Rating:  Summary: It's not for us to decide whether it is true... Review: A lot of reviews I have read on Anne Heche's book have discussed whether or not they believe Anne is telling the truth or not. As none of us are the members of a jury judging the validity of her case, it think it is extremely unfair and unnecessary to say she is not being honest. It is extremely uncommon to lie about childhood abuse, despite the controversy of 'false memory syndrome' or the many derogatory views about people who claim they have been abused. In fact, it takes the combination of a very rare highly suggestable individual, hypnosis and an inappropriate, inexperienced therapist who influences the client to believe they have been abused. 'False memory syndrome' originated with Freud, who after meeting with intense criticism for his original statements claiming many children have experienced sexual abuse, changed his theories to a more popular view, that many survivors of abuse are confused, unable to remember properly and have fabricated the abuse. This view gained more popularity in the last few decades when more women, having gained the courage to speak through changes brought about with the Women's Liberation Movement, spoke of their experiences. With a reported rate of abuse being one in five women (and this is only the cases which have been reported, many are not), many more people have experienced abuse than discuss it. I believe Anne Heche has shown enormous courage in talking about her past and that she has helped many people to know they are not alone. Too often society silences what it does not want to hear and she has shown it is possible to have a tragic start and still achieve success. While it may not be the best written book published, it was not intended to be a literary masterpiece, it is a memoir written by an actor. Thank you Anne for your courage.
Rating:  Summary: Call me stupid for buying this book! Review: I was a big Anne Heche fan, until I saw her interview on the Today show and then read this book! The book has no central story line, other than to randomly repeat her stories of abuse and horror. HELLO! If I took LSD and had a random stranger massage me for 8 hours, I might imagine my father molesting me, too! LSD = hallucinations, am I the only person to recognize this? Although she may believe the abuse actually occurred, I think her 'memory' is clearly a bi-product of the drugs. I feel sorry for her and her family, but most of all for her unborn child.
Rating:  Summary: True Christianity is not in hypocrisy nor malice of any kind Review: I felt deeply sorry for Anne Heche and what she went through as a child. That was not Christianity in her home but abuse. I pray that she will experience a true presence and reconciliation with the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for her peace, happiness and salvation. Forgiveness is a genuine quality of Christians not because we deserve it but because of Him (Christ) I do not think Anne's father was a converted saint, nor her mother. They might have said prayers and words but if they wereconverted their fruits would have definately been manifested in true love and compassion. Please Anne before you judge all christians by your parents take a good look in the Holy Bible at Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith. I have been abused in my lifetime as an adult. I have been stricken with the same disease as you have but if it were not for Jesus Christ I would have remained a bitter, depressed, angry woman. I am glad you are married, and I know you will make a wonderful mother. Please search your heart and mind and soul. Bring them up in the true love and admonition of the Lord. You will be blessed. I have raised my children with the love of God in their hearts. There was violence between my husband and I. We were not the perfect Christians but through it all twenty-two years I have learned to trust in Jesus and I have learned to praise Almighty God.I have taught my seven children never blame God for your foolish,disobedient, stubborn parents or loved ones who hurt you and made mistakes. Never give up on Jesus Christ He is always faithful.
Rating:  Summary: Call me Crazy Review: I feel this was the worst written book I have ever read. It jumped around. It was not clear of what the author was intended for her audience to see. My suggestion is to borrow it from a friend or from the libray-save your money!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Anne, I believe you Review: You guys that call this publicity seeking..Get real!! Why would anybody trying to make it in Hollywood write a book like this? Hollywood wants to hire "happy, normal acting people" for their big pictures. You guys that said she went with Ellen for publicity...Get real! Immediately she lost any credibility for boy-girl roles in major motion pictures (with me, too. I kept visualizing her and Ellen together when I saw her kiss Harrison in 6dz7nts). I believe her and I think her mother is a terrible person. I have a wonderful mother and we have a wonderful open honest relationship. I told her about a great uncle that rubbed my breast when I was 11 once (didn't ruin my life, just an upsetting incident that did happen) and she did just like Nancy did..backed up, refused to talk about it, changed the subject.
Rating:  Summary: Call Us All Crazy For Not Seeing Review: I read Anne Heche's book, "Call Me Crazy" because I am the Christian mother of two daughters who were molested by their adopted father. I am researching the effects of incest upon the mother-daughter relationship and Anne's book was one of the few books available to give an inside look at this issue. I was sobered by the power of a father who sexually abused his daughter to inflict pain and division on those closest to him while maintaining a positive image in the community. I was also struck with the apparent blindness we as Christians demonstrate in regard to the evil among us. Anne's language will be offensive to most Christians, but those reading it should try to hear the pain behind the words and never forget her message.
Rating:  Summary: Don't be tricked, very disappointing Review: It's not that I don't believe her story. It's just I've seen the same scenario in so many other books and Lifetime TV movies. While her tale is terrible, it doesn't make for particuilarly interesting reading, at least for me. Her father sexually molested her for years, her mother didn't care, she grew up poor and unloved, she never felt love from her parents, and it made her nuts as an adult. *YAWN* As for the "amusing" sections of her thinking she's the Second Coming, her hearing God, being Celestia, and tracking down that spaceship in the desert, that was probably less than 5% of the book! We're talking 15-20 pages, tops. I was eagerly awaiting those "entertaining" parts. Trust me, the "good" passages are the ones that have already been reprinted in articles. You're to page 187 or so of a 245 page book before you even read the word "Celestia." Up to then, it's details about her dysfunctional childhood, her early career and inability to enter into healthy adult relationships, which hardly makes her unique. Also, I wanted good dish on her relationships with Ellen and Steve Martin. Once again, there was VERY little of that. She covers Steve Martin in about 2 pages. She gives Ellen about 10, but it's equally vapid. If you're a die-hard fan of Heche, go for it. If you want to read her whacky Celestia stories and have a laugh, save your money, they are few and far between.
Rating:  Summary: CALL ME CRAZY BUT THIS IS ONE HECK OF A WAY TO GET PUBLICITY Review: Anne Heche.......hmmmm!. I saw her on Oprah a few years ago right when her and Ellen were an item. Then I knew she was an opportunist. This book is just a ploy to get her career on track. How convienent that her book comes out right at the same time as her highly publicized marriage to a MAN. Well it must be working she is already getting offers again with possibly her own sitcom. I can see it now the CBS friday line up "The Ellen Show" and "The Anne Heche Show" as a comedy block....Wouldn't that be interesting. This book is complete bleck. Just another opportunistic ploy to up start an already down spiraling career.
Rating:  Summary: Lost and very hard to be found Review: Anne Heche's book "Call Me Crazy" had to be an extremely hard book for her to write. It's a story of her pain and the road she tries to take on healing it. A story that makes you sad but also really makes you wonder. Wonder if it's possible that trama from your past can take over your future if you don't learn to let it go in your own time. I belive this is very true. It is a bump in the road of life that can just seem imposible to over come at times. You feel consumed by it and it over powers you to the point where it is very possible to truely belive that you are talking to God. If you give in and give it the power to, your trama and pain will take control and leave you feeling helpless, lost and alone. Anne did a wonderful job of explaining her pain that consumed her and took control when she gave it the power to. It's a very hard thing to do, be strong when your fight is against yourself and healing the emotional trama that has been so unfairly placed on you. I give Annne an extreme amount of credit for being able to write this book and being able to stay in this painful emotional fight and to not let it over come her.
Rating:  Summary: Abused Should Read Review: When I saw her on 20/20 I thought she was nuts. After reading her book, I think she is a survivor that warrants a great deal of respect. Anyone who has been abused as a child, should read this book. I think it will offer insight, hope, and most of all strength. Anne, craziness gave you understanding. In your book you have given everyone else empathy. Thank you for this gift. Good luck.