Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It; One Child's Courage to Survive Review: I thought the book was excellent, because it is a fact that one child can be singled out and picked on by a parent. This is called a scapegoat. I was an abused child and adolescent so I know the facts, and believe me no one seemed to care, however my school teachers were extremely kind in grammar school. So maybe people were more aware than I think. I believe every word this author has written. I applaud him for his courage. Thank you
Rating:  Summary: Not a reviewer but... Review: I read the earlier reviews of this book, A CHILD CALLED IT and of Nightmares Echo and have to agree that both of these books should be highly recommended. All Parents,School etc should make these books apart of thier curriculum...both are excellent. Each in thier own unique ways. Both teach us the things that we as a society keep our eyes closed shut about. High 5 to both authors!!alos recommend: Secret Life of Bees
Rating:  Summary: A child called it review from a teenage view point Review: I have never read a book with so much detail in my long 16 years of life. This is a true story about David who grew up with a horrible child-hood. His mother treated him inhumanly and gave him cruel and unusiually punishments when he did nothing wrong. Some of the things that he experienced are unbeleivalbe. This story is about hope and faith. I reccomend this book to everyone. The topic of child abuse needs to be addresses and in this book "A child called it" clearly addresses the reason why!!
Rating:  Summary: A CHILD CALLED IT Review: PAIN, ANGER, PUNISHMENT, EVIL!! Are words that that describe the book that I chose, which is called A Child Called "It" but I never thought it would have such a big impact on me and my life. I had thought that if I were in his shoes I would have never survived and most likely given up. His sick minded mother had a way of playing games that not only screwed him up physically but mentally also. Its tough to know that we can help change the lives of other children who are in the main character's situation but most people just go on day-to-day minding their own business. The book disturbed me but taught me there's always a worse situation than anything I'm going through. I think it's essential to understand how serious child abuse is and that people should get to know the child abuse awareness that goes on everyday and help someone out by reading the book. In the beginning we meet main character and narrator, David. He begins by telling us about the morning of his rescue from the terrible conditions in which he lives with his abusive mother. This morning he is forced to wash the family's dishes in scalding water and is beaten for removing his hands from the sink. He is fed only as a reward for doing these "chores." When David arrives at school the school nurse who has apparently caught on to his mother's behavior, puts him through a routine inspection. He describes his badly tattered outfit that he has been forced to wear to school every day for two years; he also details how the other children tease him about his stench. The principle, Mr. Ziegler, and other teachers are getting more suspicious each day and decide its time to do something. The actual beginning of the horrid tale occurs in the next chapter, in the 1960s. This technique accomplishes a few things including catching the reader's attention immediately and making the rest of the story all the more unbelievable because the reader knows that David survives. Most importantly, it creates a story of survival not one of demise. It introduces the major theme of the power of the human spirit to overcome remarkable odds. This chapter also establishes two of the main characters, David and Mother. Mother is portrayed as ugly both physically and emotionally. She is over-weight and takes no interest in her appearance. Far worse, she is vicious and physically abusive of David. David also recounts what seems to be a very typical beating. Later when the nurse examines him, there is evidence of many beatings, and most shocking - a stab wound scar. By the end of the chapter we have met David and Mother, experienced the elements of their treacherous relationship, and witnessed his miraculous rescue. The following chapters will prove just how miraculous this rescue is. The book shows how strong his will was to survive even though at first there was no one to help him get away from Mother. Kids all over the world like him go through this everyday, hoping for a chance to survive or for there hero to guide them through the pain. Overall I give this book 5 stars and recommend the book to any one. David is the main character, narrator, and protagonist of this story. Through out the course of his abuse at the hands of Mother, approximately seven years, he undergoes drastic change physically and mentally. At the onset he is a seemingly normal child in a normal family. However, as his mother slowly sinks into a demented alcoholic, abusive frenzy, David, deteriorating physically from her psychotic "games," learns survival in the direst way.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "It" by: Dave Pelzer Review: The Book A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer was a very great story. The Book was very interesting, sad, and happy. When I started reading it I didn't want to stop! The Book was about a young boy who was beaten very badly and starved by his alcoholic mother. Dave lived in the basement, he was smelly and gross, his clothes were ripped. Dave also had other brothers but his mother treated them great! I dont understand why daves mother would of only beaten and starved one of her children and not all of them. I liked the book a lot! It taught me so much about Child Abuse and how wrong it is! I encourage everyone to read this book because it will help you relive how wrong beating children or anyone!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Amazing Review: One of the most awful yet beautiful books I've read. It really makes people stop and think about what really goes on for other children sometimes behind their own closed doors.
Rating:  Summary: Hurt Incapable To Fathom Review: This book is a spectacular sight into the life of a boy that has severaly mis treated for his whole life. THis book is a none fiction book about a boyThat is constantly abused. He is taken away from his mother because she abuses him. He is then placed into a foster home where he is abused by his new foster mother. The foster mother makes him clean everything and her biological kids don't have to clean any thing. He had to wash dishes by a certain time or else he wouldn't be allowed to eat. The only thing he was allowed to eat was her kid's leftovers. He wasmade to stay in the cold garage like an animal. For his punishment he was put into a bathroom that smelt like amonia and he wastold to stay in there with the door closed. This book is a prime example of a foster child that is abused to the point that he doesn't think that there is any hope. This is an inspiring story. Better yet it is more like a trilogy. The reason I say this is because, you have to get the sequel to finish nthe story. This story is a great story and I suggest that this book is read.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Yes Review: This book is truthful and well done. The long journey this child faced...the courage to survive...is absolutely amazing to say the least. I could not put the book down. Tears..yes! sadness...Yes!! honest to a fault...yes!!! Amazing book...YES Recommendation: Nightmares Echo, Lost Boy,Secret Life of Bees
Rating:  Summary: Doubt I could do this book Justice Review: So much I would like to say about this book, but I doubt I could ever do it justice to put it into words. So sad, yet this author is so courageous. To even have to relive his past and write it all down for us to try and understand is remarkable. I also recommend Nightmares Echo as well. Another Powerful Book
Rating:  Summary: A Review of David Pelzer's "A Child Called It" Review: The book "A Child Called It" is an autobiograpy written by Dave Pelzer. David grew up in a very unsafe and dysfunctional household. While he was growing up he was treated horribly and abused by his alcholic mother. He survived the kind of lifestyle that seemed impossible to survive. In the book "A Child Called It" David describes all the horrific things his alcholic mother did to him at the ages of 4-12 years old. He wasn't the only child but he got singled out and treated like a dog. He lived in the basement and was a slave to the family. His mother would do anything to hurt him and severely beat him. Several times he came very close to death. He didn't have help from his family and his father was scared of his own wife. Until one day his teacher, the school nurse, and the police helped David. David never again went home after he got rescued. The author David Pelzer has been through a lot in his life. He had a very abusive childhood and it's made him want to write about what he had to go through. He reflects his own life experiences into his writings. David is a writer who has written about all those horrible experiences but at the same time trying to send out a message about child abuse. I really like the book "A Child Called It". David Pelzer is a fascinating human being. All of what he wrote in his book is suprisingly real and makes you have a lot of sympathy for him. David is a great and talentd writer and he is living proof that there is hope out there in this world. The book "A Child Called It" by David Pelzer is a fantastic book. The book is a very sad and shocking book but it keeps you wanting to read more. The book is very strong and interesting. There was never a dull moment in the book. I highly recommend "A Child Called It" to everyone because it is such a great book. This book will make you not able to put it down.