Rating:  Summary: One Childs Hopes and Dreams to Keep Him Alive Review: A child called it is an excellent piece of reading matreial. I recommend this book to any person. This book touched me in ways I never thought a book could. Dave Pelzer (the author) was starved, abused, and almost killed by his alcoholic mother. He had to learn how to play his mothers torturous games in order to survive. His hopes and dreams of having someone who loves him and cares for him kept him alive. Thanks to those dreams he's alive today to tell his story and touch the lives of many people.
Rating:  Summary: An Inspirational Story Review: Dave Pelzer's A Child Called "It" is a true story about his own life. The book can change the reader's perspective on life as it really shows how easy people have it. This book touches the heart of everyone who picks it up. It is an inspirational story bringing out every emotion. David is a young boy who only dreams that his life could go back to the fairy tale it once was. To him, there was no apparent reason for his mother's drastic change from a beautiful loving mom who cared so much for his brothers and him; to an evil woman with nothing but a cold heart. She makes David believe that he is a "bad boy" and deserves all of her cruel punishments. His only hope for escaping this dreadful home is through the one person who loves David, his father. David's dad is the only person on earth that brings love and hope to David. His father works as a fireman and is usually out at work. When he is gone David receives punishments no one could even imagine. But when his father returns for his short breaks David is relieved and filled with hope. Soon David's father and mother begin to fight. The source of their arguments is David. David's father starts to ignore David. With his mother blocking the way there is nothing that his father can do for him. His mom had won the fights. The punishments that David faces for the littlest things are unimaginable and shocking. He is starved for days, slapped, beaten, stabbed, burnt, and much more. Treatments that are nearly impossible to survive. David tries to keep his hopes up, but this lifestyle makes him believe there is no escape, unless he is killed. This story is all about how David tries to out smart his mother and survive the abusive lifestyle that has been brought to him. A Child Called "It" is a story for all ages and backgrounds. It is a story of survival, determination, and faith. It's amazing how such a young child could live through so much. I recommend that everyone read this story for inspiration and to show you how much we take for granted in life. This is a truly marvelous book to read and everyone should have the pleasure of reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Book Review Review: I recently read a book called, A Child Called "it", by Dave Pelzer. This was a very emotional and sad book. It was very hard to put it down. Dave Pelzer wrote this book about his horrible childhood. His drunkin mother abused him non-stop and made his life a living hell. She terrorized him with harsh punishments and sick language. He lived the life lower than a dog. He was starved, beat, and almost killed by his mother. She made him feel worthless by the way she treated and hated him. Page 77 he said,"I felt so degraded; I cryed like a baby. I had no respect of any kind". Thats only one of the many ways his mother made him feel. He lived like this for his whole childhood because he thought there was no other way of life for himself. Dave was a very lonely young boy. His mother abused him, and the rest of his family acted as if his existance was not even there. His father tryed to help him but his mother took even his respect away. Everything was her way, and the only way she wanted it was for her oldest son to as unhappy as possible. She never gave him a chance to be happy and live a normal child hood once she started drinking. She starved him, mistreaded him, and didnt give him any love what so ever. The only thing he could do was sit there and take all the pain. He thought about running away but he didnt want her to have the good feeling. Dave didnt want her to win. So he just let her do anything she pleased with no tears so she couldn't have the good feeling of him hurting. That was the last thing he wanted. If he couldn't be loved and cared about he didn't want that for the person he hated with such a strong passion eaither. I would recommend this book, because it shows you never to give up. It makes it hard for me to complain because while I was having a fun time growing up with my friends and my toys and all the love I could have Dave was being beat up, abused, starved, and had no love in the world. It makes me thankful for everything I have and not to complain about the smallest things. I live the best life compaired to poor Dave. It taught me a very good lesson, never to give up. Even though he went through all the pain he found his way in life and made it through his hard to live life. So remeber think about what you have before you complain about not having enough.
Rating:  Summary: a ... point of view Review: WOW. if any of you have not read this book. i suggest you do. i hardly ever read..but when i got this book in my hand i could not stop turnning the pages. this book is about one boys challange to survive. his drunken mother constinally beat him. but he made it through. she would stab him, make him eat out of a poopy diper and starve him. i would have never been able to do it. this book really hit me. i cried. i cant believe he made it through. i hope everyone gets a chance to read it.
Rating:  Summary: A Real Eye Opener Review: A Child Called It, written by David Pelzer is an easy to read inspirational, eye opener. A Child Called It is the first of a trilogy that goes through David's entire life. This story gives details of the world of child abuse that is overlooked. This book goes from terribly disturbing and frustrating to awe inspiring and uplifting. It proves that there is hope and a chance for all that works for it. Beginning at the age of four, David goes through his journey of upset and torture. David's alcoholic abusive mother stops at nothing when it comes to abusing him. David encounters, endures, and overcomes amazing obstacles of torture. Through his child hood years, David is stabbed, burned, beaten, starved and more. From the ages of four to twelve, David shows how anyone can survive physical, mental, and emotional abuse. He learned how to beat the odds, even when it was thought to be physically impossible. In the end a ray of hope shines through. A Child Called It causes every emotion imaginable. Each page will keep emotions flowing and hearts racing. This astounding book truly lives up to the expressions, "a real page turner." I gave this book five stars because it is truly the best true story I have ever read. David Pelzer is the most courageous, determined, and strong human being I have ever known of. I recommend this book to people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone can gain from reading this amazing true story.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: This book is about a young boy named David who was very badly abused and treated by his mother. By the time he was in fith grade he had four other brothers who were treated alot better than David. Both of his parents were alcholics who had a bad marrige. His mom would starve him, make him sleep in the garage, beat him unconsicous and played many horrible "games" on him. In fith grade he was rescued by some of his teachers at his school, he was then put into foster care. This book shows how much we take for granted and how bad things could be.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST BOOK I EVER READ! Review: This is a really good book about a boy named Dave. His mom is a very bad mom. She abuses him and makes him the slave of the house. Does everything to be mean to poor Dave. Dave is just a poor, little 7 year old that is abused right and left, told he is a bad boy, and is the slave of the house. His mom is very cruel and does the meanest and most grossest things in the whole entire world.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful life story Review: I am 14, i read "A Child Called It" last year while in middle school. i was shocked to find myself crying in the middle of homeroom. This story is a very sad story about a young boy name Dave Pelzer. As a very young child he has good memories which soon evolve nto the worst of nightmares. Dave's mother tries numerous amounts of "games" with dave. she locks his in a bathroom with the air full with fumes of ammonia. she slammed his face into a mirror, and also tried to burn him on the stove. into the story her husband gives up all hope, and a teacher comes heroicly to the rescue. Dave is forced to face his mother in court, proving her guilty. He is then forced to live in foster homes, while his two brothers remain with his mom. this is a truly touching story, which can bring up all emotion. i would recommend this book to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: Not My Kind Of Book Review: I read this book and i thought that it was really boring. I thought it was boring because i like books with a lot of action in them. Another thing is i really don't like to read books i consider them a waste of time. I would say the book was a waste of my time and I wouldn't ever read it again. i did think it was sad that the kid got beat even though i didn't like the book. Kid's getting beat and being starved is wrong for parents to do to their child. I hope the people who did this get back what they to their kid. Parents shouldn't play deadly games with their child either and they should call the kid by his name not It.
Rating:  Summary: A must read Non-Fiction Review: If you like non-fiction books you will like this book, A Child Called "it". I could not put this book down,thats how much I liked this book. It was so sad it grabbed my heart. I recommend this book to any person[s] who like non-fiction books. This book changed my life and the way I will think of how people live. This book tells about how a child's mom beats him. A scene I like is how his mom sticks him on a stove. She also makes him drink pneumonia. That could have killed him. The reason I like this book is because it had so much details. Also it grabbed my heart because it's so sad. It made me not want to put it down. If you read A Child Called "It", it will also grab your heart.