Rating:  Summary: IT WORKS! Review: I thank God for Ms. Mize. My daughter is now 5 yrs. old, but I will never forget the faith this book inspired me to have with her birth. It was a little beyond me to believe for "no pain" at all, but because of the priniciples in this book and the scriptures that Ms. Mize researched and made reference to, I had the faith to believe for "only as much pain as I could stand" and a short labor. During my labor, the doctors kept checking the monitor that I was hooked up to and after about 3 1/2 hrs. decided that my contractions were not strong enough and were going to give me pitocin because my baby's heart rate would decrease with each contraction. I started to get disappointed, but then refused to give up on what God promised in the scriptures I had found in this book. Just as they were about to hook up the IV for the pictocin, my midwife rushed in, did an internal, and told them to stop! I was 8 centimeters dialated and had my duaghter a half hour later. Thats how light my contractions were! They thought nothing was happening! I was in labor with my first child for 4 hrs. and pushed for 7 min. My sister, who was in labor for 10 hrs. with one child and 12 hrs with the other says I had my baby like a cat!
Rating:  Summary: Horrible and unbiblical Review: I was just given this book by a friend, and boy am I disheartened. My husband and I used to hold to Word of Faith doctrines (we came out of a Kenneth-Hagin-following church) and now I am just weary of these false teachings and sad for those who believe (like we used to) that they can "speak things into existence" through "positive confession." Or that they can have a pain-free life (including childbearing), and if they have pain in their lives, it is their fault for not having enough faith. These teachings are simply untrue. Although they sound liberating ("childbirth without pain? sign me up!"), in fact they produce more anxiety, because if you do suffer, then you are, like Job, blamed for it. No, sometimes, we suffer in life, and sometimes it's not our fault. I am going to pray that God gives me a trouble-free pregnancy and labor, but if that does not happen, I will trust Him anyway. Not my faith. Not my words. Him.
Rating:  Summary: I had a painfree, effortless birth due to this info. Review: I was taught this before it was in book form. That was 12 years ago. All of my births have been painfree, and effortless. You just gotta believe!
Rating:  Summary: Very Inspiring Review: I was very blessed by this book. I thought it was biblically based and gives hope to millions of women. Nothing is worst than a doctor telling you that you cannot have a child. This book gives hope to women who need to know that there is a Doctor who can do anything!
Rating:  Summary: supernatural childbirth Review: I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to have a God-based pregnancy. From the very first time that I picked up this book, I have been amazed. Even before I became a teen, my mother would tell me stories about how she stood on the Word of God and had such easy labor. And I knew even then, that I could too by standing on the Word of God. Then one day, I picked up SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH and found that the things my mother had talked about Jackie Mize wrote about. I am 23 years old and just found out that I am pregnant. I know that because of this book (which I have already read 4 or 5 times) will be by my side the whole way through my pregnancy.
Rating:  Summary: Faith in God or faith in words? Review: In a nutshell, this book was written for those who subscribe to the 'word of faith' movement (AKA name it and claim it). If you are turned off by 'speaking things into exsistance' via the power of your own 'positive confession', then this book is not for you. On the flip side, if you passionatly support this practice, then you will likely love this book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Tool for Expectant Moms & Those Who Want To Be Review: Jackie's book was extremely helpful to me throughout my pregnancy and childbirth. I experienced some discomfort, but nothing like the horror stories that had kept me from having children for years! My entire pregnancy and childbirth was a very wonderful experience in every way, and I attribute that to 1) the information in this book and 2) my Bradley class--I highly recommend both to every expectant mom and dad. Along with my daily physical exercises, keeping track of what I ate, and mental preparation through research and discussion, I also had daily spiritual "exercises" in meditating on these verses. The natural and the supernatural working together can accomplish powerful results! My husband was extremely supportive of both the book and the Bradley class--the father's enthusiastic involvement as coach is a huge key to a wonderful experience. Someone gave me the cassette tape of the same title and I listened to it over and over throughout pregnancy. The information is the same, but sometimes it's nice to hear a human voice--in this case, with a strong Oklahoma accent! Jackie and her husband Terry Mize have a ministry in Tulsa which still carries the tape. This book is in my lifetime top 20!
Rating:  Summary: INSPIRING AND ENCOURAGING REVELATIONS Review: My husband and myself have been told that we will never be able to have children, so I have been holding on to God for a miracle. When I first saw this book and began reading I was VERY skeptical of the validity of the contents. I wasn't satisfied in just reading their interpretation of the scriptures they listed, I investigated myself; I pulled out numerous versions of the Bible to reference. I found this book to be filled with inspiring, encouraging, faith building scriptures regarding Supernatural (miraculous) conceptions, pregnancies, and deliveries. The scriptures they gave just re-inforced my faith in God, it filled me with "supernatural" faith to believe not only for a miracle conception, but an entire miracle pregnancy and miracle labor/delivery. The authors never said you're faithless if this doesn't work for you, or that Jesus death took ALL pain from us; that wasn't what the book was about. The book was about offering scriptures to give you hope and faith to believe in your miracle. My God is a God of miracles, I've yet to find a scripture that limits what type of miracles.
Rating:  Summary: A Faith-Building Treasure for All Christian Parents-to-Be Review: My husband bought me SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH shortly before we started our family, and it has been a tremendous blessing to us both! This God-inspired book transformed my whole outlook on pregnancy and childbirth! Based on the exciting promises found in the Bible, Jackie Mize shares her miraculous experiences and as well as those of other women who have put God's Word to work in their lives. This book also contains a myriad of Scripture verses and prayers that specifically relate to fertility issues, conception, pregnancy, and supernatural childbirth! The best way I can describe this book is that it is a faith-building, must-have for all Christians who want to or already are experiencing the miracle of parenthood! It will forever change your view of childbirth and will also tremendously bless your prayer life and daily walk with Jesus!
Rating:  Summary: This book is an epitome of God's Love, Power & Might. Review: Nothing can compare with the love of God. This book demonstrates and confirms the mighty working power of God. It shows that if God cannot do something for us, no one can. Every born again, bible believing couple should live this book because it expresses our redemption in Christ - the "Annointed One and His Annointing".