Rating:  Summary: Sad but worth reading. Real life trauma. Review: Lets just begin saying that I never got interested in reading books until I read the story A Child Called It. It has hard for me to put the book down. It felt like I was inside the story fighting for the young boy's life. It's a sad but true story about how a very young outgoing boy got terribly mistreated by his mother from a early age up to about his teenage life. It's a story that maybe some children or even the older generation can relate to in some ways. It helped me work through some of my difficulties as a teenager living with my abusive father. I wouldn't recommend it to a young age because it is very graphic and sensitive. I would recommend it to the teenage generation and early adult hood. It's also a good book to read if you think that you have it rough in your household or even at your school, when you think that nobody out there has it worse than you do Because this is not just a made up story, it's a heart pounding, head spinning true horror story. A Child Called It is a very good book and for people that like to read about real life horror stories then I recommend that you pick up this book today, than pass it along to all your friends.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing... Review: I find it amusing to read the 'bad' reviews of this book. Some readers say things such as 'bad grammer', 'far-fetched', 'trying to get back at his parents' and 'lots of kids get abused, whats so great about this?' Just trying to think about how these people can believe themselves is astounding. Do they even think about what they are saying? Obviously not, either they can't think, havnt actually read the book, or are uneducated. Of course it has bad grammer...its from the perspective of a child! Far-fetched? What can't believe the human race is able to commit such cruelties? And what makes it so special? That Dave is here to talk about it today. He is ALIVE, through all the torture. Californias WORST case EVER of child abuse. Just that fact alone it amazing, to live through the worst case ever, while sometimes the first itme a child is beat, they can die.Some people say its 'dumb', well look whoes talking! They are calling a book about a real life story of survival dumb, while they probably sit at home, on their computers, well-fed, clothed, and loved. 'It's all made up, he doesnt like his parents.' Who would EVER, i mean EVER, make up such a horrific story, at the age he is! And how did those police case files appear? The comments from his teachers who saved him? That made up to? Oh yeh...totally! Enough about people, and back to the book. Amazing, horrific, astounding, scary, sad, depressing, shocking...just some of the word's to discribe it...One of the best books about REAL-LIFE child abuse...because not many people can write about it first-hand...because most don't survive...
Rating:  Summary: A Will to Live Review: I can almost guarantee, anyone attempting to pick up this book and the rest written by author Dave Peltzer, cannot in all honesty, put it down without finishing it. This one child, Dave shows the that God given life endowed in each and every man has a dominate, strong will to live. He truly is a survivor of life. His books have a permanent place in my library.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book Review: I am only getting into chapter 4, and I can't wait to get home to read some more. I feel so bad for Dave. It started out that my husband and daughter each bought a copy of the book. They report to each other every night on certain pages. This is to help my daughter with her comprehension skills. Well, she comprehends this book! She had tears in her eyes the other night while she was reading. I am also reading it now. What a survivor this boy is. I am angered that it was allowed to happen.
Rating:  Summary: A HEART-RENDERING STORY OF ABUSE AND SURVIVAL Review: This is the story of child abuse, attrocities which go beyond comprehension, and a small boy's tremendous will to survive. You will cry not only for David but for abused children everywhere who are still living the nightmare. You will feel David's pain as he describes the gut-wrenching horror of the unwanted, unloved and abused little boy. You will marvel at his incredible emotional strength, his dauntless courage and his unrelenting determination to survive against unbelieveable odds. If you are an adult survivor of child abuse, whether the abuse be physical, sexual or emotion, you will be inspired by the writing of this extraordinary man. While the scars of abuse remain forever, David Pelzer is living proof of the light at the end of the tunnel. Through this book and particularly his following ones, "The Lost Boy" and "A Man Named Dave," Pelzer's lifelong journey is evidence that it is possible to live with the scars, find happiness, peace and contentment in life, and strength in helping others. Even if you have never experienced the terror and pain of child abuse, "A Child Called It" will make you want to run to your children, hug them forever, and tell them how very much you love them. Perhaps, every parent should keep this book close at hand as a constant reminder of just how precious our children truly are. As a counsellor, I wrote to David some time ago commending him for writing his story and the tireless work he does in the fight against child abuse. The beautiful letter received in return is evidence the author is every bit as remarkable and inspiring as his book. After reading this book, I believe adult survivors of child abuse around the world would join me in saying, "David, you are indeed a hero, an inspiration, and the wind beneath our wings! May you find long-deserved, eternal peace and happiness!"
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: This is one of the most moving books i have ever read. I have read all 3 books in the trilogy- "a child called 'it'" and was so sad after i had finished. i had finished all 3 books in 2 days but i wish i had been slower so i could have enjoyed them for longer. One day i hope to visit the russian river in california and see where dave spent his yoounger years and then his son stephen.
Rating:  Summary: I salute you David Pelzer Review: "A Child Called It" is the story about a young boy who suffers terrible child abuse by his mother... David Pelzer tells his true life story on how he survived being the third worst case of child abuse in the state of California during the early 70's... This book really opens a persons eyes and I highly recommend it to everyone.. Life is so fragile and nothing is more devastating to a child than mistreatment by a loved one such as a parent... Throughout this story we learn about the survival techniques that young David goes through and how he endures... This book shows such atrocities that would shock any sane person... David Pelzer is someone I highly admire as he is a person who has such spirit and determination that he is able to live a normal life today... All I can say is I cannot wait to read his other books accounting his life story such as "The lost boy" and "A man called Dave."
Rating:  Summary: A horrifying story - How can a child survive through it? Review: I wept when I read the book, through Pelzer's simple language, one can clearly visualise a disturbed mother consistently inflicting wounds that hurt a child's body and soul. The saddest thing was that the mother used to be a normal, loving one. How did she change overnight, and why David of all her sons? Not that things would be better if she chose her other sons as an abuse target, but David was so young and could not understand why he was singled out. It is amazing that he is able to survive through the ordeal, by finding clever little ways to outwit his mother during food hunts, gas chambers and chores.
Rating:  Summary: <<A WOrth REAding InspIrationAl BoOk<< Review: If there were a book that you have to read at least once in your life, it would be "A Child Called It¡¨. "A Child Called It¡¨ is an autobiography about a child who is brutally abused at home¡Xand no one in the outside world knows about it, or pretends not to notice. Child abuse is a common issue that occurs worldwide, and this book makes us aware of this fact. The mom of Dave Pelzer (the author), stabs him, starves him, locks him in gas chambers, makes him eat his own puke, and does many more abuses that are unimaginable a human can do, let alone, a parent doing it her own child. This book shows the growth of Dave Pelzer, his strength, courage and ¡§dreams¡¨ that help him to survive his mom¡¦s tortures. He sees hope in his father, his hero, but eventually finds out this hope he has is nothing but another dream. However, despite these difficulties, he manages to survive, and later is rescued by his school, who was aware of this problem but never took any actions to solve it. I strongly suggest you to read this book¡Xnot only did this book made me aware of child abuse, and how cruel humans can be, but it also made me a better person by setting an example on ¡§holding on to your dreams¡¨. What could be a better book to make us aware of child abuse and courage than a book written by someone who has been through it all¡Xthe tortures, the hopes, and the dreams.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive. Review: A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive, by Dave Pelzer is a gripping, incredibly discriptive account of his tough life as a young child. If you are looking for an emotional, but wonderfully written book, then this is perfect for you. In Dave Pelzer's descriptive memoir, A Child Called "It": One child's Courage to Survive, he clearly portrays the horrors of child abuse. Dave's mother, Catherine, seemed to be a loving, typical, everyday parent on the outside. Yet on the inside, she needed serious help. She was an alcoholic and became very nasty. Everyone in Dave's family, except himself, lived a normal life. For an odd reason the strange mother totally disregarded Dave. His two younger siblings got to eat actual food, watch TV, and play with friends. Dave on the other hand, was forced to do chores every morning and night, day in and day out. If he didn't complete them in an almost impossible amount of time, he would get no dinner. He rarely received breakfast, but if he was lucky he got to clean his brothers' cereal bowls. Dave never did anything that would deserve the cruel punishment he received, but his awful mother never quit. She called him an "It" and told him straight to his face over and over that he was worth absolutely nothing. There were two big problems for Dave. His father gave up on protecting him and was rarely home to help him out. The thing about this is that Dave's mother would then make him do something degrading or unimaginable when his father wasn't home. The other problem was that his mother was becoming insane with new, toturous ways to "punish" him for things he never did. He practically lived in the cold, dark of his basement or out in his garage. Interaction with the family became less as the number of beatings and vulgar types of discouragement rose. His mother even burned him on a few incidents and "accidentally" stabbed him, but he never gave up. Dave, throughout the entire time this is going on, remains strong and never lets down his hope. He is determined to make it and not to "give in" to his mother. With all the hardship and struggle that Dave Pelzer went through, it seems unreal that he is willing to share his story with others. He is telling his story to make others aware of the sadness and pain other kids go through. He is trying to help the nation realize that child abuse does exist. Dave is obviously a hero because he survived on his own and is now playing a huge role in preventing child abuse. This book, A Child Called "It", will definately open your eyes and change your view of things. It is a must read book and although it is difficult because he goes through so much agony, it will give you a new perspective on child abuse. If you want to find out how Dave Pelzer overcomes his situation and moves on, there are two follow-up books in his series- "The Lost Boy" and "A Man Named Dave". These will surely answer any questions you might have in mind. So be sure to read about this great hero, Dave Pelzer, in A Child Called "It".