Rating:  Summary: Get ready for the sequel --- Kerry is Al Gore 2004 style! Review: 2004 is looking a lot like 2000 again, only even worse. Not only did we have the mass of 99.99% opinioniated and false anti-BUSH books, not only did we have overweight, sloppy lookng movie directors creating films that should be labeled fiction but instead are charcterized as "documentaries", not only dowe have Al Gore who we all thought was the worse presidential candidate of all time still crying about deservedly gettn trounced after all of his dirty tactics failed but now we again have the democrats coming up with their scare tactics o preying on the old and the young with their blatant lies about social security and the phantom draft respectively. We even see republican hdq's getting trashed in places like Arizona and Orlando and conservative speakers lik Ann Coulter getting assaulted by 2 "girlieboylberals" with pies!
And we even see John Kerry pretending to be a hunter even though the cameras showed no evidence that Kerry even knows how to handle a gun let alone making a successful shot! I hear Kerry plans on hitting Gold's Gym when he goes to southern California and will be claiming that he pumps iron too! Actully, I could see Kerry in womens health spa taking a light aerobics class.
Look for Sammon to write a sequel and showing more than even why democrats are not ready for any high level leadership position. Just ask any Californian how much better THE GOLDEN STATE has become with republican leadership.
Rating:  Summary: So Big Al was a dirtbag after all! Review: AFTER his extreme makeover and now that the fascade is over, what we see is Al Gore, former VP who tired to steal that last election, pulled every dirty trick in the book and still lost and is still crying!
But wait, John Kerry and company are attempting the same type of nonsense. As I am writing this today the hot off the press news announcement is that Dan Rather admits that his story was forged! WOW! 99.99% of Americans figured that out over 7 days ago Dan!
It appears as though the democrats can only run dirty campaigns and the only difference between election 2000 and election 2004 is that the names have changed. The good news is that the outcome will be same. GWBII will win again and be our President for
Rating:  Summary: Gore needs counseling! Review: All Al Gore should have to do is listen to Teddy Kennedy speak and then rexamine the results to realize that all of that hollering, yelling and screaming just does not work! It may cause you to lose control of your vehicle, run into bridges and kill people but it does not win supporters. Not even DEMOCRATS~Perhaps Al Gore, if you got that steamed up about the state of the economy back in 2000 thanks to your buddy Slick Willy, Mr Zipper or whatever you want to call him, maybe even the democrats would have voted for you. But nah, you were concerned about petty things just like you are now. The right man won and the right loser lost. That loser being YOU AL GORE! Al Gore---GROW UP ALREADY! Get help! Get some counseling. Let go of the hate. And get a life.
Rating:  Summary: Looks like 2000 all over again! Review: Democrat votes coming from deceased people; military votes being blocked; real documentaries being banned from tv; mainstrean media lying. Get ready for the mainstream media to call an early win for John Kerry in an attempt to thart voters from voting for George W. Bush, the real deal, the right man, just like in 2000.
So it really wasn't just Al Gore after all. It's the democratic party which is anything but democratic.
What a bunch of scoundrals!
Make sure your vote gets counted or we may see yet another Jimmy Carter-like recession. Who wants or needs that?
Rating:  Summary: Thank God for FOX NEWS! Review: Fortunately, some of us as far back as four years ago were breaking away from the aminstream media and watching or listening to the more accurate independent media like FOX NEWS and the Sean Hannity Show to get the facts, not what was on CNN (Clinton News Network), CBS 60 Minutes or the other Democrat sponsored news sources in the mainstream media.
Thank God for honest people like Sean Hannity, Anne Coulter, Zell Miller and more.
And thank God that the right man--George W. Bush won and the wrong man--Al Gore lost.
Thank you FOX NEWS. Will be watching you even more than ever over the next 6 weeks.
Rating:  Summary: Will democrats try to block military votes again? Review: It's almost laughable that Al Gore created a campaign motto: 'every vote must count." Yeah, the same Al Gore that had military votes thrown out. I think what Al Gore really meant was make every vote for Al Gore count and make sure that any vote for Geoorge Bush be thrown out whenever and wherever possible.
Will this atrocity happen againin '04? If you are in the military or know anyone who is, make sure that absentee ballotts are recieved and make sure that get in the proper hands.
Every vote must count for sure and not just the ones the democrats want to count. We don't need another fiasco like we had in 2000.
Rating:  Summary: It's looking a lot lik 2000 all over again. Review: Lies about social security; the democrats secret weapon, lies about a draft that was proposed by democrat Charlie Rangel who then voted against it, attempting to block military
votes (just lke 2000) only because the miitary will vote overwhelmingly republican no matter what Kerry and the liberal liars say and so on and so forth.
Word of caution: vote early and disregard any mainstrea media tricks lke precalling a win for Kerry like then did for Gore in 2000 causing Bush to lose over 8,000 votes in Florida alone not to mention other CST time zones and losing the popular vote by a scant 1/2 point when Bush would have won both the popular vote by a wide margin along with the electoral college.
REMEMBER: If it's not close, the DEM's can't cheat!
Rating:  Summary: Is a historical masterpiece Review: No doubt At Any Cost: How Al Gore Tried To Steal The Election will continue to be the popular book in schools, colleges and libraries disseminating the real account of election '2000.
This book will show for decades and centuries how low Al Gore really was. What a bully and a loser he was and obviously still is.
This book will also reflect on how the mainstream media collaborated with the DEMOCRATS to try to pull a win for Gore. Thank God for FOX NEWS.
In the years to come I am sure that people surpisingly will say; "Hey I know all about Fox News watch it all the time but who the heck is Dan Rather? Who was the CBS, NBC, ABC News? Did they have news programs at one time?"
At Any Cost is a great book now and destined to be a historical masterpiece on what really happened in 2000. Thank you Mr. Sammon.
Rating:  Summary: Reply to Darla Greenly RE: Democrats have lost their soul Review: There is no doubt about it that democrats have indeed lost their souls in their quest to steal what they can't win. Your comments on election 2000 are right on. Your comments on "The current herd of democrat hopefuls...who would do justice to a carnvial or circus act" is also right on except carnivals and circuses are typically funny and professional. From Howard Dean who fell and turned out to be a joke to John Kerry who is also turning out to be a joke, their is nothing funny or professional about these guys. In election 2000 we had military votes thrown out and AL GORE announced as the winner before all votes were counted...discouraging voters who were pro Bush to go tot he polls becuase they heard on radio and tv, that Gore had already won and polls were closed. In election 2000, we had garbage about Pres. Bush's past come out three days before the election. In 2003 and 2004 we have seen republican like Arnold Schwarzeneggar and now Pres. Bush attacked undesveredly by frustrated and desperate democrats. All without basis. I was watching tv on Friday night and heard some interesting comments from Jerry Lewis. When asked what he felt about the current President Lewis said; "I have infinite respect for the President of the United States, no matter who he may be." Democrats can learn a thing or two from Lewis. That is how I was brought up as well. To respect the man who runs this country. There were a lot of things that I didn't like about Clinton, but I respected him for the title that he held (not to mention that he was booted out he would have been replaced by the robot--yuck!!!) Campaign 2004 is turning out to be much like Election 2000. A lot of dirt throwing, innuendo and downright lies by the democrats. From attacking Pres. Bush's military background to whatever else they can think of. The fact is, democrats have indeed lost their soul...and they have also lost a large percentage of their supporters. For the first time time since the 1950's, there are more republican voters than democrat and republicans hold the governorships in all of the largest states. Must be a good reason for that and I expect it to continue as more and more intelligent Americans leave the soul-less democrats as they opt for a better choice. Great review Darla Greenly. Please post again and share your thoughts.
Rating:  Summary: Shows the real AL GORE! Review: This is a excellent book that shows just how low Al Gore would go to try to win that 2000 election. True Gore managed to win the "popular vote" due mainly to Gore's and Gore's minions underhanded tactics but Gore only won 19 states to Bush's 30. Bush won by electoral votes and eventually, the supreme court had the final decision.
If in fact Al Gore and his minions not commited their acts of atrocities, the election would have been over in November and Bush would have won by a sizable margin. Interesting, even John Kerry now states that Bush beat Gore!
For more on the real Al Gore read Prince Albert: The Life and Lies of Al Gore by Bossie. Even if you are a democrat that voted for Gore, you will at least stop feeling sorry for Gore and realize that the right man won and why these atrocities as committed by the DEMS must stop now!