Rating:  Summary: Moving Review: I admire the courage of this wonderfully generous Christian woman who with the divine assistance of the lamb of God weaned her husband from the pernicious influence of pornography. With an open heart and the help of our Redeemer, you too could learn to lose a few pounds and a few inhibitions and get down to some steamy no-holds-barred action.
Rating:  Summary: All things work for the good... Review: Thank God, and Laurie Hall - not just for freeing me from this hell on earth of constantly being "gaslighted" by the invisible evil my husband brought into our lives, but for freeing me from the pious Christian "fear" of the Father. For debunking the myth that "forgiveness" means helping your husband through the gates of eternal damnation. Pious, phony "forgiveness," offered by the offended to the offender just to be sure that God approves of us, is the worst kind of cowardice: It allows the sinner to continue the very thing which will destroy his soul. It takes a true believer to hold another truly accountable for his actions, especially when the pornographer happens to be the head of the household, in possession of the paycheck. The victims of this "victimless crime", my two children and I, have learned the true meaning of reliance on, and faith in, the Almighty.As He promised, all things work together for the good, for those who believe. Mrs. Hall, your pain, and the pain of your babies, saved another wounded, shattered wife and her children from turning on the Father when our lives exploded in our faces. We are closer to God now than ever before, and your book led us there. Where the road is leading the three of us remains to be seen; however, your road led you to hold a candle at the end of a dark, frightening tunnel, leading broken women and their disillusioned children to a place of comfort and safety: The Lap of the Father. God's richest blessings upon you and yours, Laurie. I'm off to bake some chocolate chip cookies. My kids' favorite.
Rating:  Summary: A word from a victim of a "victimless" crime Review: Yes this book is written to Christians and builds on a Christian foundation, although I disagree with other reviewers here that this is any sort of crime. If you read some of the angry fundamentalist notes on this board, you will see that Laurie Hall questions some of the horrid, demeaning, and mysoginistic assumptions of certain fundamentalist clergy, such as the demand that the wife immediately "forgive" (Translate: ignore) her husband's cheating and live in a make-believe world where his is a good husband. Laurie Hall makes an irrefutable argument that forgiveness can only work as a gift and cannot be coerced or demanded. Laurie Hall's exaples are poignant and her arguments are compelling. I defy anyone to construct a well-reasoned rebuttal to the first chapter of this book -- the chapter entitled "Victims of a victimless crime." So far from those that respond negatively I see only attempts to silence her -- I take it that the readers that didn't like the book had no answer for her arguments.
Rating:  Summary: Good Information, Strong Fundamentalist Values Review: Much of the information included in this book is based on very strong fundamentalist Christian Values. I was looking for something with more focus on how to address the issues which I am living with rather than stories. Also for more practical actions than prayer and scripture. I admit that the book is effective witnessing for those who do not have a relationship with God, but was hoping for more practicality and less preaching.
Rating:  Summary: Porn's Real Devastation; God's Healing Oil Review: Not only does Hall sell out Satan's hidden secrets destroying families by sexual addiction, she reveals ways God can lead families from the desert to the oasis. This book is from a woman who has walked the path and arrived alive.
Rating:  Summary: Great resource for friends, pastors and counselors Review: I have a friend who is experiencing this problem in her marriage. When I read this book-except for a few minor exceptions- I thought I was reading her story. She also is facing the attitude of others blaming her for her husbands addiction. Not just from her pastor but from church members and her own parents. I was hoping to not only understand more about what she was facing, but to also validate my sense that all these people just did not understand. I recommend this for pastors and counselors because due to the increasing occurance of "sex in your face" in our society-this problem will only grow. Also I think it will make some people realize that a little leven spoils the whole loaf.
Rating:  Summary: Be Careful what you read Review: This book should come with a WARNING. First, I can't understand how a woman could be married to a man for years and not know that her husband is addicted to pornography. Shame on her! How could she not know? She tries and shift the blame onto the pornography that destroyed her marriage when lets face it....she wasnot there for her husband on an intimate level. She comes across as such a "godly, Christian wife" when in reality, she neglected to pursue her husband on an intimate and emotional level. She also tries and comes off as "this is what I have done...you can do it too" when every marriage that faces sexual addiction (as mine did) isnot all the same. Be careful what advice is written on the subject of sexual addiction. From experience, sexual addiction is only a result of a soul's willful disobedience against God's calling on their life. It's deeper than just blaming "the traps of pornography", when facing this addiction, you must dig deeper. I feel like she abadondened her husband, and is making this all of his problem. I faced sexual addiction in my marriage 3 years ago, and I am standing by my husband and looking deeper into my own issues of self centerdness in order to help him. Laurie Hall doesn't take any position on her own self centerdness, nor does she examine her own heart. She doesn't explain what it means to truly be the helpmate that God designed us to be as women. Dr. Harry Schaumberg's book "False Intimacy" really is a much better book than this. Maybe Laurie Hall should see him...or even read his book!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This book saved my life. No, it didn't turn my marriage back into a honemoon, but it did give me the courage & will to fight- and win!
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Words! Review: There simply aren't words to express my gratitude for this book! This book is a Godsend and has helped me tremendously in my feelings, outlook, and future actions concerning the sexual addiction that has come to light in my family. It is so easy to read and the author gives real-life, fascinating stories of others who have discovered and dealt with sexual addiction. I whole-heartedly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: Validating Review: An Affair of the Mind is the most validating book I have ever read. Reading about Laurie Hall's experiences helped me realize that my feelings were not crazy, but normal for a women married to a sex addict. While Laurie chose a different path than I did or would in her situation ( as far as my marriage was concerned), I found plenty of encouragement and practical help. Laurie helped me see that the end of my marriage was not my fault. This book is a must read for any Christian woman -- divorced, separated from, or still married to a sex addict.