of pregnancy. I loved reading that she endured exactly what I was feeling! I found myself reading aloud to my husband, saying, "see, it's NOT just me!" Sit back and relax and enjoy the book, it's a lot of fun.
Rating:  Summary: For the insane pregnant woman in all of us! Review: This book is absolutely great. It got me through my first pregnancy, and kept me from going completely crazy when my daughter came late! Vicki Iovine is a great writer, and appeals to our humorous side. However, the thing I like most about this book is that she not only makes it fun to read, she also reports the facts and helpful information that every pregnant woman (or her partner) needs to know. Absolutely, without a doubt, this is the best book I got during my pregnancy.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the biologist..... Review: "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" is good for kicks-sort of like slapstick comedy. It does lack biology and medical facts and is mostly based upon the author's opinion. If you want a light fun read, then this may something for you. My personality and the relationships that I have with my husband and friends are quite different than Vicki's, so I could not relate with most of what she wrote about. It is not a horrible book, but if you want factual information then this book is not for you.
Rating:  Summary: for the HUSBANDS to read too! Review: This is a must-read pregnancy book. It is hilarious while simultaneously providing lots of valuable information. It will prevent you from feeling abnormal as all sorts of bizarre, physical (and sometimes emotional) changes occur. This is the first book you should read, and you should do your best to get your significant other to read it too. It will help him understand what you're going through and help you both maintain a sense of humor about it.
Rating:  Summary: A Definate Purchase For the Mother-to-be Review: Reading this book made one of the most scary times of my life somewhat bearable. Controlling the laughing out loud was nearly impossible when I carried this book with me everywhere I went during the week it took me to read it. I would recomend this book to anyone, especially first time mothers. It explains a lot of those questions you are too ashamed to ask your doctor. I cannot wait to get a hold of The Girlfriends Guide to the First Year and The Girlfriends Guide to Toddlers!
Rating:  Summary: A great read for young mums! Review: With my first pregnany, I had the Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy Diary. It was brilliant! Every day I got a little piece of fun information that was relevant to MY pregnancy, and wasn't overloaded with what I call 'doctor' words. I had no idea that there was actually a book until this pregnancy. I was overjoyed to be able to buy a copy, and find out that I'm not alone when suddenly my stomach pooches out - and I'm only 17 weeks pregnant! This is a brilliant, witty book that is loads of fun to read, especially when you're feeling down about the sort of things during pregnancy nobody but your pregnant and mummy friends will tell you about. Some bits I found a little sarcastic perhaps, but like every other pregnancy and parenting book I read: I take each with a grain of salt, and dismiss the bits I don't like. Simple! I recommend this book especially to young mum's like myself, and any other woman who doesn't particularily want to read about all the boring facts and figures of pregnancy in a boring, drone format.
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe the hype!! Skip this one! Review: What a disappointment! I heard such great things about this book...and I'm just not sure what these women had been reading. I found it insulting, misleading, degrading, and pretty much a waste of my time! Vicki Iovine is not only close-minded about how delivery and drugs "should" happen, but she tells women there's no benefit to exercise in pregnancy!! That was my first tip that this book and I would not get along. She goes on to OK a glass of wine here and there, hair dye is safe enough (because her husband would leave her if he ever saw her roots!) and other total misinformation. Of course, with no evidence to back her claims beyond her four children (I'd love to see their self-esteem, being raised in this house!) I found myself continuing to read out of sick curiousity to how bad this book would get. The answer is: disturbingly bad. I'm only a few months along, and I already feel better educated than this book left me. Here's what I've learned: She has a narrow view of the delivery possibilities (psst...you can have the care and compassion of a midwife in a hospital setting), pregnancy is a time when a couple can be closer than they have ever DREAMED of being (regardless of hair color), and exercise DOES help. I've talked to women who walked to women who ran marathons while pregnant, and the consensus is EXERCISE IN PREGNANCY IS GREAT....for stress relief, recovery, pain management, etc. Ask your care provider for your guidelines, and then definitely get out and stay fit. I would feel sorry for Ms. Iovine's empty life, if I wasn't sure that she just wrote what would sell. Talk to your own real-life girlfriends, and spend your money on a more worthwhile book!
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous, humorous and informative! Review: As a first time mom-to-be, I found this book to be very hepful in putting things in perspective for me. With great humor, the author walks you through the whole experience, sometimes sharing details that even your own girlfriends can leave out!! I found myself laughing a lot of the time!!! If you want informal information and peace of mind, this is the book for you!
Rating:  Summary: A New Mother's Best Friend! Review: This book is my bible. Every time I think I am going nuts, I would find I was not alone. This book has no fear, and goes into everything most of us could never have the guts to admit we are going through. I can't begin to tell you what a valuable addition this has been to my pregnancy library. I love Vicki, and I will be looking forward to reading the childhood books once this baby is born.
Rating:  Summary: Offensive Review: Where do I start...While the author does provide some useful information, I was extremely offended by some of the things she said. For example, she tells us not to worry about finances, since that's for your husband to worry about (I handle the finances in my family, and what if there is no husband???). She tells us not to exercise during pregnancy for several reasons, including "you're going to get fat anyway" and "you're not going to look good in your leotard" (I think I'm going to look GREAT when I'm very pregnant). She tells us to remember to get a pedicure since your feet are going to be in your doctor's face (I personally couldn't care less what my doctor thinks of my feet). Apparently the author only wants married women to read her book, since she constantly refers to the "husband" (even though my understanding is that 1/3 of all new mothers aren't married). And she preaches non-stop that epidurals are the only way to go. Yuck.