Rating:  Summary: Loving, Non-Violent Parent Review: As you to the fellow quoting Nietzche and his accusations again Dr. Dobson, EXCUSE ME??!!! I have a 5 year-old, very strong-willed son. My husband and I are both loving, non-violent, Christians. Dr. Dobson and his books are lifesavers. Before condemning a person for their convictions and beliefs, try "walking a mile in their shoes." Anyone can quote - try living.
Rating:  Summary: Sound Effective Advice for Parents of String-Willed Children Review: Being a child psychologist, I often come across books that propose to give tips on raising strong-willed children and adolescsnts. Many of these books have been dissappointing. However, Dr. Dobson's book does, indeed, present effective strategies for managing very difficult behavior in these children. This is a well-written and easily understood book for parents who have may be at their wits end with regard to the "what to do's". These behavior management strategies are based in sound reseach and if followed CONSISTENTLY, should result in a better relationship with your children who are having behavior problems. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A solid foundation for discipline. Review: Dr. Dobson's main concept - that parents need to be in charge of their children - is right on. If more parents did this we would have less violence and disturbing behavior from our country's children. However, he can be a bit tough, so you have to temper his advice with your own common sense. I'd also recommend: Kid Cooperation (How to Stop Yelling, Nagging and Pleading) by Elizabeth Pantley
Rating:  Summary: The Strong Willed Child Review: Dr. Dobson, Please accept my appreciation for such a wonderful and helpful book. My son, which is 18 months old, inclined my mother to by this book for me in hopes that the relationship between son and mother would bring us closer together. AND IT HAS! Since my son was born, he had always cried for one reason or another and nothing I did would help. I would literally cry and have a drink at night to calm my nerves from his constant crying and whining. I would tell him to do something and it was like it would "go in one ear and out the other". As you can imagine, this did nothing for my relationship with my husband or my 3 year old daughter. After my mother purchased your book and I made an effort to read it every night, it enlighted me that I was doing the best I could as a parent, it was not me but my "strong willed child". I have literally taken every step you said to take with him and it has helped. My son that was a little monster is now this wonderful little man that has blossomed into a beautiful human being. I'm not saying that we still don't have bad days, however, after taking the steps in your book it has tremendously worked. My husband, friends and even my mother have noticed a change in him. For anyone having problems with their child, I would HIGHLY recommend this reading. Thank you so much, Dr. Dobson, for helping me get my family back and for the guidance that is given as well. Sincerely,Kathy Martin
Rating:  Summary: This isn't Christianity..... Review: Funny anecdotes that all parents can relate to & great ideas on how to keep a strong-willed child in line. I'm still reading it, but so far I've gotten a lot out of it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Reference! Review: Funny anecdotes that all parents can relate to & great ideas on how to keep a strong-willed child in line. I'm still reading it, but so far I've gotten a lot out of it.
Rating:  Summary: Nietzche Predicted Monsters Like Dobson Review: Here's what Nietzche said about "strong-willed" people: "Independence is for the very few; it is a privilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it even with the best right but without inner constraint proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring to the point of recklessness. He enters into a labyrinth, he multiplies a thousandfold the dangers which life brings with it in any case, not the least of which is that no one can see how and where he loses his way, becomes lonely, and is torn piecemeal by some minotaur of conscience. Supposing one like that comes to grief, this happens so far from the comprehension of men that they neither feel it nor sympathize." And so it is with Dobson. Dobson is so afraid of a child born independently, that the child may think for himself, that the child may act as a free agent, (and thus, by his very existence show Dobson to be a scam-artist, bully, hypocrite, and fellow traveler of fascists) that Dobson advocates "controlled violence" (with a wink and a nod to the child abuser). Dobson's goal is diametrically opposed to true, authentic healthy human development; it must be for Dobson is at his core driven by greed and hatred, judging from writings such as this tome. However, again as Nietzche points out, all James Dobsons are inevitably doomed to fail. The "good Christians" that result from Dobson's teachings ineveitably are drawn to the seemy section of town, to Dylan's Desolation Row, where there is at least the reaction to the wax-figure Thomas Kinkaide existence that Dobson would cram down the child's throat. Again, quoting Nietzche: "Later, when the young soul, tortured by all kinds of disappointments', finally turns suspiciously against itself, still hot and wild, even in its suspicion and pangs of conscience - how wroth it is with itself now! how it tears itself to pieces, impatiently! how it takes revenge for its long self-delusion, just as if it had been a deliberate blindness! In this transition one punishes oneself with mistrust against one's own feelings; one tortures one's own enthusiasm with doubts; indeed, one experiences even a good conscience as a danger, as if it were a way of wrapping oneself in veils and the exhaustion of subtler honesty - and above all one takes sides, takes sides on principle, against "youth." Ten years later one comprehends that all this, too - was still youth."
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Dobson is too harsh Review: I agree with the first commentary in that Dr Dobson advocates physical punishment as an alternative; I vehemently disagree. I DO have a strong-willed, distractible, hyperactive, persistent child. However, she is just as deserving of kindness and respect as I am. If you were a 5-year-old child who adamantly refused to clean up milk you spilled on the kitchen floor; and I was the parent who then spanked you. What are the first thoughts you have? Are you sorry you defied me? Are you thinking of how wrong you were? Or are you thinking of ways to get back at me? Do you think you might lie or blame someone else next time? Try Kathryn Kvols "Redirecting Children's Behavior" - it starts from a position of unconditional love - what we are all looking for.
Rating:  Summary: The truth about control of your children Review: I am so amazed that people would criticize this book and others written by Dr. Dobson. Every one has different children and different methods that work. This book tells the truth and gives you a way to feel in control, where a parent should be. Those who criticize obviously have not dealt with a very strong willed child who is young and with a high IQ. It is tough to do without help and understanding what to do, it can be frustrating. A parent who cares about their childs behaviour and the level of respect they grow with will buy this book. Children need to respect and know who is in charge. This is not without a great deal of love and explaining to the child, which this book encourages. Spanking is only for the willful defiance of a child, not for releasing anger out on them. It encourages many other methods and which times to use them. Dr. Dobson writes books that make we want to buy more, I have seen such an improvement in our childs behavior, now that we have taken control and have not given it away to our child.
Rating:  Summary: This isn't Christianity..... Review: I read this book simply because I like to take in as many different perspectives on parenting as I can. And, I also read it because I consider myself to be a practicing Christian, as in someone who tries to lead a Christian life everyday (not just Sunday!) This sure isn't the Christianity that I believe in, or was taught: . First, the teachings of Jesus are above compassion, empathy and caring. I can't imagine anyone practicing empathy and thinking that hitting someone is "Christian". . Second, the intrepetration of "spare the rod" is totally wrong. The "rod" in the Bible means "guidance". When it is written: Thy rod and Thy staff will comfort me that certainly doesn't mean "hitting me will comfort me". This author seems to be distorting the meaning of those teachings for some purpose of his own. It doesn't take a book (other than the good book) to understand what children need to grow to be healthy, productive adults. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "As you sow so shall ye reap." is pretty good parenting advice. And, "do unto others"...well, who among us wants to be hit? "As you sow"...if I sow violence I will reap violence. Very sadly, decent Christians will read this book and hurt their children because some "expert" is giving them false intrepetrations of the Bible to justify hitting their children. And, sadly, children will not experience God's love through the example of TRULY loving parents.