Rating:  Summary: I knew that there was a Godly way to have a baby! Review: This is our first baby. For the first 8 weeks I was feeling nauses and tired. I thought that I could be feeling this way because of what everyone was speaking over me so my body was going through the motions based on the words that were spoken. I asked several people that I knew had children what about whether or not I was suppose to be feeling like this and got conflicting pieces of advice. I never once asked God. Then one day when I was home sick the Holy Spirit told me that when I was getting married I bought books on how to be a Godly wife, but I had not bought any books on how to be a Godly mother. I went to the bookstore and I searched for 30 mins., then God showed me your book and a bible for expectant mothers, I bought them. I went home that night and the following morning, I read the book and I took God at His word. I am standing on that Word believing for NO more sickness and tiredness; a painless and fast childbirth, for my body to line up with the Word of God and function the way that God designed it to no more constipation. I am going to have a healthy baby, free from ALL generational curses and dieases. I started believing God for my children about a year ago. I was praying for twins, a boy and a girl, and I called off the attributes. I was surprise to see the section in the book about praying before conception. Thank you for your testamony has bee a great inspiration to me. I can't wait for my miracles I have been looking for the tape. I want to play it day and night until the baby or babies come. Please tell me where I can get it. My e-mail address is below, I am desperate. Thank you God bless you!!
Rating:  Summary: Supernatural Childbirth...the way God intended it to be! Review: We can experience supernatural childbirth through faith because we know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior! When Jesus Christ hung on the cross we were redeemed and there is hope!
Please see this exert below from a sermon Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, November 19th, 1876, by C. H. SPURGEON
"Here, then, let us admire that the Lord Jesus Christ is the end of the law as to penalty. That curse and penalty are awful things to think upon, but Christ has ended all their evil, and thus discharged us from all the consequences of sin. As far as every believer is concerned the law demands no penalty and utters no curse. The believer can point to the Great Surety on the tree of Calvary, and say, "See there,oh law, there is the vindication of divine justice which I offer to thee. Jesus pouring out his heart's blood from his wounds and dying on my behalf is my answer to thy claims, and I know that I shall be delivered from wrath through him." The claims of the law both as broken and unbroken Christ has met: both the positive and the penal demands are satisfied in him. This was a labour worthy of a God, and lo, the incarnate God has achieved it. He has finished the transgression, made an end of sins, made reconciliation for iniquity, and brought in everlasting righteousness. All glory be to his name."
Hallelujah! Praise His Holy name!
Rating:  Summary: Motivating, uplifting and eye opening! Review: What a wonderful book! It truly inspired me to try things differently the second time around - by letting go and letting God! I had a very difficult time with my first labor, and plan to use the scriptures, prayers and methods in this book to help me with #2. I really felt the love of motherhood and God's love for us from this book! Highly recommend!
Rating:  Summary: This book was a real eye-opener for me!! Review: When I saw the title of this book, I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for. It revealed so many biblical truths I knew nothing of. This subject has never been discussed in any Bible study or womens' or family conference I had ever attended. I believed what everyone said about the difficulties and pain of childbirth. But God has provided for His children in everything and Jackie Mize's book reminded me of that. This is a must read for all expectant mothers!
Rating:  Summary: Educational and Inspiring! Review: While studying texts for my natural childbirth classes in 1995, someone told me about this book. I studied this book along with my class texts. The prayers, author's personal history, and testimonies enhanced the things I was learning to do naturally. "Supernatural Childbirth" provided with me with additional confidence and peace. When I delivered in February 1996, my labor was truly PAIN-FREE. I slept during my contractions and practiced controlled breathing for the few strong ones. Still there was NO PAIN. After buzzing for the nurse to remove the monitor so I could use the restroom, she discovered my bag of waters was leaking. While relieving my bladder, my mucus plug was expelled. The nurses checked me and were shocked that I, a first timer, was almost fully dilated (8cm) and totally effaced WITHOUT PAIN! By the time they rushed to prepare the room and notify the doctor, I was more excited and still PAIN-FREE! They were even more amazed when I delivered within 30 mins and one strong push. My beautiful, healthy daughter was born with a veil over her face - in God's divine order of gestation. She was not born on the Dr's due date, but exactly 280 days from conception which I remember well. The Greek meaning of her name is "gift of God". Although she's a challenging 2-yr old now, she's still my most precious gift. Childbirth educators should add "Supernatural Childbirth" as required reading!
Rating:  Summary: YOOR NUTS Review: Your freakin nuts if you want to have a child with out some sort of pain medicine!