Rating:  Summary: Child Catastrophe Review: A Child Called It By David Pelzer This Book was about a child named Dave Pelzer who was horribly abused by his mother. This boy was born into a family of three boys counting him. His mother and father were separated because of many problems with his mom. Throughout the whole book this boy was mutually tortured, abused and neglected by his mother. She treated him extremely poorly compared to her two other boys. His father was a poor man who is a retired fireman. His dad rarely comes by to the house to visit David, and the two boys. He had a new addition to the family who also lived with him. Dave had many close to death situations that his mother had put him in. She used dirty, torturous tricks that David couldn't possibly win himself out of. 'Mother' always won. David had many attempts to run away, although he ran away and had the chance to tell everyone about his mother, he was brainwashed to think that he was wrong for telling and that his mother loves him. He went to school with normal everyday kids that also taunted him. The school nurses were very suspicious of what David's scars, cuts and bruises were coming from, soon after that, the police got involved. The relationship he had with his three brothers was not a good one, his brothers as well liked to taunt and hurt him. This 'good to nothing' boy, to them didn't even deserve a name, therefor he was a 'child called it'. I thought that this novel was one of the best books I've read. It gave me much more sympathy to ones that are/were abused and neglected. It made me realize how serious these situations can turn into. I liked this book because this what happened to this person is real, and to read something so tragic is amazing to me. What drew me to this book was my mom, she was reading it, and it seemed interesting, the title to me, seemed very interesting. A lot of the actions that take place in this book are extremely disturbing. I think that characteristic of the book is what makes it exciting and suspenseful. I realized how much society changed in child abuse prevention. People happen to care more about children that are abused and neglected at home and we also take care of the problem in a smarter way. I would recommend this book to people that are into excitement, violence and tragedy. People that are more mature would probably like this book more than some one young. The type of book I would say that The Child Called It is a tragic. Based on the language used in this book, I think that this book is more for young adults and adults, and not children. I would also recommend that if people liked this book, that they should read the sequels, The lost Boy, and A Man Named Dave. If you are interested in learning about child abuse and behavior, you should read this book. You may learn a lot about child abuse and maybe even more.
Rating:  Summary: Kaitlin D Review: In this book a boy named Dave is beaten and tortured by his mother. Dave has never done anything to make his mother feel anger towards him but for some reason she treats him different from his other brothers. When Dave doesn't do something right his mother makes him pay for it. One time Dave's mother gets so mad at him she moves him into the garage and makes him eat and sleep in there away from everyone else. Dave is forced to steal food because his mother had stopped feeding him at home. His father is a drunk and doesn't really try to help Dave in any way so after a while Dave loses hope that he will ever be accepted in his family. One time his mother locked Dave in the bathroom with a bucket full of Ammonia and bleach and makes him sit in there until she feels he was ready to leave. Another time she burnt him on the oven and had said to Dave's father that he did it himself. His mother kept beating him and kept torturing him so much he couldn't believe that someone he loved so much could ever do anything like this to him. At one point his mother was so drunk she took a knife and tried to stab him but she only cut his hand. One day Dave went to school with bruises and cuts on him and people started to notice and get worried. In the end will Dave get help or will his mother keep beating him and get away with it? I think this is a very good book. I enjoyed reading the book and once I started to read I couldn't put the book down. When you read one chapter you have to go on and read the next because there are so many high points in the book. After a while I started to feel that no one deserves to be beaten and tortured like that especially by his or her own mother. I would recommend this book to everyone because it is a very good book and it is true. The book is told by Dave himself which makes it much more interesting to read. There are some points in the book that just make you sick because of what Dave's mother had put him through. This book also makes you think about abuse in a very different way. You start to think about how many people this happens to everyday and how some of them just cant get help. Once you read this book you will definitely want to read the next two books.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" Review: I thought that this book was very good and very suspenseful. This was the best book I have ever read. I loved it very much and I think that everyone should read it. It teaches many lessons in it and I think that everyone should learn these lessons because there are many morals that can be used throughout your life, or to help others. This book keeps you on the edge of your seat and you wont be able to put it down once you begin to read it. After reading this book I wanted to read more and I found out that there is 3 more books by the same author about more things that happened in his life. So if you liked this book then you should try to look for the other books as well. I dont think that kids under the age of 12 read this book becuase it has things that younger kids shouldn't read, but other than that you should run out to the nearest book store and buy this book! have fun!
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called It Review: Title: A Child Called It Author: Dave Pelzer Summary: This story is about a little boy that gets abused by his mother. He use to go to school with bruises on him. One day the nurse asked what was wrong, because he had all bruises on him, and he answered nothing was wrong. David use to be late to school everyday because his mother would never drive him or anything. David had to steal lunch from kids in school a lot because his mother wouldn't give him anything to eat. David's father wouldn't get involved when his mother use to hit him. David had an older brother, that his mother use to favor and not hit him or anything. David's mother use to make David do different kinds of weird things, like put his hand on the stove, eat different kinds of foods. She made him stick his face in his diaper one time. Towards the end of the story David gets out his house and moves out into a foster care house. Someone at the school knew what was going on for years and final turned in the mother. What I liked about this story is that I thought the book was very interesting and I thought it was a very good book to read. I really liked this book because it shows what some parents do to there kids and how messed up it is. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes to read books like this. It's a book that you will really get into it and its not boring at all. It shows what really happened to a kid in real life and how messed up it is. It's a very interesting book to read.
Rating:  Summary: To Survive or Not to Survive Review: A Review by Amanda After a boy named David turned seven his mom turned crazy and into an alcoholic. David would get punished for no reason. His mom used to make his life a nightmare. Swallowing Chlorox and Ammonia was his punishment if he didn't do something right, which his mom always seemed to think that. At the age ten David wanted to kill himself because he never got fed and he got beaten too many times. Will the police help David survive or will he have to live like this until he ends up dieing? The things that I liked about a chilled called "IT" is that Dave Pelzer was very detailed. The things he writes about just makes you want to know what's next. You never want to put the book down. It's suspenseful! The realism seems really real; it feels like you are there! The plot stay's with the story. The author made this book worth my time in reading. This book even has suspense in it and it not even one of those mystery books. Examples of these is when David comes home from school he has to do chores and he always gets punished but you don't know what his moms going to do, and it makes you keep reading to find out. That's why I chose to give this book four stars. My recommendation for this book is to everyone, or to the people who loves sad stories with happy endings. Everyone should give sometime to read this book because I believe David wants his life story to be heard. Plus it's not difficult. All in all I think everyone should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Review: I read this book after a friend had read it and recommended it. I was unable to put it down. The imagery was so vivid that when he described having to eat his own vomit, I became physically ill and had to fight to keep myself from throwing up. I cried myself to sleep the first night I got this book because my heart ached. I know he made it out of his abusive situation. My heart ached for the children who don't and the ones currently in abusive homes. When I met Dave Pelzer a few years ago, you could see the chips still in his teeth from his head being slammed against the counter. He showed off pictures of his wife Marsha and his son Stephen. Also in his wallet, his father's badge, which choked him up as he talked about it. This book really caused me to think about abuse in a different light. Now just child abuse, but abuse in general, whether it be spouse or child abuse. It really pointed out that a large part of abuse if the psychological aspect.
Rating:  Summary: walk in someone elses shoes... Review: The best, thanks for sharing your life. You do feel like you are there with him in his daily struggle for the bare essentials to go on living.
Rating:  Summary: A good book Review: A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer is a very emotional book because Pelzer's mom abuses him when he turns 5 years old. He is starved by his mom and has to steal food from other people and stores. His mom also makes him do really bad things, like drink a tablespoon of ammonia. When you read this book you can almost feel how he's feeling. I liked it a lot because it keeps you reading the book.
Rating:  Summary: I Don't Know What to Think Review: The whole story seemed made up when I read it. Everything was just too dramatic, each episode worse than the last, etc. But with the child abuse story from Newark that just came out, it seems at least more plausible. Either way, I guess it was still pretty inspiring to read about someone surviving all of that, regardless of how much of it is true. It definitely is more of a horror story than anything else, so anyone considering the book should know that. It doesn't really shed much light on anything, it's just a kid having all kinds of terrible stuff happening to him.
Rating:  Summary: Praise for Pelzer Review: I was astounded when I read the breath taking book 'A Child Called It'. It is the story of the third worst child abuse case in California. I guarantee you will fall in love for this miraculous child. My classmates and I at Creative Arts Charter School could not stop reading this book. It is amazing how Dave Pelzer had such a rough childhood and grew up to be such a great parent.Dave is unlike his mother, who abused her child mentally, physically,and verbally or his father, who was a raging alcoholic. Dave's way of surviving his mother's life threatening games will astonish you. I highly recommend this wonderful literature.