Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It:"One Child's Courage To Survive" Review: When I first thought about reading this book I was afraid because I didn't know what my reaction would be. I was afraid that it would be to upsetting and I wouldn't be able to recover from reading it. But that wasn't the case at all!! This book was so good but at the same time heart renching and sad. I cried through the whole thing but enjoyed reading and going through everything that Dave went through! I only wished that I could have been there to help him through. this book has changed my life and will be with me for the rest of my life!!
Rating:  Summary: Totally shocking! High praise for Dave! Review: I had to finish all 3 books before I wrote my reviews on Mr. Pelzer's books. I can't imagine a parent having that much hate/dislike for a child, her own flesh and blood but I know it's true. I see it every night on the local news.This is a horror story come to life. Dave did a wonderful job bearing his soul. How difficult it had to be to relive his horror through writing---but what better way to rid yourself of inner demons and find your true self as he did in his writing. Kudos, Dave. Wonderful job! This trilogy is highly recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: It's not just about how mean his mother is Review: When I read "A Child Called It" I expected it to be depressing and uncomfortable, but it didn't turn out to be so at all! For me, the story was not so much about how horrible his life was or how evil his mother was, but more of how amazing it was that he survived. Dave Pelzer wrote this book, and experienced it, so it is a genuine tale. Hearing how he coped and how unbelievable it was that he could survive the starvation, the "gas chamber", the stabbing, and everything that went on in his life. Yes, I was sickened and descusted by his mothers actions, but it was more a story of his mentality than his physical surroundings. God bless you Dave, and thank you for sharing your exerience with us.
Rating:  Summary: Nightmares can be forgotten. Angieluvspets@aol.com June 23, Review: "A Child Called It" was a book that I could simply not put down. It is a horrible story about the secrecy of child abuse. Having read this, I had to immediately read "The Lost Boy" and then "A Man Named Dave." While tragic, this story is also about rising above the situation. As an abused child myself, I felt lucky that although abused, my life as a child was nothing compared to Dave's. However; reading his books made me realize how important it is to forgive. For years I've had nightmares about an abusive step-parent. Dave's books have taught me that you must forgive to go on. Dave's has used his tragic past to help others and for that I admire. It made me realize, that I too, can turn my nightmares into something positive, like helping others who've been through what I have. I am truly sorry for what Dave and others like him go through. We need to educate and be educated about child abuse. If you think a child is in trouble, go to an authority and don't stop until something is done. If you don't know how to deal with your children, ask someone for help, don't be ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: Emotionally draining Review: On a whim, i picked up this book from the bookshelf this afternoon. The series has been heavily praise by my mother, and i decided ti read the first couple of chapters. Needless to say, i was occupied for two hours, and did not put the book down once during that time, against my better judgement. This book is horrifying in some of it's content. So horrifying in fact that there came several of times when i just wanted to throw it down on the floor, to tear my eyes away from this awful tale of evil, and not read any further into the disturbing story. This is a hugely powerful book, packed full of emotion. It horrifies. Some of the things it recounts are vile and heartbreaking, it amazes me that i actually managed to get through it without deciding that enough was enough, and i could no longer torment myself with this heartbreaking story. We all know things like this go on, but i think it should always be a shock when we are confronted with their harsh reality so bluntly. And it is. It is not possible to hide form it indefinitely, or ignore it. You can try to shy away from it, but reality always ends up assaulting you sometime. This book informs and shocks. It is heartbreaking and the most moving book i have yet to read. The writing style is good, drawing the reader into the story, describing ably the way he felt at the hands of his mother. One of the most disturbing things about this book is the fact that there seems no real REASON... it's haunting. This is a very very good book. Intensely moving and well written. I am not at all regretful that i put myself through it, but i'm not convinced i will be able to make myself read the nex two. And through it all, hope shines on.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful story! Review: This book tells a very powerful story. I reccommend this book to adults and teenagers. It is a very gripping story and you feel so bad for Dave. It is very upsetting the things his mother does while his father sits by and does nothing.
Rating:  Summary: Stunned Review: I don't understand how people found this book inspirational. It left me stunned, mentally exhausted, angered, physically ill. I'm torn between disbelief in this book and and pure shame at this human race. I cannot even begin to imagine what people find inspirational. One child may have triumphed - and that is entirely questionable...but the countless others who did not -far, far overshadow any hope with dark consequence and commentary on the world at large.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: After reading A Child Called "It" I don't understand how anyone that young would be able to live through such bad child abuse. As a child Dave was nearly put to death by his drunken mother. When I first started to read the book I couldn't put it down, and it almost made me sick to my stomach knowing what he had to go through. I can't comprehend how someone could be so cruel to a supposed love one. I respect David very much for his strength and determination to get through his tough times as a child. About half way through the book I almost had tears in my eyes. The thought of making your own child eat out of the diaper of one of his siblings is sick. I really believe that God was by David's side throughout every day of his young years. This book touches the lives of anyone who reads it. It really made me evaluate my own life and upbringing. Some of the things that I complain about are not even an issue in David's life. He never had any food to be able to say he didn't like dinner. He never had any new clothes to not like. I recommend this book to everyone, and I plan to read the other two sequels: The Lost Boy, and A Man Named Dave.
Rating:  Summary: Dave Pelzers Amazing Tale Review: " A Child Called It" is an eye waking story about the real life of an abused child. It goes to show how much we really don't hear about and how a family can just snap. It's a good book and one that once you pick it up you cant put down. The life for Dave Pelzer started out great a simple happy family but then one year out the blue his mother turns, creating sicker and sicker punishments for him. It start off simple with normal punishment but soon after time she's stabbed him, tried to roast him on a stove and coming close but only burning his arm, stuffed his little brothers "used" diapers in his face so he'll eat them, and even had him eat his puke every day after just to see if he had eaten, and that's not even half all the horrific things she did to him. Not only did she use physical punishment on him she also used mental, all the way to the point that he thought he deserved his punishments. He was even sent to live in the garage with no contact with his family or friends if he had any, even his clothes were nothing but rags. I suggest this book to anyone it was great, he really makes you feel as though your part of the book you can really feel his pain. Once I picked it up it never left my hands until I was done. I think anyone who reads this will be wanting to know more of this story and want to read his books, I suggest everyone go out and get this book NOW!
Rating:  Summary: A Child called It Review: Boocher Stephanie Boocher Core 4 'A Child called It' How would you like getting abused by your own mother? How would you like getting stabbed in the side? That is a couple of things that happen in A Child called It. I have learned never to live with that family. In this book I learned never to disobey your mom. In the book if Dave disobey his mom, he would get beat really bad. For example, if Dave took his hands out of the dishwater, his mom would come in and hit his head on the cabinet door. Also I learned not to steal from other people. In the book Dave steals food from other classmates. When Dave got home his mom made him throw up the food. She did that so he did not have food in his system. I learned to tell the truth. In the book the cops tell Dave to tell the truth. In my house if we lie we get inj big trouble. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks for your time.] By: Stephanie Boocher