Rating:  Summary: Great Book for parent's with strong-willed children Review: I consider this book to be wonderful and would recommend it to any person. It gives you the confidence you lack because of today's worldly views on how they think our children should be raised. Our Bibles teach us the ways to raise our children, recommend reading Proverbs. Mr. Dobson follows this in his book and helps us parents to know that we aren't the only parent's experiencing this. After reading his book I have had great success with my two-year-old son. I don't feel all alone or like I am a failure in being the only mother of a strong-willed child anymore. It's helped me to know this is normal and given me better confidence in setting and sticking with our rules.
Rating:  Summary: This man is no Christian. Review: Sick. Sick. Sick. WWJD? Protect children from lunatics like Dr. Dobson and his ilk, who have the gall to call themselves followers of Christ. WWJD? One thing's for sure, he wouldn't be an advocate of child abuse.
Rating:  Summary: This person is obviously no Christian Review: It amazes me that anybody in this day and age would follow such dangerous advice. It is well known that abuse leads to aggression in children. What Dobson teaches is abuse. He shows a complete lack of understanding of child developement. He shows no care or concern for the welfare of children. His only interest seems to be in reinforcing those parents who wish to have an advocate for abuse.This man is not a Christian. His teaching is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus. He does not show even a small amount of the compassion, kindness, or wisdom of the Savior. He is telling parents to turn from the teachings of Jesus, and give into the evil of violence. If you are a true Christian and you want to read a parenting book written by a Christian that teaches Christian values, I would recommend any of William and Martha Sears books. May the love and peace of Jesus live in your hearts. And may you not be decieved by false prophets such as Dobson.
Rating:  Summary: Understand Your Child Before You Read This! Review: As the parent of a "strong-willed" child, I checked this book out of the library one day along with a copy of "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. The difference was astounding. Dobson takes a negative view of the "strong-willed" child and advices parents to basically get tough and show them who is boss. He advocates physical punishment- hitting with a rod or belt- as a way of keeping these kids in line. In Dobson's book he does not attempt to understand what makes some children less maleable than others. "Raising Your Spirited Child" also deals with the subject of children who are more of a challenge to raise- but in a way that is POSITIVE -- by understanding the temperament traits that cause all of us to react to our environment in ways that are unique to us as individuals. These kids are usually not trying to be bad just to gain control over parents, as Dobson suggests. They are unique children who have a different-than-average perspective on the world, and we can work with them and help them to get along better through kindness and understanding rather than threat of violence.
Rating:  Summary: James Dobson provides parents with loving, Godly wisdom. Review: I have listened to Dr. Dobson for more than 15 years, and read much of what he has written. He gives parents loving, consistant methods for guiding and disciplining children. He has never promoted or endorsed any kind of abuse. His books are Biblical, down to earth, and Godly. Children are an heritage from God. They are too precious to be left to raise themselves, as this present genereation seems to do. It is the job of the parents to raise their children - not the government, media, schools, or village. Dr. Dobson has made it his life's work to prepare and educate parents in this most important task. Children are born with different temperments. Dr. Dobson points this out and helps parents address the needs of each child. The compliant child may only need a raised eyebrow or gentle reminder to be directed. The strong willed child, on the other hand, will be catapulted into a life of destruction and self-destruction if the parent is not willing or able to direct and discipline him. Dr. Dobson addresses how to handle childishness and how to handle defiance, and how to tell the difference.
Rating:  Summary: A book every parent of a difficult child should read Review: I am a single mom of a very active five year old son. I have been trying unsuccessfully to find ways to discipline my son that show him that I love him, and want the best for him. Every book I have read talks about negotiating with your child and trying to appease your child. Let me tell you all children do not respond to this type of discipline. This book is the first book that addresses the temperament of the deliberately defiant child, and gives good advice on how to shape the will of this type of child without breaking their delicate spirits. I only wish that he would have left out the commentary on other peoples works, and possibly put this in another book.
Rating:  Summary: Gives you the strength to set the rules and stick to them. Review: My daughter has had a mind of her own since the day she was born, and now that she's turning two, everything is a struggle. I had mixed emotions about how to discipline and punish her until I read The Strong-Willed Child. Dr. Dobson has given me the understanding that it is possible and actually mandatory to set limits and enforce them in a forceful but loving way.
Rating:  Summary: Pure garbage Review: "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." In this popular waste of paper, James Dobson urges millions of parents to beat their children into submission while simultaneously pretending to be concerned about the phenomenon of child abuse. According to Dobson, Children should be expected to always do whatever they're told. When they refuse to comply with their parents' orders, they're just "asking for it." Whenever children dare to have minds of their own, Dobson recommends battering them hard enough to make them cry, then doing so again and again if necessary to force them to obey. Dobson insists that this approach has nothing to do with child abuse as long as it's done "lovingly." Above all, parents must always "win". (If that philosophy doesn't encourage child abuse, I don't know what does.) When children of loving-but-violent parents follow their parents' example and become violent themselves, Dobson blames their criminality on TV programs they've watched. (It is a statistical FACT that all violent criminals were raised with excessive physical "discipline", but Dobson never acknowledges this.) The effects of physical punishment on children have been well documented in numerous studies, which are cited in such books as "Beating the Devil Out Of Them" by Murray Straus, "Spare the Child" by Philip Greven, and several books by Alice Miller. Dobson, however, does not believe in citing (or even acknowledging) studies or statistics or anything else connected to reality. In his attempts to make a point, he tends to cite only hypothetical stories. That's all the "proof" he needs! Abusive parents worldwide now have an "expert" to cite to justify their actions. ATTENTION ALL MORONS: please don't waste my time e-mailing me to tell me what the Bible says about hitting children. I've heard that B.S. before, and stupidity is stupidity, regardless of whether it appears in ! "The Strong-Willed Child" or in the Bible's book of Proverbs.
Rating:  Summary: An outstanding,common sense guide for parents. Review: The book addresses many issues of being a parent. It provides common sense strategies of which we need to be reminded. Adolescents are simply taller five year olds. A sense of humor, an open mind and the willingness to set boundaries and follow through are neccesary to be parents. In essence a willingness to be a life long learner and to embrace your child with love that encompasses failure and success. The joy of celebrating parenthood is a dynamic part of this sensible book. Some of the examples make you laugh, cry, and help you to see yourself.A delightful book that should be required upon the departure from the hospital as you cuddle your "innocent" bundle of joy.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Effective. A life saver! Review: My three year old was out of control. Tantrum city, thought he was the boss, and would even hurt his little brother. I was ready to try anything. This worked amazingly. This book does NOT say "beat your child" despite others reviews. In fact, spanking makes up 5% of what DR. Dobson touches on. I too was anti-spanking, but with-in five days my son made a 360 degree turn! It took one well-administered spanking, a zero tolerance policy and an extremely calm demenour. If you are at the end of your rope, give this book a try, and follow it's advice. You too will be amazed. Those who critized it's suggestions, in their own words, are still working through things. Have you ever yelled and screamed at your children in frustration? That just shows them that you are out of control, and they are responsible for making you this way. THAT IS CRUEL! Please do not be afraid to discipline your child. I read this book over a month ago, and success continues to bloom. My son is a lot happier, he knows his bounderies and his little brother is thankful too!