Rating:  Summary: Amateur philosophy Review: Mr. Leahy is totally uneducated as to the philosophy behind those who work for the advocacy of animals. I'd recommend those interested in this subject to begin with Peter Singer's 'Animal Liberation'. Mr. Leahy's book solidifies my opinion that the animal research community is based on greed, greed, greed.
Rating:  Summary: Leahy as hanging Erigone Review: Mr. Leahy, advances what is in my opinion, a very plausible warning: What sort of society is it that would imprison and fine a poor illiterate man over the well being of wretched, stinking, flightless bird? What sort of society would deem any behavior, in any capacity with any intent, toward a chicken of all things, felonious? A very troubled one indeed. Leahy's book is as advertised, against animal liberation. The only surprise one will encounter is how someone can purchase such a title and be surprised by its content.
Rating:  Summary: Cruelty Explained Review: Oh, ok, now I get it! It's ok to torture and murder animals because we're the masters of universe, and we are so important that we shouldn't even try to change things! Seriously...
Rating:  Summary: Not controversial, but stupid Review: The arguments in this books are so illogical and unscholarly as to be laughable. This book is best considered as a (unintentionally) satirical look at the position of those that put people first and practice speciesism by using animals for food, experimentation, etc. Michael Leahy is probably the kind of person that 150 years ago would have written a book defending the institution of slavery and opposing suffrage for women -- both pretty morally indefensible positions.
Rating:  Summary: Semantics Review: The purpose of this book is to use semantic tricks in order to attempt to justify needless institutionalized violence against non-human animals.
Rating:  Summary: Written from a one-point perspective, a rip off for $30 Review: The worst book ever! Don't waste your time or money reading this poorly researched and poorly written piece of (you know). Main points that to the non-reader should be obviously discussed in detail are not even written about at all. Doesn't explain why we should continue to murder and torture animals, doesn't explain how the human race will still be here in 50-100 years because of the enviornmental effects of eating meat, etc. Bottom line THERE WAS NO ONE TO ARGUE HER POINTS! IF THERE WERE, SHE WOULD HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO SAY.
Rating:  Summary: The Voice of Reason Prevails Review: This book may be highly recommended if only on its merits that it upsets the clammoring animal rights cultists so much as it apparently does, as you may witness by the other idiotic "reviews" of those who have not read it, nor ever will. They recoil and shriek in howls of protest and pain, as ghouls at the first light of day. It upsets and pains them to hear a sensible argument against their insensibile propaganda. Sadly, the AR "org-res" already got to them and ate their brains. It is too late for them, but for you, dear reader, there may still be hope. So, read on... Now, here is the real horror.. A future in which you realize a most dreadful and irreparable mistake made in the past, when in a misguided sentiment to help and defend animals, you relinquished your property rights and civil liberties, and now you have little of your former precious American heritage to bequeath to your children and heirs. They must fend in a world even devoid of any owned animals, and any rights to own them or benfit from them, bereft of the practical and soulful benefits and comforts which you had come to take for granted. In the world that the AR activists envision, your grandson may be imprisoned for accidentally hitting a stray dog with his car (It was illegal for the "guardian" of this dog to confine him, but he was arrested, too, for negligence!). Your granddaughter may die of what would have been a curable disorder, if only that study had not been stopped when the police raided a research laboratory (an employee complained that they weren't being 'nice' to the rabbits, and all of the animals were seized, impounded, and most died of neglect in a public "shelter"). Seen enough? Then consider and choose well, oh human, for you may now stand at a crossroad of destiny. Books like this one are necessary, precisely because of the message that they carry, and the alternative choice that they offer to the insane notions that ARs promote. Kindness to animals is a worthy cause, but only in this generation has it become a debauchery of greed, a Quixotic crusade in search of validation. Real examples of cruelty are hard to come by, but paid AR spooks intrude, invade, and even seek employ in business establishments, from circuses to veterinary offices, recording thousands of hours of video in search of "evidence" by which to shock and anger the public. They seek to ruin, through prosecution and harrassment, anyone they can, even those who help animals, thus to promote, enrich, and empower their organization and obsession. The AR "org-res" are not just the funny little tofu-pie-tossing fools that they seem to be. They are forming political action committees (PAC's) and lobbying at all levels to obliterate all parts of our economy and culture which relate to animals. In so doing, they promote violations of your Fourth Ammendment rights.. Your privacy, your property, your person, your pets. This is a good book for the intelligent and considerate reader who wishes to understand the stark realities, depths, and dimensions of "animal rights" issues which are being forced upon society by "non-profit" special interests in a quest for ever more advantage of public support, lucre and power.
Rating:  Summary: Ignorant Drivel Review: This drab piece of literature is no more than a collection of contorted opinions that shows the true ignorance of our society regarding animal rights & welfare.