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Rating:  Summary: Very disappointed with this book Review: A negative review of this book is nothing more than anillustration of an inability to learn due to preconceived and/ordefensively entrenched misconceptions. Ironically, this is in partwhat this work is all about. Dr. Schulz's book clearly illustrates,with no possible exception, how people far too often internalizenegative events or circumstances into actual and detrimental physicalchanges within us. Once one realizes how prevalent the tendency is tophysically (albeit unwittingly) harm ourselves, one begins to gain ahighly valuable insight into a literally vital aspect what that wordintuition really means. I highly recommend this book! It iswithout doubt destined to be a classic and a milestone work on thehuman condition. It is well rooted in a solid scientific logic path..., and one of the most profound streams of all too human insightever written. Again, if you are willing to learn, this book can andwill positively and happily affect every day of your life. Thank youDr. Schulz!
Rating:  Summary: The mind-body connection is successfully communicated-Great! Review: As one who has spent much time, energy & money due to illness I found this to be most enlightening. Before I completed reading it I unexpedly encountered a Medical Intuitive had a reading and have had several sessions since. I am now on my way to better health. Gary Berman,PhD.DC of Dallas, Tx has given real hope of attaining good health. The information in Dr Schtltz's book "Awakening Intuition" was instrumental in my being open to this approach. Several in my family are enjoying it also. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Just Knew I Should Have Read This Book Review: Author: Mona Lisa, having posed herself before the artists and readers of the pen , must now live the power/vulnerability she so aptly describes. While she shouldn't be trusted under the hood or near the transmission of a car, I believe she has made superlative contributions in neuropsychiatry and medical intuition. She has "...read nearly everything that's been written about neurological control of the body's movement." Book: -pages: 397 info-packed (3000-word review would be sketchy.) -citations: 28.5 pages (8% of content), topic-grouped, predominantly from prof. journals. -index: comprehensive, 700 entries -definitions: ample -accessibility: complexity made readable. (sample ref: "A Left and Right Hemisphere Callosal Transfer Deficit of Non-Linguistic Alexithymia") -rigor: anecdote, personal experience and hard research are balanced. Main Theme: "Disease is a message that we need to receive so that we can re-evaluate some aspect of our lives and...probably change it." Intuition: confident, certain, sudden, emotional, nonanalytic, gestalt, empathic, unworded, creative; "the process of reaching accurate conclusions based on inaccurate information." Types: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, déjà vu, dreams... But, "Intuition without grounding in the world is useful to no one." What of dreams? Why would they be God/Nature-given? How might dreaming have enabled preservation of the species? Certainly humans contemplate actions/consequences while awake. Perhaps this continued into more complicated scenarios during sleep when the brain was not burdened with the senses and conscious behaviors. Perhaps throughout prehistory, when humans contemplated hazard, a frightening dream appeared, and the future genetic survivors backed off. Balancing: For avoiding illness Schulz calls for balancing of power and vulnerability in areas of trust/mistrust, activity/passivity, competence/incompetence, responsibility/irresponsibility, aggression/compliance, winning/losing, isolation/intimacy, independence/helplessness, morality/immorality, self-expression/holding back, rigidity/flexibility, receptivity/un-receptivity, rationality/non-rationality, purpose-in-life/detachment-from-life, and even left-brain/right-brain functioning. Autonomous Health: Schulz explains that multiple personality disorder brings different illnesses within each personality. In one individual only one/some personalities will have migraines, allergies, drug reactions, poor eyesight, right handedness or even burn marks. (references from: Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinics of North America; Journal Clin. Psychiatry; J. Nerv. Ment. Dis; Dissociation (3 ref's); and Brit J. Psychiatry) This confirms illness choice and the need to tune in to our intuition, emotions and bodies regarding predictions/preventions/causations of ADD, addiction, alcoholism, bowel disease, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, fibroids, epilepsy, immune system failure, infertility, Lou Gehrig's disease, trauma, mental illnesses, spinal pain and injury, others. Information Selections: -belonging: every body system is affected by belonging. -brain use: awake/asleep, 10%/100%. -cancer, breast, if brave-cheerful-stoic...while hiding anger, sadness, grief, bad relationships. -cancer, breast, if over-nurturing, over-sacrificing, over-giving/[*_*]\ -cancer, breast, predicted by response to trauma, not trauma.../[*_*]\ -cancer, cervical, passivity, pessimism, submissiveness.../[*_*]\ -cancer, prostate, loss of power'[-_-]' -dreams and childbirth: anxiety and conflict in dreams enabled easier deliveries. -dreams depict status of organs and warn of specific illnesses. -dreams work as dry runs and lay down neuronal pathways for behaviors. -dreams, frightening: if immed. discussed go to verbal memory, otherwise to body memory. -eating disorders: brain areas for food and sex are proximate in women/[*_*]\ -emotions, basic: love, joy, anger, sadness, fear, shame -emotions, suppression: inability to discuss intense emotions usually transforms into a symbolic language of symptoms and eventual illness... -friendlessness risk: as great as smoking, obesity. -heart, rabbits: ones on high cholesterol diet receiving human attention - little build-up. -infertility drugs, 3x uterine cancer risk/[*_*]\ -infertility, male: ambivalence, guilt, work anxiety, pressure, relationship conflicts'[-_-]' -intuition in any field "separates the men from the boys." -in-vitro fertilization: if shaky relationship, eggs may visibly reject sperm in a dish/[*_*]\ -Jonas Salk's intuition book: creativity (involves) interaction of intuition and reasoning. -left/right brain hemispheres: women more connected and can switch more easily/[*_*]\ -memory is stored in body areas and organs which communicate with the brain. -mentally disordered persons, unusual intuition. -messenger: through intuition your brain brings unwelcome, but needed, information. -morality: flexibility and balance vital to eyes, ears, nose and brain -organs: we will incur disease in the body organs associated with emotions split off. -sinusitis: mucous lining shrinks and expands with emotions. Selected Reference Titles: arthritis: Personality and Chronic Arthritis asthma: Paroxysmal Vocal Cord Motion in Presumed Asthmatics bereavement: Impaired Natural Killer Cell Activity... breast growth: ...Hypnotic Suggestion and Breast Growth/[*_*]\ cancer, breast: Psychosomatic Survey of Cancer of the Breast/[*_*]\ cancer, cervical: Relationship of Sexual Activity to Cervical Cancer cancer, children: Life Events and the Occurrence of Cancer in Children(-.-) cancer, u & c: The Psychological Setting of Uterine and Cervical Cancer/[*_*]\ cancer, attitudes: Mental Attitudes in Cancer common cold: Social Ties and Susceptibility... diabetes: Emotional Factors in Precipitation of Recurrent Diabetic Acidosis dreams: Physiologically Diagnostic Dream handedness: Scrotal Asymmetry and Handedness'[-_-]' heart, women: Behavioral Barriers to Cardiovascular Health in Women/[*_*]\ heart: Psychosocial Factors and Myocardial Infarction job loss ...Experience of Leaving a Job (health) MS: Etiologic Significance of Emotional Factors in...Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's: Type of Personality Susceptible to Parkinson's Disease pelvic pain: Childhood Sexual Abuse and Conseq. in Adult Women(-.-)/[*_*]\ psychosomatics: ... Family Influences and Psychosomatic Illness'[-_-]'/[*_*]\(-.-) psychosomatics: ...Diabetes, Arthritis, Thyroid...Muscular Tensions and Infectious Diseases technical Technical Intuition in System Diagnosis... thyroid: Life Events in the Pathogenesis of Graves' Disease thyroid: Thyroid Hot Spots: A Psychophysiological study Our Gifts and Humility: Imagine you are a perfectly fine specimen of the human body/mind/spirit, primarily dedicated to preservation of the species - but someone else is in charge. This is a conscious personality, relatively superficially created by contemporary society, who eats trash, uses drugs, overworks, underloves, undersleeps, provokes strangers and rejects all self-care information as the products of nuts. What would you do if you were this complex being with this "idiot" in charge? Might you scream out in dreams? Might you create a harmful-product-rejecting allergy? Might you create a mental/physical disorder to remove yourself from excessive demands or a threatening environment? We need to heed intuition's messages and warnings as we cultivate a deep respect for our millennia of development, and we need to understand that what goes on every second in our body/minds is hundreds of times more complex than anything we could ever consciously consider. Bill Norwood
Rating:  Summary: An Enlightened Woman with Her Good Book Review: I felt this book focuses too much on illness, and then the whole point the author is trying to make is a bit weakened because of this focusing, until the moment when I read her following words on page 291 and 292 in her book " Awakening Intuition", I know Dr.Schulz is a enlightened person. "It was as though a curtain had been drawn aside to reveal the world to me as it really was, and I knew what I had to do. ...I was going to live in the present. ...and I felt the oneness of the universe, how everything in the world was a part of me and I a part of everything. ...My facade, the shell we all wear as we navigate through the world, had fallen away, and I stood exposed to all the raw, throbbing reality if life around me and to all the knowledge avaiable to me..." "All at once I knew many things, ...I knew that there was a force in the universe...that made things happen in my life in a way I couldn't control, but that I was simultaneously endowed with the power to influence what happaned to me. ...I knew that I couldn't become overly attahced to one certain identity, or it might taken away from me." The words on these two pages worth the whole book. The author not only has the research ability, but also has the skill to clearly and consisely describe the way "enlightned" is. I wonder this is also the description to "Buddha" when He was enlightened thousands years ago. The last sentence on my above quote gives us another view - from medical/health point of view that why people should not selfish, should not concentrate to self too much, that peole should care others, that people should share with others. I wished the author could have extended what she found here to a higher level. If you can bear with the author to read all the medical cases, this is really a excellent book.
Rating:  Summary: Likes the Sound of Her Own Voice Review: I have no doubts about the author's talents and abilities as a physician and an intuitive. But I do believe she is so impressed with her own abilities that she often misses the boat. I would trust her for a diagnoses of a physical ailment, but I would not hold much value in her interpretation of the ailment's spiritual cause. She is much too tied to their standard relations and does not seem to get the fact that our subconscious speaks to us through illness as well to get us to do what it wants, whether or not it is for our own good. That swimmer's panic attacks when she boarded a plane may really have been her subconscious desire to fail or maybe caused by a past-life experience. Does she have panic attacks just when flying or at other times? Did they occur well before she started competitive swimming? I think her belief that the woman's soul wanted her to stop competing as an athlete was a little too easy a conclusion to reach. I, myself, had a phobia over driving a car. It wasn't until many years later, through a past-life regression, that I was able to find out why and, believe me, it wasn't at all my soul telling me not to drive or go to work or get out into the world. On the contrary, my soul wanted me to get over it but my subconscious would not allow it. I have no problems with driving a car now.
Rating:  Summary: Useful Insights about right brain/left brain functioning Review: One finds books by various serendipitious ways.My route was from World Peace Advocate John Hagelin to Critianne Northrup to Lisa.It was a point last year in March where I had renewed my search for an easy way to access my intuition.
I was fascinated by Dr. schultz's life experiences. I was also intrigued by her decription of the mind/body connection. I felt a growing sense that this book had not come my way by chance. Its insights were supposed to be used. Soon,Iwould discover. In two weeks I learnt that a close relative of mine.a young,bright,gregarious woman had quit college with extreme depression. I quickly understood that my role was to keep others focused on healing her.One year later she is back in school. She is on medication but a network of friends prayed for her and sent her love.
Later that year, in June, I suffered what was decribed as a 'silent heart attack'. It was a frightened experience which I went through alone for about four hours. In that period I drank water,kept my circulation going with my chi machine and meditated. I think I handled this experience without panic because I insisted in 'talking' to my body, to affirm that mind could influence physical body. I got though that period and am more healthy and in tune with my body.
One major insight I got from this book is that people like me who are fluent with words do not easily get in touch with their intuition. She suggested that using dreams was a good route for me. I knew this from past experiences so I returned to writing down my dreams. It has helped me.
A lot depends on which point in your life you read his book. I happen to be a meditator of thiry years and to have had several intuitive experienes. I've also met many gifted intuitive people. Therefore I did not approach the material with any great scepticism.
Also I felt strongly that I needed to learn the material that Dr. Schultz was explaining. People who are very left brained may find what Dr. Schultz says as so much "mumbo jumbo".
Even for readers familar with right brain theory may find Dr. Scuhltz's book not easy going. It's a book to buy and re-read.
I'd advise doing what I now do--opening the bok at random and reading that section.
Rating:  Summary: about the author's intuitive powers, not yours Review: The author gives too much autobiographical information which can get tiresome as it continues throughout the book. Also, it isn't written with the clearest format and tends to get sketchy in parts, over-detailed in others. However, I enjoyed this book and the possibilities it has inspired. I can tell you that this book was a great comfort to my sister, who suffers from MS. Bottom line; if you're looking with an open mind at the possibilites of a mind/body connection this is the best book on the subject. But, if you lean toward the skeptical and left-brained - forget about it!
Rating:  Summary: A must read Review: There are dozens of books on the how to of developing intuition; that isn't Schultz's intent in this book. She's speaking from her personal experience as a medical intuitive, an ability she developed on her own, because of her own physical problems. As for the length: I had no problem with it. Ruthless editors proliferate in the industry. But editors who allow a writer to write from the heart are rare. Schultz is telling you her story, her experience, her conclusions as an MD and an intuitive. As for the accuracy of the material, the litmus test for me was when I handed my father the book and told him to read the part about the Parkinson's patient. "This is me," he said.
Rating:  Summary: This is not a HOW TO book in any regard. Review: While I was encouraged by the convincing introduction, which describes what intuition is, how intuition is already speaking to us and how by listening to it we can live a fuller and healhtier life, I find the author does not fulfil the promise of her introduction or the book title on how to accomplish this. The book basically lays out in loose terms how our body speaks to us through illness if we ignore or fail to resolve the issues that cause emotional stress in our lives. She divides the body into seven emotional centers and their accompanying organs, and lays out what kind of emotional issues are connected to each center. She thus exposes the mind-body health relationship by linking emotional issues to the body areas they affect. She proceeds to give examples of what kind of diseases can arise if one of these emotional centers is out of balance (usually power vs. vulnerability balance). She draws on her experiences as a medical intuitive to demonstrate these mind-body links, either by using readings of her patients or by using her own personal life stories. While her readings and experiences are interesting and even fascinating, there is a lack of thoroughness in linking diseases and emotional issues that makes it unqualified as a real guide for people who want to find out what emotional issue is at the core of their illness. The book is even more lacking in giving people practical advice or guidance on how to deal with their emotional issues if they do find out what they are. As far as actually awakening, developing and exploring your intuition, this topic is not addressed until the very end of the book in a few short pages. I find too much of the book is not really useful to other than perhaps people totally new to the concept of intuition and the mind-body health link. It does not exhibit the wisdom and insight that guides or encourages other people towards health, and there are many other books in this genre that I would recommend above this one in that regard. I wish the author would have included more information on techniques to let your intuition speak to your conscious mind, shown wisdom and advice on how we can deal with and heal from emotional stress, and offered a better and more thorough guide for readers to link their specific diseases with corresponding emotional counterparts.
Rating:  Summary: ...divides and explains our human systems... Review: With the availability of today's broad spectrum of metaphysical, holistic, and spiritual books, Awakening Intuition truly stands out among them. I admit it has the world's worst title - dull and over used - but the contents are not to be missed. Mona Lisa Schulz is a gifted medical intuitive, having worked intimately with Carolyn Myss and especially Christiane Northrup. Add to this the fact that she has a M.D. and a Ph. D., and is a practicing neuropsychiatrist and neuroscientist and you might be more willing to accept her psychic abilities. In Awakening Intuition she very clearly divides and explains our human system of body and brain, working to assist the reader in the full understanding of the physical, and then taking the necessary leap to metaphysical realizations. Her aim is always to explain how you, the reader, can open up to your own intuitive sense of self. Schulz walks you through it. (My favourite chapter is on memory and the body, of course. It spouts off my belief on perceptionally reframing your past traumas 'in terms of what importance or relevance it has in your life', as a way of healing the intensity of traumas that are still affecting you today.) Truly an empowering work.
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