Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: I bought this book when I was pregnant for my second child and it was an inspiration and it really worked when I applied it during childbirth.
Rating:  Summary: A Must-Have for Expectant Christian Moms Review: I bought this book when I was pregnant with my second child and on bedrest for preterm labor. Having just suffered two miscarriages, I was filled with fear and felt robbed of the joy of pregnancy. This book helped me release my fears and trust in God's plan. By using the scripture references and daily prayers included in this book I grew confident of my ability to deliver a full-term, healthy baby. My faith increased and I connected with my child in my womb. Although my first child was delivered after a 20 hour labor (with benefit of drugs and an epidural), I began to look forward to labor. This book affirmed that God didn't intend for my labor to be difficult. While it wasn't pain-free by any means my labor was perfect. It was only 4 hours, I felt in control the whole time, and I delivered a healthy baby girl without any drugs at all - on my due date no less! I recommend this book to anyone who is pregnant or is planning to conceive.
Rating:  Summary: no stars here! Review: I challenge every reader here to take this book and compare it to scripture. See if it stands to scripture. I guarantee you will be dumbfounded. This book is a book of lies. It probably stemmed from the "name it claim it" movement. One of the main points to this book is that the pain of childbirth is a curse from God and that when Christ died on the cross he took all curses on himself and abolished the pain if you would just believe. Here are the problems with that theory. No where in the Bible does it say that the pain in childbirth or childbirth itself was a curse. It says in Genesis that the pain was increased due to the fall of man but there is no "curse" mentioned. The authors use that word to over dramatize their point. Next and this is the real stumper. The authors say that Christ came down and took all sin and curses on him at the Cross. Totally true, I totally believe that. We are free, as ressurected ones in Christ, from the bondage of sin. But no where does Jesus say we still aren't going to have to go through the "by products of sin". If we are exempt now through belief from the pain of Child birth then that means we are also exempt through belief the other results of Adams sin. That means if we just believe we will never physically die, we will never be scratched by a thorn, we would never have to work the field any longer. If only we just believed! Ahhh..There is the clincher. If you would only just believe. The real evil behind this book. Ladies, if you experience pain in childbirth then you are the weakest believers, you have no faith and you choose not to believe so now God is cursing you to endure the pain of childbirth. Isn't that great? Sorry Charley, totally un-biblical. Jesus came as a ransom for the sins of mankind so that whoesoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Where in the Bible does it say, Jesus came to earth to take away all our discomforts and make us feel good? Please don't take my word for this book. Take it and be a good Berean and check it against scripture. It won't stand. I promise you.
Rating:  Summary: Chew the hay spit out the sticks Review: I got this book as a gift when I was pregnant with my first child and I must say it blessed my husband and me greatly. I did have my daughter without an epidural (not that there is anything wrong with epidurals), and I did not experience pain that I could not bear. All in all it was a great experience. What helped us was the prayers, we believed God for a healthy baby and we got one. The book also helped to free me from fear and gave me confidence. I am a student at a Bible Training Center that teaches strong faith in God. I believe in faith and the power of it. But I also believe that faith has to be in line with the Bible. The Bible does not say that we are redeemed from the curse that was placed on mankind in the Garden of Eden. It says we are redeemed from the curse of the Law which is listed in the book of Deuteronomy. I believe that we as Christians can trust God for a safe and sound delivery and a healthy baby. I am pregnant with baby number two now and will read the book again for encouragement, but I will take what is good and dismiss that which is not in line with the Word of God. I do recommend this book for anyone with fear or anxiety concerning childbirth.
Rating:  Summary: Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize Review: I got this book from my friends christian book store. I had worked for her for years and seen the book in the store but only after I lost a baby three years ago did I concider reading it. I am so thankful to God that I did.This book has blessed my life so much and I now have the faith I need to have a supernatural delivery. Jackie talks about how some of us may be below average and that there may be things wrong with our physical bodies that God needs to heal in order to bring us to what may be concidered normal average. I had to have a C-sec. with my daughter who is now 9 years old. I never was really sure why this happened, but I knew that fear was part of it. After reading the part in the book that discusses a woman who needed to go to the Hospital and would not, later being forced by her husband and finding out that she had a problem with her hip bones separating as they should. It made me remember that my daughter never dropped properly and that her birth just did not progress. I beleive that even though I do not know for sure in the natural that this is something that could have been a problem with the birth of my daughter. It has led me to pray specifically that God open and seperate my hip bones to accomidate the birth of this child. By the way, I am finally pregnant after 9 years and the loss of one baby. I am 6 months pregnant and having a wonderful pregnancy. The prayers in this book have inspired me to believe and have faith beyond what I have ever been able to in the past. Since reading the book the Lord has led me to watch the Animal Planet channel on T.V. and watch the birth of animals. I have yet to see any of the animals cry out in pain of have need of meds.They have no concept of fear and therefore they just instinctually have there babies. They seem to just come forth as God intended. I have not watched the births of human babies because I felt that God showed me that it could instill fear because they may not be where they need to be spiritually so things may not go well for them. All I know is that this book is from God and I will have my baby boy without any complications at all! Also, I gave this book to my husbands employee whom I never met before, because my husband said that he and his wife were having difficulty conceiving for years and that no matter how much estrogen they gave her it would drop to 40 when it needed to be in the 120 level for conception. Well after reading this book the first day all the way through, his wife checked her estrogen and it had gone from 40 to 300 in the same day! Then about 2 weeks after receiving the book the couple went in for invetro procedure and it has been 7 days since then and my husband came home with a praise report! They are pregnant for the first time and they are so thankful for the book and the prayers because this is the first time ever they have gotten these results and they have the faith to believe for supernatural childbirth. Also, they have started to pray together which is something they say they never did before reading this book. My husband and I pray together more than we ever have as a result of reading this book! * Don't be afraid to beleive beyond what you have been taught! God is a supernatural God and he cannot be put into a box. Do not limit what God wants for you and don't let others who may not be at your faith level influence you. Talk to your Holy Father, know that he loves you and wants only good things for you and your families! He, afterall was willing to send His only son to die for you. Nothing can seperate you from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus! Why is it so hard to beleive that He wants good things for us? His word says in Jeremiah 29V11-14 "That he knows the plans that he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you hopes and plans for a future". Also, read Psalms 91 and 103, they will encourage you. We want only good things for our own children, how much more does our own Father in heaven want those things and more for us. Read this book and let Gods Supernatural power lift you into a place where you can beleive for the the impossible! After all, He is the God of unlimited possibilities if we obey and follow Him and give all to Him! and sometimes in spite of ourselves He will still perform miracles that we never deserved in the first place. Think about it! and Let Him into your lives.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful! Review: I have purchased this book for several friends and all thought it was moving and powerful! This is a must buy! You & friends will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Great scriptures and insite....but I have to add Review: I have to add that the book really does not go into a lot of the necessary facts that one must know to have a supernatural childbirth. There are a lot of people that have pain in childbirth for a few simple reasons not tied to anything spiritual at all---such as laying flat on you back in labor and birth increases pain--not being healthy and properly nutrition can cause pain because of lack of nutrients such as vit.E which helps the elastisity of the skin. Also not having the knowlege of what your body is doing during pregnancy and birth can cause fear, which leads to unnecessary pain. I loved the book and I highly recommend it but not alone. I also recommend reading Natural Birth the Bradley Way and The Birth Book for starters. These books offer a lot of know how and Supernatural Childbirth offers the spiritual. The book is filled with Scriptures to read over your birth, your pregnancy, your baby. It was so encouraging to me and I recommend you reading it. It also has a section on miscarriage and not being able to have babies that is very good---powerful scriptures to read over the woman and womb! I encourage you to gain total knowledge on the whole birth process. Great book!
Rating:  Summary: Recommended for All Mothers-To-Be! Review: I highly recommend this book to all pregnant women. It is filled with life changing revelations of God's promises for you! Someone gave me this book before I became pregnant with my third child and it helped me to build my faith in a "supernatural childbirth." I was strenthened in my faith in God and His Word like never before. This book has numerous testimonies of what God has done for other women as well as pages of scriptures to strenthen you in your journey. As a result of reading this book and growing in faith, the birth of my third child was totally pain free! It was my fastest labor yet (5 hours total from the first twinge)and all my contractions just felt like cramps. I refer to this as "God's epideral." Like I said previously, I recommend this book to all! It is also a great resourse for those families that are having a difficult time conceiving or have been told that they will never have children. I think it makes a great gift for a mom-to-be, I like to keep several on hand to give to families. It is also a great book for dads as well. It helps to strengthen their faith as well and in turn they are a greater support to their partners. Plan to get this book and be blessed in your pregnancy and child birth-God does want a "supernatural childbirth" for you! If He did it for me, He will do it for you!
Rating:  Summary: IF you believe the BIBLE - then this book is GARBAGE! Review: I paid $1 for this book 2nd hand and it was $1 too much. I LOVE the Lord and His Word, and I get ANGRY when I see people adding to the Word of God and leading people astray (as He does!). I started reading the book and immediately picked up on falseness in the book. This book talks about how the curse has been lifted that God put on us in the Garden of Eden and the verse they give to support that false doctrine is talking about how God lifted the curse of the law (sorry I don't remember the reference and the book went in the garbage). The Lord has not taken away the curse that the ground is cursed (thorns, weeds) and that man will have to work for his meals by the "sweat of thy brow." That the women's pain will greatly increase in childbearing, and here is the one that is the clincher - the serpent lost his legs and I have not seen any snakes with legs lately. The verse in the NT they claim as the curse being lifted is about how Christ's death on the cross has lifted the curse of the OT law. Read Romans 6, 7, and 8 if you need more depth on that (that's were I'm at right now & it's been great!). So, they pretty much say that if you pray hard enough you can get pregnant no matter what and you can have a pain free natural childbirth. What about the provincial will of God? What about God knowing best for our lives? I believe in the power of prayer, the God of the Bible is not a lucky charm like this author is making Him out to be. I plan on having a natural childbirth and I am praying that the Lord's hand will be in it and for no complications, but His will is the ultimate to me! It saddens me to think of a wonderful Christian friend of mine who has been trying to get pregnant for 10+ years now how it means she is not a good enough Christian if this book was true. One last thing, it is not about us - AT ALL! It is about yielding ourselves to Him, and letting Him work through our lives.
Rating:  Summary: God still works miracles - we just have to have FAITH!!! Review: I suffer from panic disorder and when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter Alexa, my beautician recommended I read this book. It had helped her. So she lent it to me and I read it. I learned to trust completely in God. I also prepared for the birth by praying for my obstetrician and nurses, as well as myself and my daughter. My first labor (before I read this book) was over 24 hours and I pushed about 45 minutes and had to have a vaccum extractor. With my little girl, after reading this book and trusting Jesus to take care of me, I had four hours of labor and pushed three times and she is here and healthy and beautiful! Thank you GOD for taking care of me and my child!