Rating:  Summary: Dangerously funny Review: Packaged as "a few good belly laughs," this book would be fine as a comic look at the inconveniences of pregnancy. It is funny, when Vicky jokes about cravings, weight-gain and moodiness. But when she uses that comic veil to impose her woefully misinformed opinion on medical issues like pain medication or health issues like breastfeeding, she's dangerous. Dangerous because so many women are looking to this book for commiseration and honesty from a perceived expert. Dangerous because she backs her opinions with absolutely no research or evidence-based facts. Dangerous because her opinions have been molded by our society who's fear puts our mothers and babies at risk. Demonstrating complete disregard for the purpose and value of the natural physical process of labor, not to mention its emotional and mental impacts, Vicky trades an opportunity to educate for her need to be popular. Her consistent insulting tone towards women who don't want "their epidural" in the parking lot, put significant pressure on the reader to conform to her viewpoint rather than making up their own mind. This is evident in passages like, "Willingness to suffer...is a sign of questionable judgment, not heroism. [Labor can be] a bed of nails...or a bed of downy feathers...Those of us who took a little nip from the epidural tap are usually the life of the champagne celebration in our rooms...while our American Gothic counterparts are sound asleep with every capillary in their cheeks broken." Total bunk. The pain of labor does not have to mean suffering. Heroism is never the motivator for a mother concerned for the safety of herself and her baby. Other examples of her ignorance: "A significant number of women who have their hearts set on vaginal births will end up having C-sections, and there is absolutely no reason for this to be a source of disappointment...I think this feeling of being "gypped" by a birth experience that doesn't match our expectations is one more example of that yuppie self-centeredness that is one of our least attractive characteristics." Fact: The value and purpose of normal birth is inexplicable to one who has never pursued it. And careless use of epidural anesthesia is as yuppie self-centered as it gets. Ignorance: On breastfeeding - "Is breastfeeding better than bottle feeding? Sure, I guess so. But then, so is baking your own bread, making spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes and never drinking coffee." Fact: The PROVEN intelligence and physical and emotional health of our children does not belong on the same page as ridiculous analogies to spaghetti sauce. Formula is the 4th feeding option on the World Health Organizations infant nutrition guidelines. Ignorance: "...an epidural...has a couple little drawbacks...it tends to slow down productive labor...you may be so numb...you cannot push hard enough to get the baby out..." Fact: There are many more than a couple little drawbacks, which I couldn't possibly outline here. Many are dangerous and common. There are also many risks to the "fixes" to these little drawbacks. Many women love this book, and that's fine. It is funny and irreverent. But in reality, birth is not.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, but not worth the money. Review: The friendly funy tone can be entertaining at times, but the author's obsession with her weight and cellulite really ruined this book. It seems like her main concern with pregnancy was how much weight she would gain. It is good to have a realistic view of your body. However, Vicki Iovine's portrayal of the pregnant woman's body is NOT at all helpfull.
Rating:  Summary: A perfect Baby Shower gift Review: Vicki Iovine has a very funny take on pregnancy. I get my friends this and "Breathe! A Guy's Guide to Pregnancy" (Don't forget the husbands!) Obviously, there are better books from a medical perspective. Moms-to-be should buy the clinical books too. But as gifts, a little humor is always appreciated. A word of caution -- as you can see by the reviews, people tend to be split 50/50 as to what's funny, and what's grossly offensive. You probably have a pretty good idea what your friends will laugh at, so buy (or don't buy) accordingly. I think the people who hate this book need to have a stick-ectomy to remove the foreign object that is firmly lodged in their posteriors, but maybe that's just me.
Rating:  Summary: a laugh and 1/2 - get past the bad reviews here Review: I am surprised at the negative reviews here... I was given this book as a gift by my best friend, a mother of two, who is on the other side of the country and can't be with me during my pregnancy. This book is meant to be advice from your girlfriends - and as when a group of normal girlfriends get together, sometimes the advice is sarcastic, sometimes gross, often funny, but it's always the friend's personal opinions and reflections. And this may not always be accurate or medically sound, as they are someone's opinions and personal experiences. And just like you don't always have to agree with your friends, it's still good to know how other women feel about the experience, especially if this is your first pregnancy. This book is meant to be an irreverent look at pregnancy; and it's meant to be gross and funny. It's meant to be the friendly advice you may not get from your doctor. This book is not meant to scare you off as some of the reviews here state. This book is meant to clue you in to the parts of pregnancy, which may not be pretty, but you'll be glad someone was gross enough and real enough to tell/warn you about... My example: I didn't know about the gas that comes with pregnancy... and I had to show my husband the part about other women getting tired of running out of the room every 5 minutes to fart. This book made me laugh. If you are like me and have a sense of humor about life and need a break from all the serious pregnancy books you've been reading and just want to see the funnier side of what you are going through - I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Good for laughs, not for advice Review: It is a funny book that puts forth the author's opinion. Sometimes this opinion is exactly the opposite of what the doctor recoomends. So, please be wary !
Rating:  Summary: This book is AWFUL! I threw it away instead of recycling it Review: I have never read such an awful book on pregnancy. While the author tries to make some jokes, in general she has a TERRIBLE attitude about birth! She clearly has issues of her own surrounding her own body and birth experience, inflicting it upon others. Her book is not at all objective, I found alot of it to be written as a scare tactic! Usually I give books to stores to be re-sold, but felt better about ripping it up, knowing it was one less copy in circulation. I hope women who choose to read this also read other books! My favorite: A Good Birth A Safe Birth.
Rating:  Summary: required reading for pregnant woment (& significant others) Review: I loved this book! My sister-in-law gave this book to me and it was the greatest gift ever. Vicki Iovine doesn't claim to be a doctor (nor recommends her book as a substitute for medical advice) but gives the most straightforward, humorous yet accurate take I've read about pregnancy to date (and I've read a lot of the books that are out there). The concept of the Girlfriends who will tell you about pregnancy the way it really is makes for a great read - particularly for first-time mothers who are certain to be reassured by Vicki's great advice on everything from what to eat (or not to eat) to what to take to the hospital on delivery day. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Really awful Review: This book was a gift from a friend. I'm glad I didn't waste my money on it. It was very negative, very uninformative, and very superficial. I particularly disliked her attitude toward her husband. Not all husbands are like hers. Mine actually was helpful and rubbed my back every night of my last trimester. I also didn't like her advice on not exercising. She is not a doctor and shouldn't be giving out advice like that. It is important to stay healthy and fit so that you can actually get through the labor. Overall the book was a letdown and I am telling all of my girlfriends to not buy it. The best book I have found is by Glade Curtis. It goes week by week to let you know how you should be doing, how your baby is, and is based on actual science.
Rating:  Summary: Every pregnant woman should read this! Review: Hilarious! You'll laugh so hard, you'll almost pee (which, come to think of it, isn't all that hard when you're in the last trimester). Vicki Iovine has a gift for making the most serious and worrisome subjects funny. My only regret is that I didn't discover this book sooner in my first pregnancy. If you like this book and trust my review, check out my book, "THE MOM-TO-MOM GUIDE TO THE BABY YEARS: REVIEWS, RATINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE TRENCHES." It gives real-world advice on everything from coping with morning sickness to preserving memories from the baby years.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book on pregnancy ever Review: I don't usually write reviews on the internet, unless a product is especially good or especially bad. This is the worst guide to pregnancy you could possibly imagine. Vicky Iovine has major issues about her pregnant body, and is completely clueless to the needs of the average American woman because she is married to a very wealthy record producer and has no concept of budgeting her money or having to work while pregnant. My girlfriends and I passed this book around a couple of years ago, and were horrified. You will actually dread pregancy after reading this nonsense, which is a shame. Shame on you Vicky - please don't write any more books.