Rating:  Summary: love2read Review: This is one of the most heart-wrenching stories I've ever read!David takes you thru the first 12 horrific years of his life with pain and courage. You're horrified by the things his mother does, yet amazed my his survival instincts at such a young age. Your heart breaks for him because all he wants is love an acceptance by a mother who is unwilling to give it (trust me, you want her to DIE!) and seems to relish the abuse. It's horrific to realize that a child can go thru what David went thru and survive. The fact that no one intervened sooner is so unbelievable I almost put the book down in frustration! This is not for the weak of heart. It's an excellent book and very well written but very hard to read if you have any compassion whatsoever!
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" Review: I had seen this book (and the sequals) in a store I frequent, and I looked at it a few weeks before I bought it. For some reason I was drawn to the book. I bought the series, and read "A Child Called It" in one sitting! Stayed up until 1 in the morning, because I HAD to find out what would happen next, WHY weren't people reporting this, why was his starved appearance, dirty, torn clothes, etc., being overlooked by so many people!?! It's a real shame he wasn't rescued sooner, but as he said, child abuse was not commonly talked about "back then". I guess people felt "discipline" was a "parents business" and felt they should not get involved. It's a strange thing, about the time he was being rescued from his parents, I was about his age and being brought into a religious cult (which I have recently left)! This book has taught me a lot about child abuse, and made me realize I need to be nicer my own kids! Also, it has given me things to be on the "lookout" for in any kids I may have contact with, or with my children's friends. I have recommended the books to several people already. HIGHLY recommended - even though in places the book is sickening to realize just what he suffered.
Rating:  Summary: For TheChildren Review: Compelling reading! This is a book you can't put down once started; be prepared to read to the end! I was curious about this book because I have heard about it in certain circles. I was appalled to read what this child endured, and I cried for him and all of the children who have been abused and mistreated by the sick adults who are supposed to care for them. But this story is also about the human instinct to survive, and that is what Dave's message is; one of survival. I have also read, and own, his sequels, "The Lost Boy," and "A Man Called Dave." Both are amazing and powerful stories of the spirit to survive a tragic childhood, and become whole. Dave's survival, rescue, and gratitude toward those who fought for his freedom, has made my resolve to advocate for abused, or neglected, children even stronger. It is true that people/society looked the other way at child abuse in the 60's and 70's, and that we have better laws today. Still, I was particularly troubled by the fact that I grew up at the same time as Dave, and I knew of more than a few families with their little secrets of abuse. We (my siblings and I) told our parents, and sometimes even teachers, hoping they would do something; nothing ever seemed to change. The stories always changed when authorities got involved, and it was always an accident that the "good" parents couldn't avoid, and the clumsy "bad" child was always at fault. After a while we quit telling because they would always say it made it worse the next time. Today, as adults, we still need to have the courage to speak out and take action on behalf of any abused and/or neglected children in our midst, even if it is uncomfortable for us. We need to take action on behalf of the child involved, and for teachers, it is now the law. I highly recommend this series to anyone, but especially for those going into education, criminal justice, or law. It is important to know where we have been, and how far we have come as a society. Also, it helps to keep a perspective on how much we still need to do in taking better care of our children.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: I read it and loved it very much. It was interesting enough that i sat down and actually read it for a hour or two at a time.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book! Review: A Child Called "It" is a book about a boy who is 7 or 8 by the name of David Pelzer. David was getting abused by his mom. She made him eat leftover food from his brother's plate and she made him drink a whole bunch of cleaning products. His mom beat him really badly, especially when she was drunk. Dave's mom made him wear the same dirty clothes every day. His mom gave him a new story to tell the school everytime he had a new bruise. Finally the school steps in and calls a police officer. The officer questions David and he says that he has enough infomation. The reason I gave it 5 stars was because it made me realize how easy my life is compared to some of the other kids in this world. I felt really bad when I heard about when he had to drink cleaning products.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I Have Ever Read Review: A Child Called "It" is about a boy who is always being treated badly by his mom. His mom really doesn't like him. I really don't know why. The child that is always being abused is David Pelzer. He isn't the only child in the family. He still has three more brothers. His mom treats them well except David. In my opinion it is wrong for his mom to treat him that way because he is innocent. He hasn't done anything bad to his mom so she could treat him that way. He sleeps in the basement with no blankets and it's chilly all night. I think this is a good book for people because it is based on a true story. And if you really get into the book you could just feel his sadness and his pain. I really recommend this book to many people.
Rating:  Summary: It Was The Child's Name Review: A Child Called It is a very sad story, because he is a very nice person in this story and his mother treats him as if he never existed. So in the story she beats him, doesn't feed him, until his family gets done eating. So if he is lucky he might get some of the leftovers. She also makes him wear the same clothes to school everday of his life, when and while he is at school. So I give this story this amount of stars, because it is an example for if you are being beaten or treated badly what to do. This story is also good because it made me think a lot while I was getting closer and closer to the end.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I have ever read Review: This book is about a child's life with an abusive mother. He tells punishments that his mother did to him. His mother told him that he was a bad boy and that's why she abused him. This is a very good book and I would reccommend this book to everyone. It will make you realize how bad someone's life could be. Some of the punishments were so bad that they almost killed David. His mother would starve him for days. David would use his recess time to run to the store to steal food. She would also make him throw up if she thought he stole food from some place and ate it. This book is so good you won't even want to put it down until you're done.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" Review: This book is about a boy named Dave and he's abused by his mother.His mom stabs him and tries to not feed him and tries to poison him.He is about 9 or 10. The reason I gave five stars to The Child Called "It" is because it's interesting and it's like you don't want to put it down.I think other people should read it just in case they abuse their child.
Rating:  Summary: An eye-opener. Review: The first of three books chronicling David Pelzer's life, this one will break your heart. Many people will opt not to read this book for that reason, but somehow I feel that everyone should read it. This book will open your eyes to child abuse, a disturbing topic for all of us. It will also arouse love and compassion in your heart, as you find yourself wanting to embrace both the little boy, and the man he has grown up to be. A reading of this book will prompt you to look at "rough" children more compassionately, as you realize you know nothing of what they may have to endure at home. This book is not for the weak stomach. It will enrage you, tear at your heart, confound you, and ultimately compel you to love others more aggressively. David Pelzer is a man of great inner strength. This book will cause you to marvel at the mere fact that he is alive to tell his story, and this little boy called "it" will become your little hero. You won't be able to put this book down, except to perhaps breathe a prayer for this extraordinary person David Pelzer.