Rating:  Summary: Finally, a book that works! Review: It was so refreshing to read advice that works! All of the softer approaches turn out to be just that, fluff. These are the rules our parents followed, and our generation turned out to be a lot less violent than the current one, who was influenced by the more subtle, friendly discipline techniques. And those parents will blame television on today's violence, but did they forget that we grew up with the Three Stooges, Roadrunner, etc? Kids today, who were reared under such softer discipline techniques, tend to have less self-control, and I wonder if it doesn't stem from their lack of learning about respect and responsibility for your actions.
Rating:  Summary: Should be titled "Smack your kid to get your way" Review: One word...HORRIBLE. The preview of the book does not hint that you will be repeatedly advised to hit your child for most every act of willfullness. Example, Mr.(He is NO doctor in my eyes, I don't care what a piece of paper says)Dobson suggests that if you ask your child to do something, ie. pick up his toys, and he does not respond immediately, the parent should then squeeze an area of the neck right next to the shoulder that will cause a lot of pain. This will get the child's attention that you mean business. What a lovely message to raise your child by, hurt people who don't do things your way. Obviously Mr. Dobson does not know that the word he loves to use, discipline, comes from the word disciple, which means to teach or guide. Mr Dobson apparantly believes the word discipline means to cause pain. This book advocates hitting as well as other physical abuse to get a child to behave. It states all physical punishments should be given out of love not anger. When is the last time you felt loved by a person who beat you? Hitting a child into submission does not make you the winner, it makes the child the loser. How sad is that? Mr. Dobson does not seem to have a clue about children's NORMAL behavior, and even suggests that the vast majority of children are naturally inclined to be bad. He states that discipline should begin by 7-8 months of age as these infants are already aware of right from wrong and will choose to do wrong most of the time. He says he did not feel this way until he had children and the he realized how bad they actually were. Maybe his children's behavior is a reflection of his bad parenting. And to suggest that infants are inherently evil is extremely archaic, like stating wives are the property of their husbands. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't follow the advice in this book. Love your strong willed child with all your heart and soul. With love and guidance you can teach your child to use his/her strong will to become a leader not a follower.
Rating:  Summary: Atavistic Excrement Review: James Dobson is an interesting case study- like Nietzche, he is immensely fascinating not because of any literal truth in what he says, but because he has postively *no insight* into himself.Like Nietzche, after he had gone insane, Dobson believes he has a special relationship with the deity. (I'm waiting for Dobson's "Ecce Homo.") Unfortunately for Dobson, unlike Nietzche, Dobson projects his persecution complex and psychic suffering on *children.* That is not only insane, it is cowardly, and the hallmark of the brute. I almost wrote "uncivilized," but primitive tribes often don't do what Dobson recommends. The idea of *breaking the spirit* of a child to *control* him is anathema to many indigenous peoples. It is nothing short of advocacy of what Alice Miller, and Laing would call "soul murder" or "psychic murder." Any parent in fact who reads this book ought to read Alice Miller's "For Your Own Good : Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence," as a corrective. Some of the worst products of the human race were "strong willed" children whose spirit was broken with "discipline." Including Adolf Hitler. Laing had correctly identified the dysfunctional family structure as a protection racket. Dobson is not satisfied with simple gangsterism on the part of child abusers- rather Dobson wants to introduce the *gulag* into homes.
Rating:  Summary: PROVEN TO WORK - FROM MY CHILDREN TO MY GRANDCHILDREN Review: I first bought this book when my youngest child was born.(one of four). I loaned it out so much that I lost track of where it was. I bought this book again for the mom of my oldest granddaughter and now the son of my youngest child. The generation we are looking at today was raised by "Dr. Spock" --- (Children are just little adults) Dr Dobson"s views are as the Bible teaches "Spare the Rod Spoil the Child". I did not have to spank my children, they can only remember one or two times when they were young, because I used his philosphy (Dr.Dobson) "Conqueor the Will not the Spirit" If you follow his basic guidelines you will have a child who has self esteem and a knowledge that his parent cared enough to discipline.
Rating:  Summary: Dobson is scary, and this book is grotesque Review: I'm thinking about becoming a father soon so I picked this up in thelibrary more as a joke than anything else. This book is exactly what Iexpected, a joke, albeit a sick one. Dobson is no more than ataskmaster with little to no respect for children except as chattel to be passed off by right-wing families. I plan on raising my kid the exact opposite way -- encouraging them to be independent, strong and respectful of others. [He] seems to think wailing on kids is the best way to raise them. Shame on Dobson (I refuse to call him doctor because he doesn't deserve it) for writing such trash, and even more shame on families who would institute such barbarism on their own kids. Dobson is certainly one scary figure. Please, families, look elsewhere for some reason and sanity. This book should be destined for the trash heap but, unfortunately, will probably be viewed as Gospel by some.
Rating:  Summary: You can be a loving and effective parent without spanking Review: As a child psychologist who specializes in parenting practices, there are many reasons to find ways to avoid spanking your children, while still remaining firm and loving in your discipline. Further, other techniques are more consistently effective than spanking, and are not potentially harmful. There are large bodies of research pointing to the harmful effects of spanking which include increasing your child's level of misbehavior. I have found that while there are some parents who believe very strongly in spanking, most parents wish they could avoid doing it and have conflicted feelings about it. If you would like to learn more about more effective discipline practices, I would highly recommend SOS for Parents or Parenting the Strong-willed Child. These books are based on long standing and well researched practices.
Rating:  Summary: Millions of people can't be wrong! Review: Dr. Dobson is a proven leader in the relm of child care, compassion, love and understanding. He is a foremost authority in child psychology and is listened to millions of people around the world. Do not for one minute think that those who critize his books or his methods are doing so with the best interest of the child in mind. This book will work. It is the farthest thing from "child abuse" imaginable. Child abuse is allowing a child to define his/her own boundarys, instead of providing loving, firm guidelines that the child can understand and still feel loved. Objections to this book are more likely objections to Christian living. And those who think Jesus would be opposed to this book have obviously not read the whole Bible. Those pushing other books have most likely not even read this book...they are here only to try to redirect the readers. Have faith! This is an inspired book, by an inspired author...who has dedicated his life to helping the family and children. He has proven his methods work. He has three extremely respectable children who are grown now. In addition he is listened to on over 25,000 radio stations everyday worldwide.
Rating:  Summary: This is an AWESOME BOOK! Review: The sooner you get this Book - the more you owe James Dobson! If you are a parent of a strong willed child you will really appreciate this book. If you are not you can still learn something valuable here about other strong willed children that will give you some insight to help others. And I think at some point and time we all have a child that becomes some what Strong Willed. Years ago when I was in the military I listened to James Dobson on this subject. Keep in mind I was not a christian then. By keeping an open mind (on this subject) and using what he teaches (consistently), my child has grown up to respect and loves others. I even get compliments all the time on how well disciplined and loving my child is! And praise God my child and I gave our lives to Christ just last year. I owe a ton to James Dobson. By the way my wife and my daughter gave their lives to Christ last year as well. This is an Awesome book whether you are a Chrsitian or not... GET IT! GET IT! GET IT! It's only 6 bucks you have nothing to lose and everything to gain... If every parent would only use this book and stop complaining in this review area. You have to be a consistent parent and not one that complains.. OUCH! But if you will just spend 30-90 days being consistent it will become part of your life and you'll owe James Dobson BIG TIME!
Rating:  Summary: Breaking the will without crushing the spirit Review: In the mid-70's to mid 80's I was so fortunate to have Dr. Dobson's books to read while raising 4 of my 5 children. I had a couple strong-willed kids and probably was one myself! It is a fine line in dealing with a strong-willed child because they usually have a tender spirit inside. Dr. Dobson helps us learn how to channel that stong will into a productive way of life. Many people have asked what my secret was for raising my kids...Dr. Dobson's wisdom and wit helped alot!
Rating:  Summary: Dissagreement with this book appears to be purley political. Review: Dr. Dobson does not advocate child abuse in this book or any other book he has written. Corporal punishment is sometimes need to get the attention of a very strong-willed child and should only be used as a last resort. That is just what Dr. Dobson advocates. The words and principles of the bible are used extensivly and exhaustedly in this book and is does indeed reflect the Christian foundations of raising children. Most of the authors cited as an alternative to Dr. Dobson are well known as new-age humanists and radical leftist and socialist authors. Concepts such as personal responsibility and respect for authority are not beliefs they would espouse. In their world view, every human is god and Mother Nature is the supreme being of the universe, these are fast becoming a political religion to those of the secular humanist/socialist/communist new-agers of the day.