Rating:  Summary: It's really got me thinking.... Review: For me, this book did what the author intended. It set me on a journey into self discovery. I mean if he (Patch) could solo hike the entire AT, with only one eye, multiple brain tumors, cancer, etc. then what could I do without all of those obstacles. This book has made me realize that our only limits are the one's we place on ourselves. It's really got me thinking....
Rating:  Summary: Read it for yourself and enjoy.....you won¿t be sorry. Review: For most of us, going to the local Post office is just one of the many chores to be done. Recently I went to the post office to mail a couple of bills and it became a Turning Point in my life. I had forgotten to bring an extra envelope for one of my bills, so I had to purchase one with a stamp on it. I then went out into the lobby area, where you can purchase stamps from a machine, address things, and take care of post office chores. I was standing at the counter fillling out my envelope when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a man addressing large padded envelopes and putting books in them. Being a curious person by nature, I glanced at the book. The title and cover intrigued me right off. It was "A Time to Walk: Life Lessons From the Appalachian Trail." The cover picture was of a hiker on the trail. Now I was hooked, so I boldly turned to the man and asked him if I could ask him about his book. He replied with a pleasant affirmative and went on to explain that he was a motivational speaker and had written about his experiences hiking southbound on the Appalachian Trail. As I have always loved reading true life adventures featuring the Trail, I asked him where I could find his book. After explaining that it was only available online, he told me where I could find it. He kindly said that if he had another copy with him, he would have been glad to give me one. We then exchanged names and talked about synchronicity of our meeting. I left feeling energized and very curious about his book. I went home and immediately ordered it online. When I read the bio online, I was amazed by the summary of his story, a former Marine who had overcome cancer and hiked the whole Trail!! Now I really wanted to read his book. I waited with great anticipation for the arrival of my order, and this past Monday I was rewarded with my package. The next few nights were occupied by my avaricious reading of his writing. Here was something I needed to read, written so that I, a lay person, could understand it and put it to use in my own life. It is not another How-to book written by a PHD or someone with a long string of degrees after his or her name. It is a book written by someone like you and me, who was faced with some terrible things in his life. Life all of us he had to make choices about how he dealt with his tragedies. He made them his stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks. For someone like myself, reading a self-help book is all well and good, but I need to identify with the author and feel like he/she can relate to me also. Jay's book is like that. It is like having a conversation with the man. It is down to earth but uplifting. It is funny and sad. It is like life itself. My own life had been sort of spinning in circles with no clear direction until I met Jay. I can honestly say that with the meeting of the man and then the reading of the book, I have had some amazing things happen to me. This is not the first book of its kind that I have read, but it is the first one to really touch me. Perhaps it is because I met him before I read the book; perhaps it is the time of my life that I am reading it; perhaps it is my willingness to embrace the concepts and lessons he puts forth; or a combination of all of the above. I only know that the chore of going to the Post Office that day changed my life. And I thank God and Jay for allowing that to happen. Read it for yourself and enjoy.....you won't be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: A Time to Walk Review: Great book. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: More time to Walk Review: How can anyone walk 2160 miles and have so little to say about the hike? Don't waste your money on this one.
Rating:  Summary: It is worth your time. Review: I am taking a class this semester at LMC and this is a book we are reading. I have really enjoyed reading this book. It is a book that makes you think about a lot of things in your life. As a Christian you can relate many things to your walk as you read this book. I recommend that you read this book it is filled with so much more then about Hiking. My favorite lessons are the last two so the best comes at the end. Jay came and talked to us about his book also. He is great man and I really enjoyed getting to meet and hear his stories. So if you get a chance to meet with him take that chance you want regreat it.
Rating:  Summary: To get more out of life: "Walk" with Jay through this book! Review: I have been fortunate to have heard Jay Platt speak and to have spent a little time on the trail with him. He is a motivating and inspiring individual! I have been waiting for this book since its inception and I thoroughly enjoyed it! He has written it in the "down to Earth" and frank style in which he has led his life. Anyone who reads it will look at life differently, inspired and thankful for the blessings and challenges we share. He is a cancer survivor and a retired Marine, but, his next challenge is to make a difference in your life. This patriotic and thankful American wants to walk you down the AT with him, sharing the lessons he has learned and reflected upon during his amazing journey. Enjoy the light moments, and ponder the near tragedies, but don't miss this book, it is one you will surely share with family and friends.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't put it down Review: I just finished "A Time to Walk..." I couldn't put it down. Patch sure had quite an adventure on the AT and learned a lot about life too. Excellent book.
Rating:  Summary: A timely purchase Review: I purchased "A Time To Walk" in the hopes of garnering information for my thru-walk attempt of the Appalachian Trail. What I received was a much needed "attitude check". This book is both uplifting and inspiring and is much more a self-help book than an instructional guide.
Rating:  Summary: A pleasant surprise Review: I purchased this book on impulse and after it arrived, put it in the corner for a few months because I really didn't want to read a motivational book - I was more interested in reading about the Appalachian trail. I finally got around to reading it and am happy to report that it truly is a wonderful book. I got a lot out of the book and highly recommend it for anyone. Good lessons and interesting stories.
Rating:  Summary: I thought it might be a good idea... Review: I thought it might be a good idea to give you some background as to what this book is all about as you're deciding whether you should purchase it or not. The book actually had its beginnings in a conversation between my sister and I on January 23rd of 1999--the day I completed a southbound thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.My family, along with some friends from the Von Hippel Lindau Family Alliance, had come out in support of me, on this, the final day of my over five month hike from Maine to Georgia. They'd met me for the final leg of my trek, a 0.9 mile walk to the top of Springer Mountain-something I had looked forward to for over 2,100 miles. Once on top, I grabbed the trail register that was there, and since it was raining, took it to a nearby shelter to sign.I'd thought a lot about what I might write in this final register, on my final day, on a trail that had affected me so profoundly over the past five months. But I was tired. Both physically and mentally. Actually, more like exhausted. So, with pen in hand, I wrote these poetic words. "Wahoo! I finished!" I then signed it, "Patch." That's it. That's all I wrote. I just didn't have the gumption to write more at the time. I hoped everyone would realize how tired I must be and would just let my lame entry go. But that wasn't to be the case. My sister, Stacey, took one look at what I'd written, then shook her head and rolled her eyes, as only a big sister can do. "Six months to contemplate the universe, and all you can write is, "Wahoo! I finished!" she said in exasperation. In need of a response, I quickly replied, "Ah yes, but just wait for the book!" Actually, I hadn't really thought about a book until that moment. But, as soon as I said what I did, it was as if divine intervention took over. From that day forward, I was a man with a new mission. Once I decided to write it, I had some definite ideas about what I wanted to say, and how I wanted it said. Mainly, I didn't want it to be just another hiking book. There are plenty of those out there. Rather, I wanted this book to be, not just about the Appalachian Trail, but about life itself. By reading it, I hope people will realize that I'm no big deal-anyone can do what I've done, if they'd just believe in themselves. It shouldn't take you long to realize that authors like John Grisham, Tom Clancy, and Stephen King have nothing to fear from my writing abilities. My writing style mirrors the way I strive to live my life- in a down to earth fashion. As you'll see, I've written in a simple and straightforward manner, that I believe will make for easy reading. Of course, you'll ultimately be the judge of that. For the purpose of keeping it focused, I had to leave a good bit out of the book, which I think you might find interesting. And now, thanks to the technological revolution, you don't have miss any of it, because I've posted it all on my website at ... There, you can read the journal I kept during my hike, which gives a true picture of my day to day life as a thru-hiker, or view some of my favorite photos from the trail, or find out what I consider to be my favorite moments of the trip. Plus a whole lot more... In closing, let me say this. I hope you'll look at this book as a starting point for your own journey. I believe if you read it with an open heart and mind, you'll walk away with a nugget or two, that you can use in your own life. Happy Trails, Jay "Patch" Platt