Rating:  Summary: Commandments based on love, honor and respect. Review: Many people are familiar with what we call the "The Ten Commandments." On the outside they seem to be just a set of rules we are commanded to live by. Once you have read this book you will realize that the underlying concepts for these rules are in fact, based on love, honor and respect.We, as humans, have a free will to choose between good and evil. This book is an attempt to influence that choice towards good, i.e., God. Dr. Laura's words are beautiful and inspiring. You will feel challenged, enlightened and elevated. She also says you will experience these feelings when you have made the right choices in life. By explaining each of the commandments, she takes them to their fullest conceptualization. During this process you realize God's plan is to give us a meaningful, just, loving and even holy life. Each principle or commandment relates to either God, family, our fellow man, love, work, charity, property, speech or thought. These laws are simply a blueprint of God's expectations for mankind. Dr. Laura also deals with today's real-life issues of abortion, euthanasia, gossip, manipulative behavior, etc. This book will solidify within your heart the basic moral laws for all time. This will be a book you will want to read to help you deal with peer pressure, temptation and conflicted emotions. This is a book filled with moral lessons you can apply to your life immediately. I have learned that every decision I make can give meaning to my life or diminish it.
Rating:  Summary: Clearing up the 10 Commandments Review: I was having a difficult time determining if I could/should cut ties to my Mom and was looking for clarity on the "Honor thy Father and Mother" commandment. Dr. Laura provided a crystal clear message on this commandment along with strategies to handle my type of siutation. It was an answer to prayer! Just after I purchased the book, my Brother got called to war. I passed the book along to my brother who received much peace from the chapter on Thou shall not Murder. If you are looking for a deeper understanding of the 10 commandments and strategies for bringing them into your daily life and working around the "what if", this book is for you!
Rating:  Summary: Insights into her foundational principles Review: NOTE: This review will be about the book, and not about other people's reviews of the book. For background, I am a single, 30-something Christian, and I enjoy Dr. Laura's show and her politics, and her advice. This book is a great revelation of the specific principles that underlie her marital and ethical philosophy. Contrary to common belief, Dr. Lara works from fixed principles. Her show and philosophy is not a series of "hissy fits" or "power trips." She is articulating very ancient, and even eternal laws of conduct and behavior. By compliance to these law, we can improve our lives. In essence, Dr. Laura is doing something that few authority do. She reveals her sources and is open about her bias. I got a four-year Bachelors degree, and in those five years, only once did a professor mention a bias. This book is not a missionary tract. Rather, it is more of a deposition and testament of what she believes. In the preface, she freely mentions that she struggled with the issues contained in the ten commandments. This is why it is co-written with a rabbi. Sometimes I got the feel that I was reading a rabbinical debate-it's there in the subtext. You know the old saying about two Jews and three opinions. I love the sub-text of discussion and debate. I found the book easy to read, agree with some of her conclusions, and was in now way offended by the religious tone. And I enjoyed the Jewish insights, especially how Jews, Catholics, and Protestants divide the commandments differently. Jews see the first commandment as "I am the Lord thy God," where as Catholics and Protestants skip this preface, and go directly to "Thou shalt have no gods before me." This preface is a pause and consideration of the nature, grandeur and existence of God. This pause and preface lays the foundation for the rest of the commandments. I recommend this book to people of all branches of Judeo-Christianity. This nexus of faiths are all tied to Abraham and Moses. There is something of these laws in all religions, and I value Dr. Laura's and Rabbi Vogel's insights on the matter.
Rating:  Summary: Clearing up the 10 Commandments Review: I was having a difficult time determining if I could/should cut ties to my Mom and was looking for clarity on the "Honor thy Father and Mother" commandment. Dr. Laura provided a crystal clear message on this commandment along with strategies to handle my type of siutation. It was an answer to prayer! Just after I purchased the book, my Brother got called to war. I passed the book along to my brother who received much peace from the chapter on Thou shall not Murder. If you are looking for a deeper understanding of the 10 commandments and strategies for bringing them into your daily life and working around the "what if", this book is for you!
Rating:  Summary: The Cornor Stone of Western Law- must reading Review: I went to a Christian men's conference once and the speaker asked the audience how many of us believed in the Ten Commandments and, of course, every hand shot up. The next question the speaker asked was a little more troubling- How many of you can repeat the Ten Commandments from memory. The silence was deafening. Not one hand was raised. It was at that moment that I purposed in my heart to buy this book. In light of the recent court challenges on the public display of the Ten Commandments and the increasing hostility towards the Judeo-Christian values, this book is must reading for those of us who hold these values dear. The Ten Commandments are the cornerstone upon which Western law and civilization are based upon. Even as a pastor, this book was convicting. Subtitled: The Significance of God's Laws in Everyday Life, Schlessinger made me reconsider much of my behavior. For instance, the Eighth Commandment, You shall not steal- has implications that many of us have not even considered. At the base of this commandment is that God considers the possession of things of significant importance; thus when we violate someones property, we are violating them. Practical application? How about borrowing and forgetting to return property? I had to go through my bookshelves and garage and return a multitude of items I had borrowed. The lesson of this book is clear: The Ten Commandments have profound implications for how we live. Put this book on your must read list.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent perspective on G-d's Laws. Review: Thousands of years after they were written by the finger of G-d, the 10 Commandments still inspire some, and enrage others. The fact that Dr. Laura is writing about them may be a turn-off to some, but then again those who would be turned off already hate her and/or the 10 Commandments! Nevertheless, this book is about their applicability in our everyday lives. The first five commandments deal with our obligations to G-d, the second five deal with our obligations to each other. Far from being the "rules of oppression" as some would have you to believe, the 10 commandments were written and handed down to give mankind guidelines for love, respect, and honor. Dr.Laura's approach is from a unique perspective; there are'nt many Gentiles like myself who have read biblical perspectives from a Jewish standpoint. From her vantage point I have gained a greater reverence for the applicability of G-d's laws in my everyday life.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't talk abou what the 10 Commandments actually say Review: If your goal is to learn about the 10 Commandments, this is not the book. In it, Dr. Laura engages in her usual tirade of irrational pontification and says little, for example, about the 10 Commandments in any kind of historical perspective. There is no discussion, for example, of how 3 passages in the Commandments mention how to treat one's slaves, but none of them even bother to suggest that there is anything wrong with one person owning another. Slaveowners used the 10 Commandments to justify owning slaves, and it was by the hand of Abraham Lincoln, generally thought by scholars to have been an irreligious infidel, that slavery was put to an end. There is no discussion of the differences in the various sets of commandments (there are three sets in the Old Testament, one of which contains the commandment that tells us not to bathe the kid in its mother's milk, thus no goat stroganoff for lunch today kids!), or the differences between sects, such as the fact that the Douay Bible skips the idol worship commandment, for obvious reasons.
Rating:  Summary: out of place Review: I've not read this book, but I used to listen to Dr. Laura on the radio. Dr. Laura's books have been popping up in Christian bookstores and I find it somewhat alarming and out of place. If you are a Christian I would suggest reading it to see what the Jewish perspective is. But for a Christian, the commandments only serve to give us a knowledge of sin and then that would lead one to Christ so we can be justified, not by trying to obey the law, but rather by faith in Christ who has obeyed the ten commandments and perfectly loved for us. Just a warning for all you Christians out there.
Rating:  Summary: Educational but Not Readable Review: I have been haphazardly flipping through this book for three months, and while I thoroughly appreciate its wisdom and validity, I do not find myself compelled to curl up on the sofa with it and a cup of hot chocolate. The book is well written. It is fully elaborated and sound, but at the same time, it's hard hitting, a heavy chunk, textbook-ish more than reading-book-ish. I do indeed endorse this interpretation of the Ten Commandments according to modern life... but I fear that most people may lack the stamina to support its no-holds-barred style. Of course, the reason that I find the book daunting is because I expected something more along the lines of Dr. Laura's first book, The Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives, a book that combines a hard-hitting message with a upbeat, cheery, "you can do it" voice. This book lacks that positivity. Therefore, I gave the book three stars because of my disappointment... but I realize that it's a good book nonetheless, and it's worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Book!!! Review: This book is excellent!! At first I feared it would be a "preachy" book, but it isn't! Dr. Laura and her Rabbi wrote this book and it *really* explains the 10 commandments. Each chapter goes into detail about each commandment. I found that this book really made me think. I read this one real slowly (1 chapter a week) and now have the book on tape too. It really goes into each commandment and explains the Christian side and the Jewish side. Through this book I've learned things I didn't know about my religion or had vague knowledge of. A real eye-opener!!!